>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Good wörk on pic related. It's awesome. >UK's tactics will shift from 'containing' the killer disease to merely 'delaying' its inevitable spread In what world are those two different? You contain it to dampen the exponential curve. If everyone gets sick at once, the system gets massively overloaded. RIP NHS lmao
Isaiah Lopez
>In other news Britain has an alternative strategy Is it a long stick and a hearty push away from the continent?
some German user asked in another thread for someone to make it, how could I not lel no, they literally just let it spread to reach herd immunity, based and economypilled
I think you'll have to revise that more than once. it looks like it might just go to shit all at once. business is already squealing like raped pigs, airlines going broke as we speak, and let's not forget the pension system that will go tits up once enough workforce gets wuhanrantined
>but not an expert never trust a person who says he's an "egzberd of egonomy", fucker's lying. there is nothing exceptional about economy despite all the fancy word talk. so just keep on reading and making your own mind, fren!
Connor Roberts
Ziegelstein oben.
Jackson Mitchell
dont worry. they will forcefully bankrupt every german taxpayer before they let fall deutsche bank.
good popcorn times ahead indeed
Ian Richardson
>implying that most taxpayers are not already bankrupt
Josiah Morgan
Please have some respect for our future Bundeskanzler
Isaac Gutierrez
Ich sehe was du da gemacht hast.
Cameron Rivera
Millions will die
Andrew James
kek, this article will age like milk
Carson Thomas
>schlongslapping every bankster I meet after SHTF!
... nackt ausziehen, mit Schmalz einreiben und dann mit Dreschflegeln durchs Dorf treiben. ;)
enough left. force mortgage on every property; forcefully collect all money on every giro above 2k; emergency petrol tax; emergency health insurance payments etc
Colton Bailey
Des wird nu so schiach. Muss jetzt schaun, dass ich iwie über die Phase geschäftlich drüberkomm. Gottseidank praktisch keine Fixkosten ... mei Konkurrenz wirds owa großteils wegputzn. ;)
They will try that, yes. It won't help anymore but they will try. But I "fear" the way the collapse happens now they won't have a chance to somehow lube up that dildo so the boomers won't really notice what is shoved up their sorry arses.
>my image is the thread image well deserved, that's a good one
Heil Hitler, Volksgenosse! :)
Mahlzeit, Professor! >Gesundheitsupdate momentan nicht fiebrig und keine Kopfschmerzen etwas mehr Schleimbildung, immer noch ein klein wenig erschöpft, kein kalter Schweiß mehr insgesamt besser als gestern und vorgestern :D
Stop loss orders even dragging down the gold. Everybody's grasping for liquidity to cover losses, selling off gold-etf-contracts like sliced bread.
This ... is ugly af ... and I'm loving it
Ryan Sanders
>Muss jetzt schaun, dass ich iwie über die Phase geschäftlich drüberkomm. Einfach ein bisserl weniger saufen und rauchen dann sollten sich schon ein paar tausend Euronen im Monat sparen lassen, lol. Ich warte jetzt nur noch in meinem NEETbunker auf die Erfüllung von Irlmaiers Prophezeiung >mfw
>wagner That's not fucking opera mate Opera is with singing
Wyatt Lee
Today on the radio at wörk (as verbatum as possible). >Xavier Naidoo has come under fire for a clip where he sung a song against refugee >Mister Naidoo states that he stands for tollerance and understanding >However, he did not want to comment on the heinous clip in question.
I suppose the silence means guilt and that means he is /our/nigger now?
Joshua Cooper
Yes and then what? Leave people with nothing? Do they expect their cattle to return to work the next day when they buttrape them without lube? They are fucking done.
Luke Ortiz
Moin Moin! :) much better, thanks for asking, Kamerad! feels now like the common cold, i can't imagine that this will kill me. >test nah famalam, i don't want to be in any statistics fuck the world health kikes
>fuck the world health kikes dare I say based? also - if you don't have it, you would greatly increase the chance of getting corona on top of what you already have just by going to the fucking hospital!
Kayden Gutierrez
Christian Martinez
The physicians are the biggest threat to a healthy person atm. They have the most contact with potentially infected and in virtually all cases still wear insufficient masks.
>pandemic >economic crash >divided society >crime rates by mudslimes through the roof
I am really surprised how ignorant German politicians are to what happened only ~30 years ago to one of their kind and how little they seem to be interested in de-escalating things.
Des gfreit mi! Nieren tun eh net weh? Dann sollt alles passen.
Mein schlechter Einfluss. Hab auch meinen Kollegen dazu gebracht, wieder zu rauchen ... :P
>ching chong ching chong!!
Geh schleich di! :DD
Saufen tu i eh nimmer ... owa vl sollt i nu a Trafik überfallen bevors richtig losgeht. Owa es muas jo a wer an den Wiederaufbau denkn nachdems g'schnalzn hat.
must have been awesome to be in that firing squad and blast that commie retard an his wife away
Nicholas Torres
>Opera is with singing >Wotan bids farewell to his daughter Brünnhilde, having been forced to punish her for passionate deeds that he himself wishes he could commit youtube.com/watch?v=7pTaH8USQH4
>retard do not underestimate the commies, my young apprentice! these antifa fags you see daily on the streets are indeed retards of the highest order, however, once the commies take power, those retards get disappeared and Ceausescu types sit on the throne, and those are no retards, they are ruthless and cunning