Pope Francis says creationism is false, God is "not a magician."

What did he mean by this?

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He wants the old liberals who fell away to come back. The Pope is now a politician again.

He thinks by modernising the church he will get his lost sheep back.
He's wrong though and will just alienate his core members.

False idol. He speaks from the mouth of a serpent.

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How fucking retarded is he? With that he basically says majority of the Bible is wrong.
Even more so Big Bang Theory and Evolution are not contradictory to creationism, as those could very well be the mechanism God used to form the world and people.
Its at least clear evolution isnt a random process like we are told, if it exists

And Big Bang theory is basically Genesis with another terminology and removing God and any sense of purpose from the equation
In the beginning God created everything by creating polar opposites. In math it would be that he made out of 0, +1 and -1 which together are still 0, but now are something. In physics this is the big bang creating out of nothing matter and anti matter, energy and dark energy, protons and electrons. In the bible its seperating heaven from earth, days from the nights, the sun from the moon, the female from the male, adams rib
In all cultures this unification comes up as a theme over and over, be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born, or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. Couple thousand of years ago they talked about the same concept of the Big Bang

Fucking Jesuit piece of shit

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Lolwut? This american monkey has woken up. Evolution is not an issue among european catholics. This is domain of sectarian America.

He's anti Christian

You accuse Americans of being dumb while showing your ignorance. American Catholics think like you. The creationist faggots over here are Protestants.

Hes not actually a Catholic. He's a satanist. Classic post-Vatican II priest.


what did he seeze?

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>Implying God would have to be a magician in order for genesis to be true

Catholics, this is your leader?

The Pope was a priest at one time that raped
he figured if god did not stop him then god had no
magic powers

>Pope just straight up denies the bible in an attempt to gain brownie points
>Same pope who accepts faggotry and wants to flood Europe with immigrants
What did they mean by this?

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What the fuck. God is a magician. That's the point. He's literally the source of all magic including the shit that allows you to make decisions on what you are doing. Why the fuck are Catholics so heretical?

He specificly mentioned American sects (protestcucks)

>it's the classic case where the media distorts the catholic social teaching and Pope Francis speech towards their own liberal demands and gnostic/orthodox/protestant shills take the bait and try to spread misinformation for their own goals as well
You guys are truly fools, Pope Francis is a jesuit you guys aren't catholic and don't know how the catholic church works

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An admirable quality of the Catholic church (an abrahamic goodgoy cult) in my view is that they've been able to update their doctrine to match scientific discovery

>Implying this guy is catholic


I bet hes got a black cube in his personal quarters.

Catholics have never been creationist here.
I thought it was a Protestant heresy

>Ok, then we actually eat the blood and flesh of jesus
Fucking protestant scum

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Fully agree

>be catholic
>throw bitch-fits whenever someone quotes Jesus or the bible in general

This one is no different user, how can you be surprised?

>gods a magician
>jesus was a wizard

(((What did he mean by this?)))

It's very normal thomist approach to it though. Plenty of priests back in the 19th century were lively interested in Darwins' research(himself he was a priest too) and the actual clerical opposition to it was more directed against the possible implications of it(social darwinism) rather than the evolution itself. Thomists, or neo-thomists essentially believe Bible isn't a biology or history texbook because that would be ridiculous.

He's turning sheep into goats for shekels and platitudes.

everything that exist comes from and through God. Everything that lives comes through the energy God gives the world in some way or another. Thus whenever you eat something you eat the body of God that is Jesus Christ.

The man is a heretic.

ITT: seething pottystants
Catholics are not creationists and the book of Genesis is not to be taken literally.

>t. doesn't know what magic is.
Read a book. Harry Potter doesn't count. Magic is real but it isn't 'shooting beams from wands'.

this is wrong- don't let vatican 2 fool you. evolution is a protestant heresy.

In reality it's not important...
Even if I'm sure Darwinism is pure steamy bullshit, it's literalism that makes creationism so important for protties.

This. The pope is literally an anti-christ servant.

