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Were gonna die

Be the local raider party’s cum dumpster for safety

its not 3%. 3% could be the death rate among diagnosed corona patients. meaning you need to feel unwell enough to go to a doctor AND get tested. if you just have a coof and a runny nose you might have it but think its just a cold and you get over it just like that.

the death percentage is probably less then half a percent, the same as a regular seasonal flu

this shit is probably a pretense to give themselves emergency power. its like The War On Terror. every sneezing motherfucker is a potential "terrorist"

your'e probably young so you dont remember the panic years after 9/11. governments LOVE frightened populations. people were afraid to open letters back then because Anthrax. 9/11 gave an open cheque to governments to do almost everything. finger your asshole at an airport. wiretap your ass without a warrant, whatever. this is like the neew 9/11 or the 2008 swindle. they gonna do whatever the fuck suits them because of a made up flu. just like they make up everything - "terrorists" "financial crises" etc... they love emergency powers.

and what's the precedent of people that get killed using cars or getting hit by cars? if you're not worried enough about getting killed on the road you shouldn't be worried about this shit.

fuck preppers
fuck jannies

Don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on
Just try your best
Try everything you can
And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away
It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be all right
You know they're all the same
You know you're doing better on your own so don't buy in
Live right now
Just be yourself
It doesn't matter if that's good enough for someone else
It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be all right
It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be all right
Don't write yourself off yet
It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on
Just do your best
Do everything you can
Don't you worry what their bitter hearts are going to say
It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be all right
It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
Everything, everything will be just fine
Everything, everything will be all right

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If it killed a million people it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket

I'm not ready to say goodbye to my parents :(

Nothing ever happens.
Even when I'm coughing up my lungs, dying in my bed, my last words will be "it was a nothing burger after all".
Because I'm here forever.

Seriously, I won't prep even if the sirens are blaring outside. I just don't give a shit about what happens.

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(Even stars, galaxys, protons will die)

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Kek, good post

You can leave your house right now and buy what you need, but you're too much of a lazy cunt to leave your mum's basement right?

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raider gang
>raider gang
raider gang
>raider gang
raider gang
>raider gang
raider gang
>raider gang
raider gang
>raider gang
raider gang
>raider gang

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just came back from shopping. feels good man

>tfw near end of pay period
>50+ miles from home
>in a work van
>with no money
>and a packed lunch

:'( i wanted to see my senpai this weekend but i dont think its a good idea

Hit up non perishables.

We can always *cough or treat*

What should I stock up on? I'm retarded.


I will have to become a Marauder. All my savings were consumed by "free" medicine

I also have lung disease, so even more reason to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Save money and laugh in a few months

I can't wait to be in hospital for weeks so I can flirt with the qt Filipino nurses. It's the only chance of female interaction I will ever get. Someone please COOOOOF on me so I can get it while there are still beds!!!

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Right there with you fren.

I let my faith in the Hands of the Lord. Happens what may with out flesh.

Just use your socks man, you can wash them after wiping your ass.

I went to the local hardware store and bought an Axe to go pillaging.Coughed on the other ones just in case.

potater chips and doo doo papers

Feelsgoodman living in a firstworld country and able to order home-delivered food to avoid meeting carriers in the grocery store

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Go to work today, tomorrow, the next day, the day after thar and so on..... They keep saying society will collapse. I'm still waiting and I have a feeling they'll return to work each day with more sadness as they realize deep down that life is too boring for there to be a real happening.

If you really have nothing, get out early today and buy what you can. Don't get out much later in the day, because supplies will be sold out and the stores will be crowded with coofers.

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>not getting water

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I'm also a type 1 diabetic and I have not stocked up on insulin at all
I was going to buy tomorrow when I get paid
guess I'll die a gruesome death soon

lmao you guys didn't prep?

You've been on this board for at least 4 months right? You should have been paying attention and prepping.

I don't have a gas mask, but I do have gloves, sanitizer, soap, medicine, and extra food. You had a lot of warning time. Some of us even made bank on the stock market.

