Internet 'is not working for women and girls', says Berners-Lee


>Women and girls face a “growing crisis” of online harms, with sexual harassment, threatening messages and discrimination making the web an unsafe place to be, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has warned.

The inventor of the world wide web said the “dangerous trend” in online abuse was forcing women out of jobs, causing girls to skip school, damaging relationships and silencing female opinions, prompting him to conclude that “the web is not working for women and girls”.

>“The world has made important progress on gender equality thanks to the unceasing drive of committed champions everywhere,” Berners-Lee wrote in an open letter to mark the web’s 31st birthday on Thursday. “But I am seriously concerned that online harms facing women and girls – especially those of colour, from LGBTQ+ communities and other marginalised groups – threaten that progress.”

The warning comes a year after Berners-Lee launched the Contract for the Web, a global action plan to save the web from forces that threaten to drag the world into a “digital dystopia”. Without tackling misogynistic online abuse, the aims of the contract cannot be achieved, he said.

>“It’s up to all of us to make the web work for everyone,” the letter states. “That requires the attention of all those who shape technology, from CEOs and engineers to academics and public officials.”

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>women can't into internet
maybe if they could just learn to show their tits or gtfo it would be fine.

>silencing female opinions

How do you mean "not working"?

Did they try turning it on and off?

They should try resetting their routers

Soon we will have internet sensitivity training in middle school

>silencing female opinions
How about silencing white men posting nationalist things? Do they want to fix that too?

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They have entire corporate media networks that fluff their douchebags 24/7 with comments disabled to drown out "toxic" (disagreeing) opinions while we have this shithole

>we have to change all of this because i dont like it reee
really? we fucked up society for these lazy assholes, now we're going to make the internet facebag to appease these sensitive cunts? for real? they've ruined all facets of political life and all areas of exploratory growth in sciences to make it about their pussy pass having credibility when it hasn't for decades.
women are by default self centered bigots.

Berners-Lee is Bernie Sanders in disguise isn't it?

Not going to lie, like: Im a legit incel, 33 year old, virgin, I really dont care for women, treated like shit by them for most of my life, or ignored.

But when im playing a game, say Basedwatch, and some girl communicates ingame, and some guy just says "SHUT THE FUCK UP SLUT" for no reason, it just makes no sense to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.

I dont say anything, because im not a simp, cuck, and I dont even bother trying to get a e-girlfriend, let a lone a real life girlfriend, but I just dont see what the purpose of it is, just to say shit like that, for no reason.

Again, im an incel, and I hate how women act, fucking Chads, slutting around, destroying society year by year, etc I get all of that, but why just the random sperging out at a girl in a video game just calling out something?

I just dont get it. I just ignore all the women in game, I dont insult them, I dont yell at them, I just say 1 word replies to keep things respectful, or just say nothing at all.

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Guys if bitches and simps fuck up the internet any more than they already have I think I'm gonna go skullmask mode

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>"we're going to have to shut down the internet to protect the women and childrens and lunatics," says increasingly nervous elite in the face of the internet-spread populist/nationalist awakening to the jews and their Masonic cronies

post tits.

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Have sex Incel and stfu

It's a shame niggers like and cannot understand the idea of unfeminizing women through gentle conversation online. It's the only way to get these women and colored people to see sense.

women ruining everything, like always.

Read the entire post, leddit tier line for leddit tier line.

The internet doesn't work for anyone. Either you learn to use it or it uses you. I'm so fucking sick of women expecting everyone to do everything for them.

Oh, please, spare me. Women are as guilty of being harassers as they often as they claim to be "victims."

>silencing female opinions

you mean the hatred that's spewed somewhere every other fucking weekend in the freest countries with a bunch of bitches larping like they're oppressed?
or is it muh womens history month?
what a bunch of garbage, you can't even express your opinion if you are slightly anti cunt.

>But when im playing a game, say Basedwatch, and some girl communicates ingame, and some guy just says "SHUT THE FUCK UP SLUT" for no reason, it just makes no sense to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I'm gonna explain it to you user.

Men and boys want to form tribes and groups to share hobbies, activities and to reach objectives WITHOUT females.

Females have been forced into every male space, and males are forced to not only interact with females but to interact in THEIR TERMS.
Not only you are forced to let your retarded sister in your clubhouse, but also you are forced to play by her rules.

To make things even more unfair and retarded, females are allowed to have THEIR OWN GROUPS and to boast about it.

Male "hate" or "aggression" to females is actually males excercising their right to self determination and freedom of association in a society that want to force them to interact with females under the assumption that the females will become less retarded and more productive. Also is a way to feminize the boys and pacify them into accepting international judendom rule.

It's that simple.

They use the CLAIM of being a victim to harass, now, with false accusations.


In Videogames, if a hole opens her mouth I teamkill her.
literally walk to her ingame and shoot her with a pistol in the head and say "thats what you deserve you whore", then I press Alt F4 and never return to the server. I do it for fun.

t. 32yo virgin

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totally never heard women moan on for months bitching about one thing their 'friend did to them' and its like one cunt said something to another cunt who then cunted out over the original cunt out.
what a bunch of fucking babies and it shows when they lose anything.
the progenitors of the participation trophy.

