Why is Romania such a shithole?

According to Romanians, only 3.3% of Romanian population are gypsies, but how do they then explain the following things?
>Romanian IQ is among the lowest in Europe and far below the European average
In 2012 the IQ of Romania was 91, and in 2019 it dropped to 87

Romanians are extremly brown, the majority of Romanians have dark brown to black eyes and hair. They also have olive dark pigmented skin
>pigmentation map of Europe

The number of Romanians in Romania during 1992 was 20,408,542.
In 2011 this number is 16,792,868
That is a drop of more than 3.6 million ethnic Romanians gone. In 2020 this number is even higher as more than half of Romanias active workforce has moved to countries such as Spain, Italy, France, Germany, from which they will never return.
>In December 2013, Cristian David, the government minister for the Department of Romanians Everywhere, declared that a new reality illustrates that between 6–8 million Romanians live outside Romania's borders.

Majority of Romanian families do not have access to an indoor toilet

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>why are gypo-turko rape babies a shithole
hmmm really activates the brain neurons

>Majority of Romanian families do not have access to an indoor toilet
Genetics at work

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Hunmutts edited the pic lol

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mad mongol

>why is Romania such a shithole
We have 3 counties called Harghita, Covasna and Mures that drag down the country

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Oh look, it's that time of the week again. Don't you ever get bored?

Majority of Wallachia and Moldavia is a massive shithole
at least Szeklers have indoor toilets unlike the rest of romania

This individual literally posts 24/7
I come to Yas Forums every 2 - 3 days to make a few threads and laugh and this subhuman is here all the time, making threads about Romania lol

are you retarded? I havent posted on pol for days either

Wallachia produces over 50% of Romania's GDP
"Szekely land" is useless

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stop trying to derail the thread. I posted facts and would like a civil fact based discussion. Why does it make you seethe so much?

>bucharest = all of wallachia
gee no wonder your IQ is 87

Did you read the map, mutt?
Prahova, Constanta, Arges without Bucharest are responsible for a large part of the GDP

Look at the map you posted again you retard. Most of wallachia and moldova are red and yellow. Hungarian cities like Temesvár and Kolozs are the economic centers of romania.

because you dont give us more money. Give me your T-shirt or I'll fracture your ribs

>Hungarian cities like Temesvár and Kolozs are the economic centers of romania.
Cluj demographics: 81.5% Romanian
Timisoara demographics: 86.79% Romanian
"Hungarian" cities?
That's like calling New York a nigger city cause it has 10% niggers

Both of these cities are shitty though...and the people who live there have infatuated egos

>Hungarian cities like Temesvár and Kolozs

Considering I'm from Oltenia yes I do hate Banat since they make fun of us but Caras-Severin, a county of Banat is actually much worse than Oltenia
Cluj is nice tho

yes and the 15-20% of the Hungarian population is responsible for 90% of the economic output.

Bantus in south africa are also majority, but everyone knew that the economy is because of the whites. romanians are peasants and shepherds (ciobani), they are not capable of anything. Only 50 years ago these cities were majority Hungarian before the arrival of ciobani from wallachia sent there by ceausescu

I take it you're not a foreigner, just an assblasted "ființă superioară de etnie maghiară”.

why does everyone like cluj-napoca? Bucharest is much better when it comes to pretty much everything...everyone in here idealizes cluj though...and as someone who used to live 80 km away from that city,I assure you that it's really fucked up

>yes and the 15-20% of the Hungarian population is responsible for 90% of the economic output.
Is that why 80% Hungarian Harghita, 70% Hungarian Covasna are giant shitholes?

Attached: covasna saracie.png (971x296, 31.21K)

>15-20% of the Mongolian population is responsible for 90% of the economic output.

Horse archers truly believe this.

They became really shitty ever since romanian gypsies were transplanted there by commies. Look up the demographics of literally every city in Transylvania.

