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I'm sure you took care of that, keyboard, mouse, etc.
When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?
There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control.
>China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control.
This is still playing out. Both alarmists and their opposition (you) are annoying. Wait and see, something seems to be happening.
>seconds after opening
Yea, about 720 seconds. Dipshit.
Good. Crash and burn, bitches. I want to see you leap from windows. You disgusting vampires have been selling out our jobs and our manufacturing overseas for years so you could squeeze an extra buck. You've been predatorily buying interests to force mergers SPECIFICALLY to boost stock prices, with no cares that you were causing thousands of people to lose their jobs.
Corona Chan is the Happening that just keeps on giving.
its fun to watch automated gambling programs that run wall street implode. maybe Dune was right and we shouldn't be overly reliant on machines.
China Manufacturing PMI Dec2008: 38.8
China Manufacturing PMI Feb2020: 35.7
Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts.
fake kike banking kicking you when down
let it all burn this doesnt help its a scam, banks should be strong enough to help now instead they fuck you when things are good and stab you when things go bad
burn it all
fucking kikes
kike bioweapon
Thread theme:
This might be it frens
Hey, how are you holding up over on Yas Forums? We're here for you if you guys need to talk
if didgits tomorrow will make black Tuesday look like a joke
holy shit
Rate my prep for two adults and toddler. Should I get more meat? Looking for a month supply.
still more threads about this than actual stock trader suicides
wait, why are they allowed to CLOSE the stock market? just because the 1% is losing their ass? wtf
I made my girlfriend cry by yelling at her to take out her investments Yas Forums.
Time to buy
Fuck yeah dude, sick cunt!
DOW 10K. We can do it!
C'mon user, you're so closing to figuring it out.
kek. I love that this is still going. You're alright, user.
This is the end of the US Empire, all hail China, the most advanced civilisation in human history which achieved what was previously thought to be impossible.
They have already recovered from Corona and their productiveness has almost reached the pre crisis heights.
Now they have implemented severe restrictions on travel and quarantines, the few planes they let in all land on newly built quarantine terminals that were recently built for this special occasion.
It's unfathomable how quick they are to react, in Germany they need over 10 years to build a new terminal, Chinese now did the same in a few weeks in order to be able to quarantine foreigners as soon as they land.
In my opinion, it’s a great time to buy stocks or into your 401K. I would be all in... let’s see if I’m right...
12:47 PM · Feb 28, 2020
wooo!! yayy collapse! death to america!
You dumb? Buying right now? You don't buy unless you can see this thing eventually getting better.
Right now it spreads exponentially, no one has an idea where it will stop. Only countries who were able to successfully suppress it are China and Taiwan.
We have no idea if any other country will be able to replicate this success.
we should give the capitalists anything they want
maybe sacrifice some children to them
It’s also fun to watch the headlines ”stocks Plummet on corns virus fears” they have no idea what the kike bankers have set up. Nearly 1/3 of stocks wiped out in 2 weeks reeeeeee
well everyone keeps talking about this shitcoin called DOWJ but i cant seem to find it on coinmetrics
probably some pajeet scam token
Why not. Either it will bounce back or currency will be completely useless. Wheres the negative?
Buy the dip faggot
everyone, i am officially coming out and admitting that i was wrong. i let my emotions get to me. my intelligence was manipulated by fake news videos, and i am sorry. i thought this was a large something burger but it turns out that it was nothing. you were right; i was wrong.
signed, Yas Forums, who happens to be one person (me)
I would wait for the moment when the curve of infections starts showing signs of stabilising at a certain level (that isn't capped by the number of daily testing available).
Then you know that now it will slowly start getting back to normal, and this will still take months.
Before that stocks will drop and drop and drop except for a few that really get big in this type of crisis.
I want to physically harm memeflags
>he hasn't prepped yet
Wǔmáo fuck off
Time for communism
Are you that hacker 4chans?
copefag, truth hurts only fools.
>only Doom Paul in entire catalog
>actually is happening
What happen to this place guise? Is it unironically over?
That and see if any CEOs die.
We all know both of you are Pajeets
>This is the end of the US Empire
>Says some fuck for the 1000th time this century
Fuck your cuntunism
We all have to cope with your dirty fucking kind.
Many will, so will a lot of politicians since their job brings high risk behaviour with it (conferences with lots and lots of people from all over the world)
Any Empire ends, yours did too, now you are a Pakistani colony. Shit happens.
>how will we ever survive?
It's crazy how much superior state capitalism is, and yet libertarians still argue MUH FREE MARKET
Hey Redddit, psst, when you type that 1337speak you've seen in other posts on Yas Forums, you need to actually reply to the actual first post. Just a helpful reminder, now please kill yourself.
If you were intelligent you would learn from the Chinese now.
In Austrian TV (I'm Austrian/Serbian dual citizen) we show now every day documentaries of the unfathomable resolve the Chinese had to implement massive restrictions and security protocols to achieve the impossible.
