
Anyone else feeling like they already got it?

If I had easy access to testing like South Korea I'd take it.

What are the actual symptoms?

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One signature sign of the coronavirus is that in the most advanced stages is lethargy that is so overpowering you'll feel the urge to just lie down on the sidewalk to rest and catch your breath, even if you're just walking normally.

What happens is your immune system is quite amazing, it has a: "holy shit divert all power to shields" mechanism, and sends neurotransmitters to your brain to sleep.

Also sleep improves your survival rate because your immune system is a glucose demanding instrument that competes for limited amounts of energy per day that is also used by muscles and your brain.

The overwhelming tiredness and the overheating is your body's defense mechanisms. Rest and stay warm and drink lots of water. The water is what your body uses to flush, the quicker it's able to transport dead coronavirus parts out the chute, the quicker your immune system isolates a protein sequence to uniquely target and destroy.

How is that roll of TP above the eyes staying in place?

pressure from toilet roll either side

>If I had easy access to testing like South Korea I'd take it.
And then what? Would you act any differently?

Man I dont fucking know I work in an office and have been off and on sick the entire winter, we probably all already got it.

Oh yeah, I'd just stop prepping and basically just do these recommendations

Every hypochondriac on the planet will have a scratchy throat, tightness in the chest and maybe even a slightly elevated temperature from advanced delusions.


fuck I wasn't sick in 10 years, I probably have it without even noticing

Not really being reported on but it’s very important to know that Coronavirus is also causing conjunctivitis It was put out to local Drs yesterday. I’m just trying to keep you all informed of this new Information. Wash your hands

> several reports suggest the virus can cause conjunctivitis and possibly be transmitted by aerosol contact with conjunctiva.
Patients who present to ophthalmologists for conjunctivitis who also have fever and respiratory symptoms including cough and shortness of breath, and who have recently traveled internationally, particularly to areas with known outbreaks (China, Iran, Italy, Japan, and South Korea), or with family members recently back from one of these countries, could represent cases of COVID-19.

Oh GOD. I need toilet paper. Please. I need more toilet paper. Give me toilet paper. If you have toilet paper PLEASE let me have it...

>not being bidet master race
They're $35 on amazon, just get one. You save tons of toilet paper and feel cleaner.

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>have been off and on sick the entire winter
For me it was all February. And I had real bad stabbing throat pain for days recently that went away. Never had a fever tho, and no real bad cough, so I didn't go to the doctor or anything.

I’ve been sick twice already this winter with sinus infections/bronchitis, generally only get sick maybe once a year, didn’t go to a doctor because he charges too much just to give me antibiotics. Yesterday I got home from work and the runny nose and sore throat kicked back up again, and today my throat feels better but I’m still spitting and snorting yellowy mucus
If it’s coronachan, I just hope it kills me quickly

hysteria is a crazy thing isnt it?

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I'm in Vancouver
>I have a tiny tickle in my throat
>No runny nose
>No fever
>No cough

>Just went to pee and got super light headed and had to lay down outside the bathroom

I-is it ironically over?

This is how tranny thing work
>Do you fell you got the thing??? You know, the thing you are constantly being memetically bombarded by all sides? Are you feeling you are a chick yet? It's the thing, here are the medicine

Bruh alphas cool
But wait till the developers release 1.0
Shits gonna be off at m'fukin chain bruh

I got a flue, hope it's the crono trigger and I am immune and can spread to all the fags I know

I just got the call this morning that a contact is infected.
I feel pretty good but you never know if you’re not just incubating.
Fever, cough, shortness of breath are what you need to watch for.

>so I didn't go to the doctor or anything.
BTW, I also didn't go because that's where all the real sick people are so chances are someone had corona and it's in the air and on everything.

Im scared of catching it as i have damaged lungs
So i would be fucked

Could be simple anxiety problems, I’m seeing it a lot lately. But desu I’ve noticed a little light headedness past couple days, yesterday I was thinking I just hadn’t eaten in a while. The mind will construe even benign conditions as being symptoms of corona, sign of the times.

damaged lungs from what?

>One signature sign of the coronavirus is that in the most advanced stages is lethargy that is so overpowering you'll feel the urge to just lie down on the sidewalk

This is my everyday life though.

