When will you idiots realize that Democrats are the only option that isn't literally suicidal?
When will you idiots realize that Democrats are the only option that isn't literally suicidal?
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am I gonna get an increase in my neet bux?
They’re not refusing to pass it they’re just making slight changes to it..... take gov 101 idiot
Right now there are millions of illegal immigrants consuming resources we need, doing jobs we need, sleeping in hospital beds we need. When the time comes they will have to be killed.
No, the old commie kike isn't going to save you and bring your hourly wage to 15 an hour of which you would never, ever achieve on your own merit.
You had your chance. You failed.
How the fuck a normal guy could vote for these retards? I will never understand. they are literally evil.
>Make Y bill to address current concern
>tack on a bunch of other shit you couldn't get passed normally
>Opposing party removes what was added
Notice this can be applied to either democrats or republicans. It's the oldest fucking trick in the book and retards fall for it every single time.
>democrats using the virus to get more gibs
kill is such an ugly word........ call it aborted to make it more fluffy and sweet.
Trump cut the CDC's budget by nearly 100% immediately upon entering office, just as they were warning of a supervirus. They told us that the United States was unprepared for such a supervirus in 2018, but Trump didn't listen because he's a fat greedy kike who needed to cut ecology and health department budgets to save more money for tax breaks for other fat greedy kikes.
That's why he said literally this morning that anyone who has coronavirus will receive free medical care and a stipend to help pay bills?
When will you liberals realize we don't care about and it's a good thing if you urban filth all perish?
>expand voting rights
to who?
>meme flag
Neck yourself you fucking glow nigger.
>that has
And what else does it have?
how is share blue still in business?
this is always the left's solution to everything. Why should it be any different after a panic that they created?
I hope you realize that even the NPCs are catching on to your scam
Sure, but where are they going to get the money from to give everyone all this free shit because mutts pay fuck all in taxes and I don't see them cutting the defense budget either.
Explain this to me americans.
>Republicans pass all of that
>people still panic sell
So the Democrats solution is to spend more money that doesnt exist?
Money grows on white people
Duh, racist
I'd prefer to see the total human extinction than have us slouch even slightly more to the left. That's how disgusting you and your I'll are to me.
>free testing
So the people who make the tests are just fucked and their product is free now?
What bullshit did Dems slip in this time? It's always something whenever they trot out "Republicans aren't passing bill that would turn the US into Utopia" headlines.
As opposed to what, free reign where there is no funding for research into the spread of the pandemic, there is no advice as to when to quarantine, or, you know, society?
>fake news. coronavirus is le nothingburgeur. rationalwiki said so
It's projected to be 15 times deadlier than the fucking flu and we're letting people enter this country via plane without even screening them. Are you retarded?
It's probably poorly written and full of stupid shit not on this list.
Never. sage
All you need to do is pay for all the gibs to nonwhites and illegals already here and ones which will be let through the "secure border" as long as they're really really sad and super really want to live in America. Oh, and we'll expand voting rights to them! Oh, and you'll lose your gun rights. Oh, and we'll continue to ship industry and jobs over seas in exchange for your complete dependency on the state for your livelihood and medicine. And we'll make sure we indoctrinate your kids, even if they were going into a trade. But I definitely care about the white working class and Ben Shapiro likes me!
The only correct response.
BTW: sorry about the nukes
No, retard. The Givernment will pay the jews that make the tests very hadsomely. It is the taxpayer that gets fucked in the ass. All the time every time, learn it.
>Democrats still playing politics
Have they accepted the big election loss for this year yet? They still do not seem to get it.
Yes. And we'll always have an endless supply of test kits and we'll always be able to create a new test in a matter of weeks for the next virus. Everything people need or for that matter want should be free and everything being free will have no impact on this or anything else. You're just greedy
You don't get it.
You used all of your crisis political capital during katrina.
It literally has never worked after that point.
People see you after an attack, and think 'goddamnit, just let me attend the funeral, I don't care about your theory the guy was a nazi!'
The administrative side of the CDC was well on its way to becoming a bloated obstacle in the way of any and all effective response even BEFORE the Obama years. Trump's cuts reflected that, but were poorly implemented by CDC leadership ( Branch Chiefs didn't want to lose their favorite Power-Point maker from their office in Building 19, so instead they cut lab positions and fired people that they wouldn't have to think about over in Building 23 who actually did science instead of rubbing elbows with the higher-ups)
Thanks /r/thedongald. So it isn't Trump's fault for decimating their budget, it's the CDC's fault for being so fucking useless. Because FUCK disease control, it's a waste of billionaire jews' tax dollars!
At least the CDC warned us about this exact outcome. Trump's still pretending only 20 people have died.
That's good and all but seeing how it is a democrat bill and the name Schatz I can only question what addendum was squeezed between pages that isn't listed here.
What fucking riders did those fags try to slip in?
> Trust the government!
OP is confirmed faggut
/thread, shouldn't have taken so long
also fuck twitter screencap OPs, fuck 1 post by this IDs, and fuck jannies
>fellow whites, the republicans are refusing to spend all our money on niggers and bankrupt the nation again. Pls call those fuckers and tell them to get it together. Thanks goys.
democrats tried to stop all travel bans
pretty much all politicians are traitors aside from ron paul
When you kys faggot
its just a flu retard
I was being facetious, huebro. I was pointing out how stupid it is for thes people to call something "free".
It’s a fucking flu
Get a life
Ron Paul. It's a shame his kid hasn't wised up.
All this whining is a crisis is going to be bad optics for democrats in the long run. Everyone can plainly see what they're doing.
fake tweet, u Yas Forumstard wh*toids really are fucking stupid
> A whole bunch of gibs mixed with the latest scare.
If they are hesitant to pass a health care bill, it's probably because it's loaded down with pork.
That's not what he said. He said free TESTING, not care.
Really, this looks like a good initial list. It's geared toward keeping actual humans going during the crisis rather than trying to keep the market going.
Where’s the bill? I want a laugh
Those services are going to b paid for with my money and given to people that are neither me nor my family. It'd be suicidal TO support them.
sage & block memeflags
Side note, why are Jewish names so disgusting? Schatz, Schitz, Blatt...
Am I retarded?!
My link was replying to some lying cocksmoker saying Trump cut the CDC budget