Only a dumb person refuses to learn. Even Trump learns from the Chinese experience now with some of the things he's doing.
But his problem is he is dealing with a people that will not stand together and fight this war against the virus like one body.
This kills the CDU
The Chinese have a pretty good system, don't agree with everything but when I look at the things the promote with their social capital system like visiting parents and taking care of them and not cheating I can't find much fault with it.
Maybe it's invasive but maybe it's exactly what was needed there at the current stage of societal development.
Maybe when we've degenerated enough we will need something like that too to return to a more stable path.
I fucking hope so.
But most people who vote the CDU are old fucks who still think they are conservative who are probably are gonna get killed by corona chan
t. german in stalingrad in november 1942
I have a few €100k in cash in Austrian banks, never wanted to invest in the speculation jew.
I kinda wished I had physical gold now but how to protect it from thieves and robbers?
Especially since they now take your name whenever you buy physical gold with the value being higher than €10k.
That's like being put on a list for raiders with connections to easily know where to do home invasions in order to steal gold.
Markets are down like 30% from ATH. It's not uncomceivable that they could end up down 50-70%. Not sure why you'd buy now when we're having huge circuit-breaking dumps every other day. It's not like it's going to bounce back in a day and you'll miss the chance, this bear market could last for months or years.
cool coincidence that during February a dozen of them resigned. big fish.
Will Deutsche bank finally fall?
at what point will currencies collapse is the question. I believe they wont because there is no willingness of the elites to let go of their superpower status, so they will make it go on until only threat of WW3 gets them to back down and accept their downfall. (which I don't see happening right now)
But I'm no expert here, who knows.
i know it's trolling but what's up with chetniks shilling for china? i see it a lot on index and b92. is it because of how china is anti-america? i don't think it's because of communism and ussr and yugoslavia, i mean chetniks are monarchists. really weird.
btw usa will probably nuke it in case they really step up the first world power game.
This stock market collapse is not Corona-related. Trump and Q thought they had all the answers but God controls the economy not them and God will never let their plan to introduce Tesla’s energy technologies come to pass because there are things that man was not meant to know.
No, they will simply suspend reality somehow with the stroke of a pen.
None of these elites are going to give up the EU without some serious threat of war.
This is just one big nothing burger
other than raiding, how can I collect people's wealth during this time?
I went to the local Walmart to survey and all the toilet paper was gone and hand sanitizer gone too but there were hundreds of bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide for 88 cents per 32 ounces.
People were talking on their cell phones standing right next to the h2o2 and telling their loved ones It's Happening, all the hand sanitizer is gone.
91% alcohol in the background, fully stocked also.
So knowing how stupid people are, how can I take their money with some simple business or service that doesn't really do anything but gets paid really well.
I could say I have an All GREEN safe for the environment gluten free boomer approved disinfectant and just go around spraying everything down with Peroxide and distilled water was my first thought.
Yep. It is all ogre now. No, but seriously we are fucked. Glad I decided to quit my job and invest in bullets.
Fucking problem is that for the past decade we had such a low interest rate that "saving" money became impossible. They wanted us to invest but never thought of the consequences.
Now we are fucked.
They will be saved by the German government again to keep the system going.
Very unstable situation
buy it now and get more
shit is selling out fast
Buy in smaller increments? Buy property and rent it out?
its a confirmed hoax just like every other pandemic
but pol is trying its hardest to tank the economy so that Davos and friends can institute global fascism
you slimy little shits
There hasn't been quarantines in the US. We are at least a month away from rock bottom.
that's scarily prophetic
only a jew or boomer would care. lol.
Theyre not saying the virus is fake
What kind of dumb question is this? China is a cooperative superpower, they do not spread pornography, heroin, feminism and propaganda for sterility.
They also do not commit genocides everywhere to rule over other countries.
Why on earth should I be against them? Also we are their special partner for the future world order in this region.
Serbia is going to profit big if China gets to rule, actually all of Eurasia is going to profit but we will do so much more than others.
>btw usa will probably nuke it in case they really step up the first world power game.
Who knows, the US is serving Satan in this world, it is possible. But god is the master of history and Satan will not be allowed to win no matter what.
I hope there's enough people with common sense in the US who understand this and will not allow it to happen because in the end they will lose.
I watched Canadian TSX drop 3 percent in less than a minute this morning.
Not to be a dick, but...well, yes, to be a dick, actually...think of all the derivatives that will need to be paid off...
Last I looked, worldwide exposure to derivatives was around 7 times the global yearly GDP...
That's what crashed the banks across the globe, last time.
yeah that guy that went missing from the CDC and turned up drowned by a rock to the back of his head had something to do with this.
around the same time they had to shut down Ft. Myers base in VA after 3 or 4 men got a rage zombie virus from a suspicious package. 2018 I think.
The CDC guy was trying to warn people publicly about something and they fired him and he went missing for a few months then found dead drowned in a half inch of water initial reports were his head was smashed.
Nothing ever happens