>Also sleep improves your survival rate

Now this is some great news. I love to sleep.

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Sucking darts and rolling wibblies

Pulmonary embolism

You have this horrible sounding cough. Some people have posted videos of infected from Iran. They just coof and coof and coof and it sounds like their throat has been destroyed. If you aren't coofing and weezing at the end of every coof you don't have it.

My throat has been feeling a bit strange for the past week, a little itchy. Also feels like I almost have to cough constantly, but dont really cough. Its a strange feeling, it has never felt this way before.

I feel like it could be Corona slowly creeping up on me, my immune system is pretty good so it could be just mild symptoms. Or maybe Im just being paranoid. Im terrified as hell to visit any family though, if I would be the reason they die I would never forgive myself

*coooooooof*cooof*coøöf eh eh*

>it has never felt this way before.
Same for me. Very strange symptoms even if mild for now and I can tell it's not some bullshit because coffee actually makes me fell much worse and more tired.

Same here, also sometimes i'm also suddenly short of breath

I have been feeling tired and shit since Monday. Also my throat just feels weird. Today I woke up with a headache and I am thirsty all the time. No fever though. I really think I have it, not that you are allowed to get tested anyway.

The only possible symptom I had was some minor throat inflammation that lasted about 2 days. No pain and problems swallowing but I felt a little something there. Otherwise no coofing, fever, lethargy, etc. Still I'm nervous as fuck bros

cant wait for the merchandising desu...

"I Caught Coronavirus and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt"

>not that you are allowed to get tested anyway.
What the fuck is up with that?
It's not like we don't have the money like South Koreans. And we had enough time to prepare.

My mom works at the school where the second case in the country appeared :(

Bro I have that exact tickle in my throat you are describing. How long have you had it?

I shit clean
Metamucil master race
Wipe twice, nothing
Truly the best of life

I think my family should stock up on 2-3 weeks bottled water and canned food
But everyone else thinks thats crazy

looks like someone figured out how to make his first million

>mass psychosis causes large amounts of the population to believe they are infected
Anyone else finds mass panics strangely fun?

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Coronavirus is the savior of the welfare state, killing off useless old boomers.

Yet, before finally fucking off, the boomers are trying to ruin the economy for their children. They demand people to stay home and do nothing such that they can survive a year or two more, at the expense of the economy diving into deep red sea worse than ever, resulting in job losses for the young and working population. But the Boomer doesnt care. He gets his pension, and he wants to live on. Even on his death bed, he is shitting on the younger generation.

Work in an office with lots of internal travelers. Had coofers around me a couple weeks ago. Have felt slightly off with scratchy throat but no coof and been chalking it up to winter indoor allergies. Don’t know if I’ve caught it yet but I’m resigned to the fact I’ll get the coof. Sitting across from a dude from Germany right now. Hope he doesn’t infect me Trump said the EU seeds the coof.

Gross incompetence or they are lying to us.

Absolutely nothing is going to squirt my asshole, you degenerate faggot.

>not just shitting before you take a shower

Cough, chest tightness/difficulty breathing, fever, lethargy.

Myalgia would suggest influenza more, and a running nose more one of the cold viruses.

same here throat a little itchy. test 37.2, but chill, and wants to sleep. i live with old parents. i will be devastated if i kill them.

I think I have it

dude same here.

same tickle for 3-4 days. no cough though but very dry throat and mouth. otherwise i feel healthy as a stallion. still gives me the heeby jeebies

same, is this corona? like a coating on throat that wont go away

>He thinks its gay for water to splash your ass

The TP is a veneer. Solid block of shit underneath.

That's exactly what it is. No pain or trouble swallowing, not dry either though. I'm thinking either our body is handling it better than most victims OR i'm just more aware of how my throat feels because I've been paranoid as fuck the past few weeks. How old are you guys?

Isolate yourself, anyone else you can stay with for a while?

cough and fever
if you're gonna die then laboured breathing as well

You make me feel safer, user. Thank you!

>tfw work in a FedEx shipping facility
>runny nose and sore throat out of nowhere while I’m handling dusty packages marked “Made in China”
Pray for me anons

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Maybe it is just allergies. I was worried too and then I noticed all the pollen.

He’ doing it wrong