He's got a point. There is zero chance Tom Hanks AND his wife actually have it...

He's got a point. There is zero chance Tom Hanks AND his wife actually have it, I'm good at detecting bullshit and their entire story stinks to high heaven

Attached: Randy Quaid.png (898x416, 58.98K)

NOBODY has it, fake virus

This. Q said Hanks would be first to get taken down by deep state. Now that he is first with Coronavirus it pretty much spells the whole thing out. Buy gold

only seeds of babylon get the virus, or if you live in a babylonian cityscape/hellscape which makes you retarded, so you might as well die with the rapists and pedos too.


>blue checkmark
checks out

>buy gold

Attached: 3ACBEA9B-B0CB-4385-B634-883E1E56FFFD.jpg (750x1036, 290.63K)

Pretty much agree; hanx was just ordered to do a corona PSA for the subnormals

Randy Quaid is fuckin based, faggot

You have about a month until this global pedo network arrest operation is complete and the virus disappears. If you're still shilling and panic selling you have a subhuman IQ.

When the tide goes out all boats sink faggot

whats it like having a single digit iq? do you have trouble breathing?

>Q said

Attached: 1579375404637.jpg (245x245, 7.24K)

schizo shill thread

have about 100k shares of GLD
it's 100% of my portfolio
everyone laughed at me....who's laughing now? faggot ass..

Who is Randy Quaid and how would Hanks faking it benefit anyone especially Mechelle Obama?

I figured he actually has it for being a pedo


Attached: 1580253804331.jpg (400x500, 189.92K)

Gold goes down because people have to pay margin calls, it's bound to rise as people want to protect their money.

>Trump speaks to nation to calm everyone down
>immediately after Pedo Hanks creates more panic
Nothing to see here, folks


There are no coincidences.

Attached: 4E350B74-CA63-438F-95D7-36CC185B255C.png (966x662, 958.26K)

paper gold is worthless, dumb fuck
if you don't hold it , you don't own it

>Trump’s speech ends
>most beloved celeb by normies comes out 2 minutes later and says he has Coronavirus
>Hanks is a well known deep state pedo
>his kid makes a weird shirtless video about his parents having the virus
>he’s covered in tattoos and the most prominent tattoo is the All Seeing Eye which is right on his chest

I mean how fucking clueless are you people, it’s a total hoax

the truth finally reveals itself

Gold shares. Fool. Hold physical otherwise you're just masturbating.

Based Randy



Trust President Trump and lick the handrails at Trump Tower to show your devotion like the Iranians!

Attached: iran corona cure.jpg (900x506, 93K)

Not taking into consideration the global demand for gold for manufacturing has come to a halt.

he's right user


Attached: ABB4C618-69D1-4073-A049-CBD357482298.png (590x658, 63.88K)

So when they shit hits the fan and your brokers head for the hills how do you get your money?

>Who is Randy Quaid

It's a fun time watching from poolside

trump is healthy like an ox


That is just other q-fags speculating wildly and writing their own fan fiction. That is not a fucking source you mong.

>Q predicted this
Go away retard and neck yourself

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No, fuck you. Stop being a dickhead and hold physical. That's how the metals game goes. Having gold 'IOUs' is unfiltered kikery that works on muppets. Get your shit together and stop being duped like a complete retard.

Look kid, I know you like to masturbate over fantasies of a nuclear fall out and end times scenarios but I'm almost 35 yrs old and I don't subscribe to delusional fantasies like you do. I'm a pragmatic person that understands that every dip is a buying opportunity. I get why you're bitter though, believe me I do. You don't have enough capital to invest so even at a discounted price these stocks are beyond your reach because YOU ARE A MASSIVE LOSER. Just because you don't have any skin in the game doesn't some how give you carte blanche to fear monger and force people to destroy their portfolio and run for cover. Wise up and save up some money so you to can invest like the big boys some day.

take your yiddish memes and gtfo

This is to get average joe retard to take it seriously. Average Joe retard didn’t care about it, but now that their favorite actor who was in all those movies they like is sick oh no it must be serious!

Says the kike

>Q said
you got my attention user

pretty sure the tweet OP posted is talking about hank's weiner not the chink flu

Attached: 1427398237078.gif (500x281, 808.65K)

no u

too obvious, Chaim

Attached: memeflag-kike-merchant-jew.jpg (208x242, 16.41K)

It is indeed, Rabbi!

Attached: 1574330177603.jpg (1125x1299, 180.44K)

orthodox are bro tier

Attached: mitzfa.jpg (1280x853, 237.68K)


the tiptoe to tyranny

Hollywood is not only morally bankrupt but literally bankrupt
no one likes the stuck-up hollywood-a leads forcing their government propaganda at this point down our throat

You read my mind, fren

Life is like a box of corona

Attached: pedowood.jpg (600x350, 46.24K)

He wants to fake his death so that he can diddle kids on some island in peace

agreed. we already know he's a pedo so you can't trust him regardless.

All other Jews hate Orthodox jews. You might as well have used Clarence thomas as an example of how blacks love Trump.

Q never said this. Retard alert.

Are you retarded? Randy Quaid is another famous actor, once as famous as Hanks.


I was hoping to see Tom Hanks and family QUICKLY RECOVER and have NO negative aftereffects... then MAYBE the FUCKING WORLD will STOP THE GODDAMN PANIC and CALM THE FUCK DOWN about it!!!

FLU kills and infects 1000 times as many - WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE PANICKING OVER THIS CORONA SHIT?

(pic funny)

come on world just let corona tan feel you up and it'll be over quickly...

Attached: corona.tan.1581339832826.jpg (1191x1684, 257.23K)

are you downs


stfu retard

Attached: 1561435419113.gif (328x328, 1.95M)

we are being hoaxed

All those words and you couldn't even answer the question.

When the time comes that you want your physical gold, what do you do when they don't respond to your email?