>omnipotent being isn't a magician
Catholicucks will unironically defend this third world monkey doubting the power of God.

>mfw Yas Forums continues to believe that the mainstream media is telling the truth about Pope Francis and Pope Francis' teachings
Lmao, I am sure you guys haven't even read Querida Amazonia

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According to the Kabbalah in the Tarot major arcana. God Keter is both equal parts (1) the magician and (0) The Fool. Pope doesn't know what the fuck you talking about... And that's really Sad.

None of this surprises me actually. After all, this pope ALSO went hook line and sinker into "Man Made Climate BULLCRAP" as well as SOCIALISM (which is anti-biblical if you just open your eyes and look).

But this pope is to the church as Marx and Engels are to freedom...

>be catholic
>all of it has to be metaphors or none of it can be metaphors.

Hmmm. This sounds like a (you) problem more than anything else.


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Even more proof ontop of the mountains of proof that the Catholic Church is a bloated paganistic beast of a thing, that man is completely fallible and sinful and putting fancy robes on them doesn't make a lick of difference. You can talk directly to the savior himself, in fact he wants to hear from you once and awhile. Jesus is the only mediator between God and Man, not Mary and certainly not some dead pedophile in fancy robes.

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This article is 6 years old lol

Little by little he is contradicting the Bible but he does it so subtly.

His goal is to confuse people like the devil


the third secret of fatima has been fulfilled, satan has infiltrated the catholic church

Here's a newish one. 2019.
>1500 Catholic priests and scholars directly accuse the Pope of heresy.

Yeah the part about God being all-powerful isn't to be taken literally either. Hell there probably isn't even a god, huh?

The entire bible in my view should be taken literally, but God's actions are so perfect and righteous that they carry meaning and lessons for humans on infinite levels. The actions of God are a work of art.

The bible, ESPECIALLY the old testament, is not the word of god. The old testament is at fucking best a historical text orally passed down by retarded, illiterate sand people. If you take the old testament as 100% fact you are legitimately retarded.

evolution is important as it is cornerstone of our godless world. THEY knew this and openly declared it- as with everything else the church capitulated. But the real catholic church is literalist and does reject evolution.

What a fucking moron.
Why doesn't pope AntiChrist do some coding and then try to say atoms aren't literally designed for life.... Fucking idiot.

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>Catholics, this is your leader?

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The big bang theory is very popular amongst catholics (who are actually aristotelians) because it follows from causality. Creationism is more of a protestant thing.

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real church=before Vatican II

Holy shit Yas Forums is retarded

funny as if you look at what pope francis said, he didn't say that evolution is church doctrine but that science isn't rejected by the church doctrine.

Now, on our wishlist He moves to number 1,
Ruth can go 2nd!

Explain this BIG Universe,
with Perfect little Earth and a Moon that 100% covers up the Sun during an eclipse!
You can't, God created all!

so the pope is now an atheist huh?

>implying the OT doesnt precisely prophesize the arrival of Jesus
>implying the actual israelites arent the europeans



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The gods are about to make this commie disappear.

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The Catholic church will outright deny the existence of God and say He is metaphorical within 20 years.

Bergoglio is a very ignorant man, so what he says doubly does not count. Benedict would be interesting, becasue though probably no less a heretic, he is very intelligent.

>Pope Francis says creationism is false, God is "not a magician."
The current pope is nothing but a jew placed into the position via blackmail for child rape and usury.
Just look at him, if that isn't the very image of a demon jew then nothing is.

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Few things user
1) He's a jew and jews don't belive anything in the old testament (modern ones who reject Jesus)
2) God is not a magician, as magic is the work of the devil, and it's sloppy, so calling god a magician is an insult to his infinite power.
3) Creationism is real, and all the "evidence" for (((evolution))) only supports (((evolution))) if you look at it with (((evolution))) in your heart. In other words, it's a matter of perspective.

