Holy shit...it was an American false flag all along

Holy shit...it was an American false flag all along...

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STFU bong

Geez, what’s with all this rage over the Italian Flu?

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Thankfully, their bought and sold American politicians are doing the same thing.

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I would honestly bet it was our shit house glow niggers that Trump is too pussy to deal with. That's what happens when you let people pretend they are above the law

I think Chuck should make a visit to Wuhan to strengthen our ties


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the chinese bought it from some lab in the us
the chinese did whatever they did in their own wuhan lab and fucked us all up


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We’re pretty sure it was stolen from Canada then got loose in wuhan due to typical Chinese incompetence.

China owns you, shut the fuck up pig americans. Apologize to your new masters, and maybe you'll be given a vaccine.

Fucking gook cunts trying to save face.

No vaccine exists Chang... Shouldn't have tried to play god because the real One will put you in your place.

>it's racist because i said so

Don't they realise that, making it about race is inherently racist? The virus originated in China, a geographic location of the origin of the virus. it's not even about race.

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Do they really think this will work? That after months of global mind share associating it with China they're just going to propaganda their way out of it?

Unironically true. blaming chinkland is just your standard fare of ameripropaganda, otherwise this shitfest would have hit a lot sooner.

>august 2019
>"I know that they're doing their best over there to ensure safety," she said. "But something went wrong here, and I still don't know what went wrong. But something did because CDC closed the labs.

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US Bioweapon.

Reminder that it was Russia that released the virus, because it would not only take out it's enemies in China, but America and Europe too.

-Notice how there are fewer cases in Russia vs China, South Korea, Japan, America?
-Notice how the Russian virus lab had an """"Accident""" just prior to the virus

-Notice how the virus happened during the Chinese lunar year when people would gather around, but also around Valentines day for the West when people would too also gather around family?
-Notice how Putin's puppet Trump is doing his best to cover the massive outbreaks in America, which in it's self makes it more likely to spread and scientists had to intervene to basically stop him?
-Notice how this does damage to the economy of the west but also when Russian allies in Saudi Arabia dumped oil to further crash the market, thus amplifying the damage to the west?
-Notice how in the Protocols of Russia, they called for Biological warfare with China as a means to control it?

Are things finally falling into place for you Yas Forums? Would you finally accept the truth behind this virus release??

When the news calls it 100% fake, you know there's a possibility it's real.

I always wondered why Chucky never Shilled for Israel. Yellow Jews are actually worse.

How did I know this would be the OP's flag before I clicked?

>muh russia
You've been doing this for four years now.

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>Muh russia is a guud boi
You are no better than a liberal defending a rapefugee

>believing anything the yellow Jew says
We apparently aren't sending our best.

>tfw you want to blame it on America but that would be tacitly admitting it is a bioweapon
Whatever, Chink shills can simultaneously believe that it came from the seafood market and America at the same time. They are literally Orwell tier.

Typical strong man playbook. Where do you think most conspiracies on Yas Forums come from?


They didn't accidentally do shit. It was done as smoke screen to hide the fact their economy is dying as long as possible.

batsoup shills out in force

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>research is from BASTE ALLY Japan and Taiwan
Amerimutts getting nervous

It's funny because Soviet Union tried to say the CIA was behind the Chernobyl incident when it was soviet leadership censoring vital information accidentally.

What evidence do they have to support this? None? Less than none?

>fruitbats come from US occupied Palau and Guam
>fruitbat soup comes from come from US occupied Palau and Guam
>US occupied Palau and Guam is source of regular new virus outbreaks for decades
lmao muts are seething

>.it was an American false flag all along.
Only if you believe Chinese propaganda and the lies the CCP tells to pacify their billion slave laborers.

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>valentines day
>gathering around family
what the fuck are you on

russia's gdp is smaller than that of texas. what the fuck can they do

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the greatest diversity of haplotypes of the virus are present in the USA, which is not the case in any other country. ergo, USA essentially muttified the virus, check the map

LOL Did not age well

It is painfully obvious whatever happened it was chinks fault the virus started spreading
it doesn't matter if it was american virus stolen by chinks or chinks dunotsteal bioweapon, it was China who fucked up and doomed us all
of course humanity will recover but fuck me it's so tiresome to get new disease which fuck you and economy in the ass from china shithole every few years

The CIA never sleeps nor thinks.

>russia's gdp is smaller than that of texas. what the fuck can they do
Ahh yes "Russia dindu nuffin dey is poor" Being poor doesn't make you unable to do anything or prevent you from causing destruction. Just ask niggers.
Besides Russian virus labs have still been running since the cold war.
>Valentines day, gathering around family
You are not American so you really wouldn't even understand the day. People go out on dates in public restaurants, go to music concerts and movies on that day. Its the perfect time for russians to virus attack us


>don't say anything bad about asians goy!


Believing propaganda. Show your flag memeflaggot.

Coronavirus was an American black operation.


Yes, the Washington patient 0 is strangely close to Wuhan first outbreak, I can't find the blog from the doc that publish it, I saw it on twatter

It's a bioweapon illicitly purchased or stolen from a Canadian or American lab. Chinese were cheating because they're too stupid to come up with shit on their own.

Fucking bioweapons labs all over the West for decades, and nothing bad happens.

Chinks get one in their lab and it immediately gets out in the wild. Covid19 is proof of Chinese incompetence and stupidity.

w-w-wait they cant do that, thats bigoted and promotes xenophobia!

This is pretty much undeniable at this point.

I assume that's because America legitimately has the most biodiversity with regards to suitable hosts. That correlation doesn't mean causation though...

Jezus christ you boomers are insufferable dont know the diffrence between your ass and front pathetic.

Its ALWAYS jews

nice try china.. the world is not buying your bullshit.

