Yea, well guess what? I’ve been telling you guys about it for over a year and you assholes ignored every single thread I made.

I legit have been telling you, I did work on a black ops site for the elite.

LOOK INTO FERMONT you absolute retarded fuckheads

(52.8198499, -67.4064251)

(52.8198499, -67.4064251)

(52.8198499, -67.4064251)

Attached: C3061A83-3D52-4AE9-BFCC-3A9ADC080F49.jpg (960x300, 39.23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Just so you know it isn’t bullshit, search the archives for my threads by looking for the word FERMONT

I wasn't aware it was a secret that the rich have secret doomsday bunkers.

Btw anybody who thinks it’s a mining town is a media guzzling retard. It’s incredibly built up now with the fastest internet and lowest shipping rates in Canada. Check canadapost.ca

There’s another thread open right now full of people trying to figure out where they’re fleeing to, yet nobody reads my threads

Zero IQ board lately

nothing can stop what is coming

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We know they're fleeing. Why do you think so many CEOs have left their positions recently? They're already in the bunkers.
That's fine though, because my ass will grab my welding trailer, go and find those fucking bunkers while dodging the roving gangs and weld the fucking doors shut. They will be their tombs.

>I legit have been telling you, I did work on a black ops site for the elite.

Attached: 2.jpg (189x266, 8.48K)

All I see is you saying it's for the elites but you never once explained why you think so. Saying "vips seen daily" or "they're excavating" doesn't explain anything

I thought the rich were going to new zeland?

if i had a lick for every conspiracy for corona ive read in the past two hours id have had three blowjobs by now.

poorfag shit
real elites got bunkers in New Zealand
and its all been known for many years so dont get salty no one paid attention to your non-news

>unactionable intel
fuck off, mr "black ops"

>be a billionaire
>where can I go freeze in march?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-12 at 10.20.30.png (664x467, 55.2K)

Next step is having all the niggers and shitskin go free in a killing spree.
Hope you have weapons.

>Jack Dorsey left for a 6 month trip to Africa in November

Did he know anons?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA he thinks Corona chan was released to stop globalism hahahahahahahahahahshshshhshshshshahahaaahaa

Helps to not throw insults in your OP if you want people to listen or take you seriously.

What are you saying here? That no one is actually dying from the virus? That the virus is made up?

Really hope this is true it just seems so freaking unlikely

God I wish this was real

What use is the internet and shipping when you live in a bunker you retard?

Yeah same

He was on a sex tour getting BLACKED by African men and giving white cock to African women

you wont you fucking larper
you will hide at home with beans and rice just like very other plebeian

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based schizo femot poster

Nobody fucking cares. We all knew they'd flee.

Underground is liveable.

>He was on a sex tour getting BLACKED by African men
This, he is a turbofaggot

Quebec? How will Trudeau save them?

this. why would anyone care where they are going. good riddance.

>black ops
Fucking faggot LARP

well if you arn't using that BLM meme flag your a fucking leaf so ummmmmmmmmm

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What is all that red shit?

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It’s all so tiresome

The human instrumentality project

Goy blood

>They will be their tombs.

Attached: 1576167316477.jpg (960x960, 49.75K)

I've lost count how many time I've heard this phrase and nothing of that sort ever happened. At what point do you just say, "ok we've been duped"?

Is that where Tom Hanks went?

J'ai déjà été la, y'a rien du tout.

>At what point do you just say, "ok we've been duped"?
When it’s all said and done.
But also I’ve never mentioned “mass arrests”. If it happens, it’ll be a slow buildup from top to bottom

Bottom to top *

>Zero IQ board lately
It's all the zoomies that come here. They have zero life experience, and they are loud as fuck.

>find vent pipes
>plug vents

Good then I can go squat at their mansion.

this is the most pathetic shill posting by trump media team/Qtards I have ever witnessed, holy shit

>A bunch of low IQ boomers who have never served in the military or intelligence community can’t stop talking about an imaginary “military intelligence op”
Good luck with that

Never seen any thread from you. And why so suprised? It's no secret the superrich have converted missle silo's, bunkers ect. Who wouldn't if you have that amount of money..

I'd rather spend my hopes on some other forms of happening. This is by far the least likely of them all.

16 hour drive from Montreal...hmmmm

>The arrests are coming
>t-t-t-this time for real

Like what?

Cause why in the fuck would super rich people, go to fucking FERMONT QUEBEC CANADA??

If I was super fucking rich, I'd have my bunker some place nice.

What "elites" are there??
canadian ones??

An actual Rothschild predicted all of this and laughed out loud about it years ago


They are finally making their move. Comply or die.

Kind of gathered that when the show "Island Hunters" started appearing on HGTV.
Every show was some elite liberals buying islands in the Caribbean or off the coast of Central America for millions. They want "some" of the locals there as support, but not all. They didn't want a bunch of jobless poor people around their million dollar off the grid mansion on the beach.
I bet that's partly the reason for the surge in immigration, elites paying local governments and gangs to clear out the riff raff in their trendy dream vacation spot.

yo Donkeybrah whats good
Lets go check out this Fermont bullshit, worst case we just get hammered with some miners and laugh while the world ends

They have their bunkers in new Zealand? Kiwi bros, you need to go bunker busting if we get a happening. Find their ventaltion shafts.

Can u do it for me leaf

>What use is the internet and shipping when you live in a bunker you retard?

The shipping used to be awesome here... I knew something was up when they killed all the amazon drivers last week.

Fermont c'est un câliss de trou. Ya juste des estis de mineurs pis des cosanguins qui habitent là.

Fucking Qtard bomers

schizo thread

Lol you’re just reposting shit that was on /x/ 3 months ago fuck off retard.

I got nothing else going on. I'm down.

Side note
LOOK at what a big, empty shit hole canada is.
Man this place is EMPTY.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 10.15.53 AM.png (827x578, 181.12K)

>At what point do you just say, "ok we've been duped"?
Admitting that would mean being wrong about something

Fill us in, leaf faggot.

They probably have the good shit in their liquor cabinets too.

Lower population = better chances of survival

And in the new world order squads will search high and low for them, dig them out of their holes and get their heads to be paraded around on pikes.

>Newfoundland, and Labrador
The leafs affinity for dogs runs deep, I see.

Attached: leafeternal.png (1858x1078, 615.38K)

Why not the Diefenbunker???

So their crimes against humanity and western civilisation should just go unpunished? No, people should care a LOT.

It's way more plausible if you've been paying attention

I always wonder who makes those. Like that's a lot of time and effort for a meme.
Funny as F regardless


Prob rusty water like at the blood waterfall

Also, it could be this.

Attached: Ajka_accident_d7df9fea08_b.jpg (1000x654, 261.58K)

The elites flee to new Zealand. They don't have an extradition agreement.

It's a wasteland of course it's empty.

too long, wtf

literally everything other than the one outcome that ends with the good guys winning. How fucking delusional do you have to be to still believe fully in the best timeline meme?

Yep, it's a wasteland. USA stopped their borders as soon as nature turned to a wasteland.
Leaving us canadians with this shit......How I wish I was born on the other side of that imaginary line...


presumably some iron-based waste product, it's an iron ore mine.

I'm not searching FERMONT, it sounds like a glowing code word to dox ourselves.
Can i get a quick rundown?

More plan trusting, great.

Honestly, do you have any data whatsoever? Flight lists, passenger manifests? Aerial photography of important sites? Famous elites mentioning FERMONT even once in the news? Anything?

You tagged a drainage lake for mining you stupid mouth breather. Where the fuck are the bunker enterances?

based and lynchpilled