Romanians lived in caves, villages and huts in forests.ciobani and mamaligari are not fit to live in cities among humans.

show your flag faggot

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>why are rural areas not as rich as cities
hmm, truly only a dumb romanian will ask this question

I did fuck a half hungarian girl once. It was the best ride of my life

But aren't Szekelys masterrace?
Why do you live in villages in forests instead of building cities? lol


You know very well that Szeklers pay taxes, but they get nothing in return since Romania allocates 0% of budget to szeklerland

They are purposely trying to make this region poor so Szeklers leave. Despite this, its still far richer than most of Romania and Szekler cities are much nicer and cleaner than romanian cities


Why is Nograd, a 89% Hungarian county in Hungary much poorer than Prahova, 97.74% Romanian county in Wallachia?

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Why do romanians look like spics?

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Too much Hungarian DNA

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> but they get nothing in return since Romania allocates 0% of budget to schizo-land

It's the local government's job to come up with projects ant it's your own fucking fault for voting in people who want to keep you in abject poverty. Keep gobbling the "Romanians bad, we wuz victimz n sheeeeiit" rhetoric spewed by the UDMR leadership.

You do realize Hungarians mixed with gypsies while Romanian Principalities enslaved them and relegated all mutts to gypsy status right ?

Cope. Go back to Hungary

That is a Gypsy county I think, not Hungarian

They had socialism.
Cripples a society for decades.

Nograd is 89% Hungarian
This is their main city lol

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Why is Teleorman county(11,767 USD per capita), a 96.76% Romanian county in Wallachia much poorer than Győr-Moson-Sopron (36,256 USD per capita), a 96.15% county in Hungary?

Romanians are whiter than the Albano-Bulgarian gypsies that Monkeydonians are.

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Those arend hungarians. Auite the opposite : immigrants with leftists at a marxist demonstration.

See, both countries have counties that are shitholes and some that are good!
You know why? The local administration in the good ones is less corrupt and brought investors etc. while in the shithole counties they didn't.
Nograd and Teleorman are actually very similar in development

Why is Romania a shithole - pic related.

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You want to talk about Teleorman,Suceava, Mehedinti Vaslui, etc. Eh mamligar prost?

I would rather ask how long they'll tolerate their beggars, gypsy or otherwise, giving them such a bad rep in Western Europe.

so many romanians here this morning.
we should play their national anthem

OK, bozgore.

Hungary was severely crippled by kikes unlike Romania which gained a large part of Hungary's industry and many large cities in Transylvania.

>Post-Trianon Hungary possessed 90% of the engineering and printing industry of the pre-war Kingdom, while only 11% of timber and 16% of iron was retained. In addition, 61% of arable land, 74% of public roads, 65% of canals, 62% of railroads, 64% of hard surface roads, 83% of pig iron output, 55% of industrial plants, and 67% of credit and banking institutions of the former Kingdom of Hungary lay within the territory of Hungary's neighbours.[79][80][81] New borders also bisected transport links – in the Kingdom of Hungary the road and railway network had a radial structure, with Budapest in the centre. Many roads and railways, running along the newly defined borders and interlinking radial transport lines, ended up in different, highly introvert countries. Hence, much of the rail cargo traffic of the emergent states was virtually paralysed.[82] These factors all combined created some imbalances in the now separated economic regions of the former Monarchy.


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>Hungary was severely crippled by kikes

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This thread again made by a subhuman shirking
F off

Literally, yes.

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Are they the newest members of Jobbik?

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Do you want me to post noua dreapta rally?

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Kek, Rabbik is the laughing stock of the past decade, you're not offending anybody.

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ala e gdp per capita nu gdp banditule :^)

Perfectly sums up the cognitive dissonance of the party.

romanians are uncivilized niggers.

Meanwhile in Romania, here we see legionaires, descendants of codreanu

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Romanians can't disprove any of this, why this why they are resourcing to

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>Romanians are extremly brown, the majority of Romanians have dark brown to black eyes and hair. They also have olive dark pigmented skin

you should see the Rom womens pussies. Yikes

WHOA they are European street shitters? big if true

>Romania's GDP
What is that? A cow, two goats and a copper stash?

576$ billion and 30$.000 per capita

Show your flag, kike.
No reason to hide it, :)

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