I agree - Black Americans did this.

call it the Wuhan Virus or China Flu, we can't let these chinky mother fuckers get away with it.

>chinks trying to shift the blame
Nice try Chang. You feel great shame over your tiny yellow pp


And then link that to the CDC beingso reluctant to test for the virus, and the evidence start to pile up.
When the virus was detected on January, already had mutated, meaning that it was spreading on the community before that

First it was a bat someone ate. Then it was a laboratory in Wuhan. Now it's the fault of the United States government. One thing that doesn't make sense, even if it's true, is why the U.S. would release a virus in China they knew would have consequences world-wide? You could say it's to hurt the reputation of Chinese all over the world. Except the U.S. has many, many, many things they could reveal about China to the public to create hatred and hurt their reputation. They don't need to create some false flag operation with potential immediate blowback.

I don't think retarded Black Americans could have pulled this off.

This is treasonous. They are carrying out chinese propaganda. I hope all these people get the CHINK flu and i hope it wipes out all CHINK apologists like the entire nba and hollywood

>Steal samples from spies in Canada
>Try to make a supervirus that is specifically made to infect and kill as many as possible
>Fuck up because chinks have lower IQ than niggers and one of their braindead drones accidentally got pissed on by a bat while eating its ass
>Infect entire country, then the world
>Somehow this is trumps fault

This obviously reeks of a third world virus.

Not surprising. At all. It wouldn't be the first time the U.S. do something like this.

They won't test for it because they don't want asymptomatic vaginas taking up hospital beds that could help actual sickies.

No, this can't be happening!
Turn around isn't fair play!

Hear, Hear

This is Chinese incompetence from A to Z.
Throw in some Western Jewery that utilizes the slave labor the chinese communist government forces on its people to try to bring something to the table on the global scale, and you have a pandemic and the world economy collapsing.

It's called saving face. It's very important to Asian culture.

Kek I appreciate your devotion to it.

By that time there where just a few, so you have 2 options the CDC was negligent, it has never being like that.
or they didn't want to sound the alarm to soon

if thats true then china setting up for war.
likely it is chinese bio weapon.

Who has taken efforts to maximize damage to the entire world and economies and especially Trump?
Soros shills
Globalist shit countries
Glowniggers at every level at every step of the way

Who has taken steps to actually protect people?
The Federal Reserve(shocking)
Russia and Saudi Arabia(lol)

The lines are clear and the same as always. This is never a coincidence.

Suck a fucking dick you incompetent glownigger retards. If this virus is real, you literally murdered a bunch of people's grandparents just to set markets back a year and fucking lose anyway.

Suck a fucking dick.

>if we say it came from them they'll never reveal that it came from our labs
man, fuck chinks

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Option number 3: this is all China's fault, fuckers need to stop eating bats because the world is sick of SARS outbreaks.

>no link
either fake and gay or you're a no-effort faggot; which is it?

Corona was made by Israel. That's why it hit China and Iran the hardest. That's why the kikes claim to have a cure already.

doesn't have to be the US that released it, but as suggests, it would more likely have been purchased or stolen as some black-ops thing it's not unlike certain government (((merchants))) to sell out security, just ask hilldawg about her uranium one dealings with russia, or that older jew rosenberg who got necked for stealing the nuke plans for israel.

It could have been someone from the Philippines, or wherever, who ate a bat with the virus, then traveled to China. The official story sounds the most reasonable because bats carry the virus. The story about China stealing the virus from U.S. or Canadian laboratories and accidentally releasing it to the public is much less likely.

Was deep state that released it to move attention from their satanic pedo rituals in Epstein's Island. They were getting exposed and now NPC's are happy because Weinstein is in jail.

>Protecting people
Nigga thats a good joke

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False flag? I don't think there is anything false about it.

It was a biological attack.

fox media, oy vey

I watch Chinese government sources and see zero mention of this. They're also forcing you take fentanyl. Stay strong!

Hur Hur the bat theory hasn't been proved.
Also look how easily spread to AIPAC
and other USA gov oficials I doubt they pass much time around elderly houses on Washington

It's because the US didn't release the virus in China.
The Chinese did because, for all of the stereotypes about their intelligence, 98% of them are functionally retarded.
They bought or stole--because that's all they have ever been able to muster--some sort of access to a bio-weapon that was placed in a lab they produced with knock off quality equipment, and cheating retards in charge, that then accidentally let it escape due to their own incompetence.
Once it took hold of their people, they quarantined and killed off thousands upon thousands of their own people while sending others out of the country to population centers.
Chinese incompetence led to the initial release and their malice caused it to spread. Western decadence and cultural sensitivity took it from there to lead this into being a pandemic and economic disaster.

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If its not from bats its from one of the two biolabs they have in Wuhan
Pick your poison chink

"We have a common enemy, actually, an enemy of the World"


The US is trying to get MORE immigrants... While China has an overpopulation problem and historically have culled their own herd countless times.

Not only is it infinitely more likely that the Chinese released this or accidentally came about it by eating bats... The notion America would randomly do something against its meta interests is pants-on-head absolutely fucking retarded.

But what do I know

SARS wasn't traced back to bats?

Tell me more about how you're illiterate, Chang'rone

boomers are in their 80s or dead you moron

>Holy shit...it was a Canadian false flag all along...

Russian disinformation campaign against the US false flagging the US as the source of the Chinese virus? It's like a matroshka doll of Russian deceptions and lies

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>Jezus christ you boomers are insufferable dont know the diffrence between your ass and front pathetic.
Shut the fuck up retard and go play in traffic

Possible. Weird how all the glownigger stolen weapons of mass destruction go to Canada and then disappear.

I wish it were true.

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The lab is there precisely for the potential of an outbreak, something USA knew

Chinese trying to blame others again