Why does Yas Forums pretend to care either way? Who the hell still pretends to be Christian and takes a Pope or patriarch seriously?

c*Tholics are heretics

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He already said atheists can go to heaven so he has nothing to fear. He probably actually believes he is the mouth of God on this world.

You should be burned at the stake, with a hook in your tongue like Giordano Bruno.
The throne of Peter is the one authority that can correctly construe the Bible.
Noone else.

God doesn't live in the Bible, but rather in the Ecclesia of the faithful.


So how exactly does the Catholic church rationalize their hatred of magic while worshipping a magician who turned water into wine, walked on water, healed the sick and raised the dead?

In case anyone is interested in discussing Gods teachings

Whatever you want to call it, (God's Wrath, The Happening, etc) something chilling is taking effect over the Earth. In times of extreme caution due to disease, this video started popping up all of a sudden.


I looked deeper into the books referenced in this video.

>The Sacred Secretion
>Originally an Egyptian, Greek and Indian known truth.
>The basis of Hermetecism and sexual alchemy.
>The spleen creates a germ every so often and the brain creates fluids
>if you raise your energy by meditating, yoga, relaxing, eating really good and exercising over a 3 day period every month, you will increase your immune system, clean your body and stay healthy and live longer
>The philosophers stone, the pineal gland, the fountain of youth, etc
>the greeks called this secretion "Khristos"
>The Jews are responsible for hiding it

>Genesis 32:30 - So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
>Pineal Gland
>33 Rungs to Jacob's ladder = 33 bones of the spine

>Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles
>12 tribes of Israel
>12 signs of the zodiac
>Zodiac = the human body = Adam Kadmon = Adam from Genesis
>12 cranial nerves
>Spleen creates this germ once a month depending on your sun sign and the moon

That's what I've found so far. The symbol in pic related is the caducues, which is a secret symbol for this body process.

Are these people on to something?

Lmao, I've read Deus Caritas Est and Introduction to Christianity, yes, Ratzinger is a really intelligent man, but if you actually truly knew their stances and their views, you would know that Ratzinger is laughingly more liberal and with more pagan influences when it comes to church dogmas than Pope Francis

Technically light is photons which existed before gaseous fusible masses consolidated into stars

We were taught in Catholic school by teachers and priests that the OT is largely symbolic.

Woosh yourself retard.

I agree Darwinism is one of their column.
I was referring to Catholic stance on that, created or evoluted is not important.
Whatever the case when God created the first human soul that was Adam.

Daily reminder: According to the Christcuck religion, anything the pope says is automatically true due to a loophole Rabbi Yeshua created when he allegedly gave Peter his magic Jew powers.

The Pope showing off his lack of communion with the Holy Spirit =(.

Even if God didn't poof reality into existence, he still had to program reality to hold everything that was, is, and will be.

Knowing this Genesis is 100% accurate

Any consideration I had about being a catholic again have vanished. I'll stick to the old gods, thank you.

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God doesn't use magic, he uses miracles which are better in every way. Magic is the devil's work, while miracles are God's work.

> god is not a magician

> walked on water
> turned water into wine
> resurrected a dead guy
> spontaneously multiplied food

I dunno...

>Knowing this Genesis is 100% accurate

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Catholics are the cucks of Christianity. They could talk directly to god but instead let another man do it for them. Pure degeneracy.

God apparently had to sit in his Holy Laboratory for a long time before he could invent the elements needed to make up every substance in the universe. "Let there be light" isn't enough, you have to show your math!

fucking anti-pope needs to cough his last

You are an ignorant toad.
>Bergoglio is the pope
>Catholicism does not err in her teaching
pick one

That's not wrong. He is the mouth of HIS God.

>Even more so Big Bang Theory and Evolution are not contradictory to creationism, as those could very well be the mechanism God used to form the world and people.

100% based

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Big Bang is a catholic discovery. Evolution is correct, but we don't understand it fully. Creationism is cutfag fanaticism.

Theurgy is just 'God magic'.

