Are nordics have better resistance towards Coronavirus?

Italy has close to a 10% death rate, while here in Norway we have over 600 infected yet zero deaths. Sweden has similar numbers with only 1 death. Are meds fucked?

Attached: corona pewdiepie.jpg (1200x900, 225.23K)

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There is a possibility for this but my theory is based on an old paper on SARS:


G6PD-deficiency is a quite common mutation which in former times likely protected people from malaria to a degree ... therefore it is quite common in areas where malaria was (or still is) endemic. Now the theory makes sense that this mutation could drastically increase the risk of death for someone infected with the new Coronavirus. That would mean that areas like Asia, Middle East, Mediterranean and Africa would experience a disproportionate mortality rate. Again though ... this is only a theory and the evidence is based on SARS.

Attached: why_are_you_looking_at_me.jpg (800x1136, 141.18K)

Did someone from Yas Forums spray this?

>Are nordics have

Whoever taught you English grammar is a mean-spirited liar. Norwegian grammar is good enough for English.

>Have nordics better resistance towards Coronavirus?

there, fixed it for you. it's not perfect but it's as close as you deserve to get.

Are OP have very much fag semen in mouth his?

I think Lushsux is an Aussie cunt known for doing controversial stuff like this.

Does are do not have few which many when how is?


You nigger cum guzzlers just wait for summer to come, you start to drop like flies.

Attached: all those poor faggots.jpg (704x528, 34.4K)

Makes sense, since Italy had malaria ridden swamps for a long time until the natives eventually drained them and cleaned them up.

Italys hospitals are well over capacity so they are letting people die cause many need respiratory support.
Will happen here too, and could happen there. The difference is your numbers arent overloading the system yet

jesus fucking Christ how I hate this humble braging threads.
>us nords, are we Nordics superior? we don't die like the Italians, we are better, idk just saying
>us Croatians, are we Croatians superior, we are taller than the Italians. we don't die like the Italians, we are better, idk just saying
>us germans, are we germans superior? we don't die like the Italians, we are better, idk just saying
jesus fucking Christ get a grip

Attached: untitled.png (1022x885, 789.64K)

I just doxxed myself and I cant delete that shit fuggg

fukken SAVED mate

Attached: the town rapist.png (1022x885, 670.49K)

not your personal army you faggot

Us Britbongs, we have colossal spam javelins. Unlike you peenlet Romanians

You’re balding gypsy

why would you shoot pork out of javelins, is that how brits destroy tanks?

Don't worry no one gives a ahit about you.

Master race reporting in. Also. The dead guy in Sweden was an old sick guy from Iran.

If you didn't admit it no one would even notice bro.

Hello town rapist

Attached: A310C9A2-58DF-4B11-8917-BE23027951C6.jpg (563x638, 58.35K)

nigger a javelins not a gun, you throw it

Underage poster detected and reported to cook moot for further questioning.

>javelins not a gun
based retard

Attached: Army-fgm148[1].jpg (2302x1646, 985.05K)

Untermensch leaching on German welfare detected.

>cook moot
You Nordcucks really suck at grammar.

>If you didn't admit it no one would even notice bro.
no biggie, I am a loser so it wont affect me in any way.

>Hello town rapist


>fukken SAVED mate

Attached: javelin.jpg (425x349, 6.44K)

A javelin is a spear
Just because some overweight jew named his rocket javelin, it doesn't make the britbong wrong

Attached: 1571508211375.png (540x408, 264.21K)

Imagine being so much of a zoomer you don't now that the original javelin isn't a rocket launcher.

These fucking berry-picker youths are a terrible omen, I swear to the Sky-God.



>implying the Congolese refugee in the pic is white
don t be silly

Attached: Me last summer.png (728x484, 827.85K)

Didn't notice the grammar until after I posted, oh well.

>You’re balding gypsy
I m not

as an italian i am fucking exstatic this is happening. It kills of elders, leftists, chinks, retards and the social trash that is all too common in italy. its also starting to wake up my fellow italians to their inherent trashiness due to centuries of bleeding hearts, compassion and marxist mind retardation. Hopefully it spreads south soon

the same for german statistics.
probably yes

Look at the 1918 pandemic, Italians and Italian Americans had a much higher mortality rate. Italians are naturally vulnerable to viruses.

Other factors to consider are whether Italy and Iran got a more virulent strain and the death rate goes way down when your emergency rooms aren't overwhelmed.
Apparently, Italy's hug a chink day was an unprecedented success and might have contributed to the emergency rooms being overwhelmed.

based retards giving me (You)s

based. remember to prep tho

>Italy 10% death rate

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"Manana Manana", thats Spanish.

What's gonna happen soon, you getting raped by Ahmed and his cousins?

You kinda cute for a white boy

no need guys. Because at the end of the day, i'll still be living in italy, and they have to live in the frozen, rainy disgusting hell hole that is scandinavia. I am a walk away from a millenia of history (Live near the trebbia river, people still find shit there), the are a walk away from either a somali or a scandinavian. If it wasnt for sex, i wouldn't know which one is worse

It's killing the parasites of society - people over 75 with pre existing conditions
Going to save a lot of money after this.

>You kinda cute for a white boy

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You look generic as fuck(no offense) so you're probably fine.

And yes nordic master race.

You have more shitskins than we do Klaus.

Probably because Sweden and Norway have better healthcare and awareness. Meanwhile Italians probably think they can just hold up in there shacks and drink wine.

Why get upset over Nordic master race shitposts? Is it really that serious to you?

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thx and done.

Meds smoke, are old, kiss on the cheek, talk with their hands and have a general yolo attitude. No wonder they get hit the hardest.

t. Germcuck

Italy has one of the oldest population in Europe due to longevity, if you're good at math you should stop asking dumb questions right now.

well, we are doing that. The retards are also kissing niggers and licking chinks, so they are dying. This is excellent

Sweden has been practicing social distancing decades before Coronachan.

Attached: swedes.jpg (957x692, 71.06K)

>it’s a n*Rdcuck superiority LARP post in disguise

>Meanwhile Italians probably think they can just hold up in their PUBLIC NEIGHBORHOOD TAVERNS FULL OF PEOPLE BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS DAYS OFF BECAUSE OF THE VIRUS and drink wine.
In Portugal people took the opportunity and all went to the beach being that school and work were postponed. Imagine living in Southern Europe with an IQ above 85, it's torture.

mf before BBCthen the bvll showed upmf now

>be Taiwan
>47 infected

>be Italy
>+10.000 infected

really makes me hmmm...

hi Muhammad

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A couple of years hardly makes a significant difference.

Your deathrate is tens of times higher than ours.

nice post mohammad.

one issue, ours were very recently diagnosed. we will see more deaths later

You scared of a little flu bro? Lol, come and have a sagres.

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untermensh detected

Taiwan has a higher population density than you. What the fuck are you spaghetti niggers doing?

we must suffer portoguy

Maybe this has something to do with it.

Attached: nordmenn propaganda.jpg (277x400, 29.71K)

Usually people die after some days, one week. How many of the infected have recovered?

Southerner spotted


Lushsux is the very definition of low IQ normie redditor, if you have ever listened to this cunt talk you'll be dropping some IQ levels, this is what happens when you smoke weed everyday and sniff turpentine.

Don't know, at this point in Wuhan I think there were at least 10 deaths officially, and we know China underreported too.