>ban travel from Europe
>not from China
I hope coronachan kills this miga boomer so we don't have to deal with his shit anymore.
Ban travel from Europe
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imagine not knowing that travel from asian countries has been banned for a week now.
oh well I still hate him anyway
What's your relationship with your parents like?
Well China is actually making an effort to contain it while Europe is doing absolutely nothing.
You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.
Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.
3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?
Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.
Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.
You're stupid and the premise of your idiotic thread is totally negated. You're so blinded by your hatred of drumpf that you don't even know what's going on. It took 1000 deaths from Swine Flu for Obama to even declare an emergency. Trump banned travel from China very early on. But people are acting like he's mismanaging this just because he fired some ineffective bureaucrats that dealt with Ebola.
But Onigger was a black! Oi Vey das waycis!
t. OP
The EU is literally controlled by Kikes and Eurocucks are such self hating nigger lovers they won't contain the virus because das wayyycciss
Fuck em. The Jew and the Anglo will take over the world. Then, the Anglo will betray the Jew and return balance to the world
China has it already controlled
>europe cant stop the muslim invasion from turkey
>this is just a PC muslim ban
Lol Shoo jew
This boomer hasn't done shit for me and even if I got something wrong doesn't change that the only people he has done anything for are Jews and other rich shabbos goyim like himself. So fuck him, I still hope he dies.
This, it's shameful. Even the pussiest European faggots have a justification to be nationalistic now. they get to maintain they're not racist they're just opposing migration due to coronavirus and public safety
>even if I got something wrong
lmao now THIS is kike posting
What's Trump done for you? How has he helped you out? Why are you defending him? Does he defend you?
Breaks my heart. Travelled Eyrope as a kid and I fell in love with western art and culture. And these nigger loving cucks threw it away
Of course you do, you'll blame him for literally everything because of TDS. Shit I'm glad your bitching about Trump's handling of this when you could be bitching at the local governments and agencies that could have stopped this at the ground level week's ago.
what was before the big bang?
>What's Trump done for you?
Tax cuts, fuck Paris climate niggers, fuck that pacific trade thing I forgot the acronym for, 401k doing great until chinks bio bombed themselves
that's just off the top of my head.
>as a kid a
Have you been lately? It's horrible
It's the false blame you place on him that outs you as a retard. The president is simply the figurehead, the CEO of a large corporation. All of the power of the company is in the board, just as all of the power of the US is behind people who's name's you don't know.
I'm sure your 401k is doing great boomer why don't you fuck off and die as well?
absolute brainlet
Anti Trump shills out in full effect. Do you all work for Cuck Schumer?
>only boomers have 401ks
Lmao must be hard being a minimum wage nog and a tranny
I went like 15 years ago - I did notice a lot of browns in Paris
kek btfo faggot
Chapo trannies seething about Bernie getting whipped
>Does he defend you?
Nigga the answer is obviously yes, Hillray would've started WW3 and also, all the fentanyl would've spread all over the place because it would've been racist to stop it.
He probably hates them.
>not from China
From China was first to be banned, hence it not being mentioned.
>Cuck Schumer
Schumer is a Jew. WHy do you think I give a shit about your fake republicans vs democrats shit?
>trump is good because hillary is bad
Doesn't compute.
>he says while posting on a device created by a boomer
>Well China is actually making an effort to contain it while Europe is doing absolutely nothing.
Yes, I too wish police barricades my front door and make me die from hunger while saying numbers are going down.
Do you just like being a sycophant? Next you people will be defending capitalists as they ransack you. Oh wait, you already are.
>the real fight is between crippled trans lesbians of color and everyone else!
Pulling out of the Paris Agreement and two non progressive activist SCOTUS picks were worth the vote alone, chapofag. Seethe harder for me
>no arguments found
I wish you died from hunger too
Yes it does because the point is that HARD WORK NEEDED TO BE DONE! Of which Hillary would not've done. So no, it's not Trump good BECAUSE Hillary bad, it's.... Trump good, and in an unrelated matter, Hillary bad.
>defending capitalists
Kill yourself
So BASED he appointed two conservatives to SCOTUS I am totally invested in the success of conservatives
>Kill yourself
Absolutely seething lmao
Whatever you think miga retard go suck on some Jewish dick
Imagine how pathetic your life is if you have been screaming about him for 3 years and still have 5 years to go
This is anti-Semitic.
das rite, fellow MIGAtard.
Checked! Kek BTFO TDS
That's the intention.
Imagine thinking Trump is good for anybody except capitalists.
Imagine flying the EU flag
Please retort.
>>So BASED he appointed two conservatives to SCOTUS I am totally invested in the success of conservatives
Yep, pretty happy that leftist activists were deprived of those seats. Your salt makes me even happier though, Bernienigger.
Perfect ss material anons- all in the 1st 3 posts even. Show it to all the crying babies Nov 5 2020
What do you have to say about hard work and capitalism?
You rather have senile pedocrat criminal Joe Biden i'm sure. Krijg de corona Shariablue
Stay mad fag
20,000 US troops in EU right now
Operation Magic Sword
Q predicted this
lmao my sides
I'm sure those conservative judges are going to fight really hard for your interests.
Capitalism is shit and hard work is for golems.
False dichotomy.
Fuck off nigger
>months long
What do you do for a living?
Is this thread proof enough that chapotrannies are the ones behind “miga/zion don” shit?
Not only that but Chinese citizens cannot travel to America without applying for a tourist visa first and getting accepted. Whereas most European citizens can travel here visa free.