Its symbolic in multiple ways, but also historic. The historic stories are told to teach us various things. Much like you learn lessons from your own lifes by extrapolating results and effects from your deeds onto other fields the same should be done with the bible, except on the example of other peoples lives

eh? I said 'no less a heretic'. can you read?
Ratzinger would eb intereting becasue he at least knows church doctrine. Bergoglio knows nothing

Honestly this is a very gnostic outlook. Most Christians tend to believe these parts rather literally

God is one and three.
The Church is always right and can err.

adam was born of an ape. This is not church doctrine. it may well be doctrine of the novis ordo cult, i don't know

Francis is merely further demonstrating that he is an anti-christ and blasphemer. Same show, different episode.

The Catholic Church teaches that evolution is not incompatible with God's creation, so this is nothing new.

As for God not being a magician, that's also true, He is God. To think of him as a magician is pagan.

Not every Christian is Catholic dumb ass, in fact there has been 2 different schisms from the Catholic church.
Inb4 "hurr derrr, Christians believe in LGBT". Remember Liberal preachers are Jewish rabbis larping as Christians.

Oh my God this Jesuit fag demon needs to keel over and die Lord forgive me

I cant believe people are dumb enough to be catholic and call themselves christian.

They're no such thing as "Pope Francis" user. The Holy See is vacant.

But calling it magic is an insult to him, as magic is the word used to describe the devil's powers. And God's powers are way better than the devils.

This pope is impressing me too much. I’m starting to want to believe in Catholicism. T_T

The struggle with social darwinism is ongoing. A lot of people are profoundly arrogant and short-sighted, believing in their own supremacy too much to believe in the necessity of a system of ethics that remains consistent towards the less powerful.

or, in other words, nobody with half a brain believes in talking snakes and donkeys
this faggot is literally more intelligent than the christcucks that shit up the board with their prayercircle faggotry

Sedevacantism is a form of heresy. You are literally calling Christ a liar by being one.

Says the faggot that doesn't understand the comment.

Yas Forums unironically believes now that rats are product of dirty rags throwed into the basement?

I view all of you as Jewish rabbis because you're following a Jewish religion.

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Isnt that what jews are?

The devil speaks..
Please explain waht father of the church, and saint, Bellarmine, meant when he said if a Pope should preach public heresy, he would in so doing cease to be pope.

Absolute conspiracy theory. He's nothing more than a false prophet and profound evidence of the sinful nature of man.

Catholicism is nothing more than a gay (literally cuz them niggas b fucken boipucci) larp.

It's when God breathes on the mud that the man is man.

I love the fact that anti-Vatican II sects basically believe they can change the world by simply being against it. If anything you guys will only isolate yourselves and slowly descend into no existence. I actually enjoy Tridentine Mass and the fact that Benedict XVI restored the tradition and aesthetics from the past, but to reject modernity altogether is to live cowardly isolated from the world, the Church nowadays is fighting to slowly tackle modernism by subverting it from within, and that means to make Humanists (or Globalists how you guys call) crumble from within and see the need for the Church morality and presence in society. If anything groups like TFP, FSSPX and others are basically just creating more obstacles for this to happen and at the same time call themselves "guardians of tradition" lmao by basically reinventing what the church has always been about, to bring the message of jesus not mattering the society and the status quo. Still, I enjoy the Good Shepard Institute as they are the ones that truly can balance tradition and the spread of message altogether

Creationism is retarded. Montalk and Atkinson have theories that integrate evolution with "involution" which make way more sense.

That's more of a translation thing. Magic itself is innocent. The two main brands of magic are Theurgy and Goetia with the former being derived from God and the latter being derived from the Devil and his kind.
God is indeed far stronger than the Devil with his theurgy enlightening our lives to the point where we consider its existence normal but it is easier to destroy than to create which is why the Devil's powers need to be watched for.

>still believing in the Big Bang
>still believing in Dark Matter
>still believing in Dark energy

Kek germans sure are naïve.

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Jesus' promise is more valuable than anyone else's opinions or theories.

That's a wide angle lens. I've been on Jesuit retreats and seen some freaky shit, but no serpents.