>everyone chick becomes a thot making money and inflating ego by whoring herself onlife
>“the web is not working for women and girls”

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lol he also supported in-browser DRM, he's a disgusting person

>But when im playing a game, say Basedwatch, and some girl communicates ingame, and some guy just says "SHUT THE FUCK UP SLUT" for no reason, it just makes no sense to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
tfw I did this shit yesterday on Overwatch. She was actually a decent player but fucking nagging as fuck.
Stupid bitch sent me a friend request. I probably would have let her carry me if she could learn to shut her mouth.

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The problem lies between the chair and the keyboard.

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Have they tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?

Maybe women should go back to being stay at home wives if they wanna be protected by men FROM LITERALLY EVERYTHING

Or they could just stop attention whoring and stay anonymous like normal people.

dudes rock 2020

>But when im playing a game, say Basedwatch, and some girl communicates ingame, and some guy just says "SHUT THE FUCK UP SLUT" for no reason, it just makes no sense to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
absolutely fucking based. girls only play this game to fuel their addiction to attention and this chad instantly denies her gratification and shamed her for trying. you should do the same you cuck

you guys are so blinded by your own cocks that you can't imagine there are many more women not whoring themselves online

Women are too dumb for literally everything ...

>>“That requires the attention of all those who shape technology, from CEOs and engineers to academics and public officials.”

yeah of course its a call for more corporate censorship under pretense of identity politics
sick of these tricks

Stop white knighting

tell that to the women on "" who make 6 figures selling nudes to fucking simps

that's the thing - that's all they do already. they're either complaining about oppression and objectification, then they proceed to oppress anyone who says bad words and also constantly objectify themselves.

the west is going to go full sharia on them if they dont stop. stupid cunts.

>thinly veiled push for Corporate/Government control and censorship of the internet under the guise of much wahmen

>because its not 100% its not a systemic issue
get the fuck out, retard

I'm not WKing.

I get uncomfortable when people do this in game to guys as well. But it doesn't happen when guys are on comms. I just noticed it tends to happen almost every time a girl uses comms, even when shes just being serious and talking about ingame plays only. Its just uncomfortable feeling to me when guys just yell in anger out of nowhere because a girls voice is on comms.

women on the internet - pic related

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>“It’s up to all of us to make the web work for everyone,”
if wahmen have agency, then can sort out their own shit

>many more women not whoring themselves online
lmao. even your mom has sent nudes online. fag.

>But it doesn't happen when guys are on comms.

I meant to say, it doesn't happen OFTEN when guys are on comms, 9/10 times guys wont do that random insults and yelling at other guys, but 9/10 times a guy will yell and insult at some girl in game just randomly for no reason.

>“That requires the attention of all those who shape technology, from CEOs and engineers to academics and public officials.”

Stopped reading here.

> especially those of colour, from LGBTQ+ communities and other marginalised groups
so bored of this exact incantation in these exact words. they really are npc

the virgin incel vs the chad misogynist

sounds like you need HRT meds

this faggot is responsible for drm being part of the standards
fuck him
bring back gopher

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cause its how boys communicate, but women are too frail to hang with the boys
so instead they punish boys and try to make them as docile as girls, everyone should be a sheep - so much easier to rule

Aren’t women graduating at increased rates compared to men? Their representation is up across all categories of education, they’re over 40% in elite MBA programs. I find his statements hard to believe. Does he just have a daughter and shit?

I have a better idea than changing the Internet. How 'bout someone just destroy it utterly. I have no use for it besides shitposting. Women are the true abusers of the internet. Always using it to whore around. I fucking hate women. They're absolutely worthless and ruin so many lives.

Define "not whoring"
the actual internet exist in function to women

>implying gopher ever went away

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Yeah, why not. Silencing bigoted white men who post white nationalist content is something that needs to get fixed.
As in, we need to get social media platforms to be way more effective about it.

You don't have to be online to whore yourself, retard. Ever heard of hypergamy?

When you open pandora’s box, you don’t get to complain about what comes out. Humans weren’t meant to be connected globally.

well said, well said
after all its all about control

I hope this shithole gets shut the fuck down.
I can't understand why it hasn't already.

But that's all they do

lmao girls 10 years ago were trolling people along with everyone else.
It's the oversensitive youth the one that's whining.

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>cause its how boys communicate,

Girl: widow top left watch out

How is that how boys communicate? maybe if you're talking about alcoholic drug abusing bush pig bogan tip rats, but thats not how guys communicate.

>Bragging about double standards
Then you whine when people call you mentally ill.

>I don’t like women so I act like a complete pushover and pussy to be “respectful” to them online

Smart move

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seriously. go dilate now you simpering fuck. you are a woman, go get hormone drugs and make it official

>urgent action to make cyberspace safer for women and girls
Nobody forced you to upload hundreds of pictures where you show tits you fucking attention whores. Live with the consequences of your actions instead of bothering everybody else.