Post things europoors can't have.

I'll start.

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Obese feet?

Please lose some weight bud
That’s unhealthy and we need you around. Maybe just cut the bread and sugar for a while

Why do your toes have double chins?


Type 2?

Post em boys

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Is that gout or some kind of edema? I think you may need to visit an urgent care user before you lose the foot.

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Damn that is an EXTREMELY fat foot.

So this is what freedom looks like.


Such strong cars

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Stop making baloons out of gloves, a nurse could use that

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We already got pigs.



How fucking fat are you that you have sacks of fat in your feet lmfao

Foot looking like an elephant's
lose some fucking weight nigger, and stop the d&c it only helps the kikes

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You got a lot of McD's invested in that foot.


Dude WTF

Do something about your weight. If your feet are like that I can't imagine what the rest looks like

That's right, we would rather not have fat feet.

Every nigger has a shooter.

ITT: 80IQ mutt who unironically think we can't by firearm and have a type2 here...

look at this bloated fat retarded mutt posting his fucked up foot like there nothing weird or disgusting about it all all. this is peak degeneracy.

ahahahaha that fucking foot

What the fuck is wrong with your feet? you fat fuck

>obese feet
well I gladly decline the offer

Goddamn I'm a fatass and my feet dont anywhere near resemble that. That dude must be like 700lbs

Elephant feet or shitty american guns?
I don't want either of those.

Jesus wept...

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So THAT is why everyone here needs a truck?

how do you even get so fat your foot is swollen like a balloon?

Jesus Christ I’m just here wondering if the boogaloo is gonna do anything about those fucking sausages you call toes, or if you’re going to gorge yourself on all your stockpiled food and get fatter

Is that gout?

Holy fucking shit those are some fat fucking feet. I thought i was fat at Obese class I but you motherfucker are going tk have to take a trip to texas for some surgery.

I'm a little overweight, 215lbs @ 5'11", been running 3x weekly and going to the gym for about 3 months regularly. Sometimes I get heart palpitations which I didn't get before, I thought exercise made you healthier.

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Nice keep going Yas Forumsro!

Indoor plumbing

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Death because no money for treatements.

Damnit I was hoping they'd spill as they pulled in the driveway. What a letdown.

fat ass

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DIET and exercise...No fucking sugar. You need a sweet, get raw HONEY.

Just stop, you could be a war machine, think about it

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Is that some short of lymphedema? What are you going to do when your mobility scooter runs out of power?

US citizens preparing to become a turd world country.

Would that make you happy, memeflag?

I just bought a shotgun last night. Blessed second amendment.

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My diets been pretty good. Barring a couple birthdays in that time, no sugar, mostly chicken and low carb low sugar protein shake for the protein. Lots of veggies, but few fruits since I'm not a big fan. Also cut back energy drinks, caffeine comes from coffee 1x a day. Maybe there's just an adjustment period. I was never like OP but could never run 2+ miles without stopping either.

Let's go then.

Suck my toes.

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Flexed for all you babes

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I'm going to post two feet. Enjoy.

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Are those wearwolf feet?

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Stop biting your fucking toenails, Jesus


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That lady had some serious momentum

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This a feet thread now?

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