NO. Only Chads get beds, go and die somewhere alone virgin boi.

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Yeh. Except I feel more related to this pic rather than "the lord".
I don't see it as a warhammer symbol, in my mind it just resembles it, but it's like a sphere with circles rotating around it. And the sphere contains itself and the circles, and vice versa. Like, nothing containing everything.
I can't explain it other than with "all is one, one is all". I think I'm insane.

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Probably make ten more threads mocking people who have toilet paper while you use your hand

>You've been on this board for at least 4 months right?
Not me.
I browse Yas Forums only twice a year when something slightly interesting is happening.

i already live in the countryside so water is no issue
for food well i guess i can just pop down to the shop now and buy a carload of pasta and tinned food
other than that i guess i just need toilet paper?

my sister's been let work from home, my dad already works from home, my college is now closed - it's feeling p comfy desu

What are you all complaining about.

Plenty of meat out there.

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nigga i have a well, also i was obviously joking

Dude I live out in Montana and every single food store within a 15 mile radius is out of food. If my farm animals die, I am literally gonna starve to death unless cops fly out a care package using a helicopter

>infected meat

You better fucking blast that shit in the microwave at highest for no less than 10 minutes user. Microwave heat distribution is shit as fuck. And you can't trust your local resturant to cook properly.

What do you mean by prepper? If you're talking about retard panic-buyers who are amassing vast quantities of toilet paper, then no.

I already keep my pantry well stocked and I've already been planning on doing a week-long fast next week anyway. Water is not a concern as I have a pump and I don't seriously believe the situation would get that bad. Toilet paper hording is lol. And I already have guns/ammo for all those mad max larpers out there.


>Be the local raider party’s cum dumpster for safety
God I wish that was me

That is fucking disgusting you degenerate. God speaks against cannibalism. The day of the rope will be there for those who practice such deviances!

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I'm not an idiot who uses a whole roll of toilet paper every time I shit so I'll be fine.


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Shit, I guess I'll have to go last minute prepping RIGHT NOW

Water, canned goods, some TP, what else should I put on the list?

Wait, found it, this looks even closer to the thing sticking to my mind. I'd start quoting Event Horizon, but it's just not about that. I can't explain.

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You should prep.

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Is this really it? I thought this was nothing but now I’m thinking we could be fucked

Gather seeds, learn how to make a no-dig garden bed. Preppers and raider will kill eachother

Only I will be bringing these towers down.

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eat chips

I prepped fairly well except I am out of Face masks and there’s still family members in need :’(

Norwegian bros, where do I buy functional N95 masks?!! They are sold out everywhere or removed from stores

I'm too lazy to do any actual prepping. Thankfully I have lots of toilet paper because I bought a bulk of them about 2 months ago (unrelated to coronachan, was just a good bargain at the time). Think I'll stock up on water bottles next time I'm at the shops. As for hot food, I ain't worrying until my local takeaway place closes.

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buy a half mask respirator and P3 filter

None of this matters if you starve kek. Maybe I'll trade some of you guys a spaghetti noodle or two for your sister



Preplets on suicide watch

Home HVAC filters can be utilised if yoour crafty.

Everything is completely fine here lol I can't wait for all you urbanite faggots to die because you've stuffed your apartments to the fucking brim with nothing but tp

>people that get killed using cars or getting hit by cars?
That's a bad comparison. A better one would be "do you remember how freaked out we were about Tarrant subscribing to pewdiepie? Well now you have to be like that but 92x like that which means freaking tf out"

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Supermarkets are nowhere near from closing in my city.
What fruits are good to make marmalades with?
What vegetables should I pickle?
What canned products should I get?
How manny mini-vans worth of toilet paper?

>dad's coofing
To be fair he's been coofing my whole life but now each time he does it I get a mini panic attack.

Guys, calm the fuck down. It's a nothingburger.

Apparently a lot of people bought into the shame shilling. You know, all of the "lul it's just a cold. stupid retarded preppers yur just wasting money lolol."