So instead of a Muslim ban

Now we have a white travel ban, how do we feel about this?
I for one am pissed!

He promised a Muslim ban!
What the fuck is going on?
BREAKING: European leaders blast Trump for imposing coronavirus travel ban 'without consultation'

Why isn't he allowing blonde busty chics in the country?
Someone explain to me please!

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Notice Trump didn’t ban Mexico

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She is so fucking hot, we need more of those in the country

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why dont we just shoot women in the face

Muslims are white

A fellow man of culture, I see.

>implying there are any whites left in europe

That’s a hooker if I’ve ever seen one

>europe travel ban
It IS a muslim ban you fucking reddit tourist


Burgers are becoming worse than leafs at this point. What do they put in their tapwater bros?

She’s certainly advertising that she is for sale

Mexico has fewer corona cases than the US. Before this is overMexico will build a Northern Wall and make the USA pay for it.

All women are for sale user

Trump never banned Muslims nor did he ever want to. You’re just pushing kike media fake news

>Now we have a white travel ban
Europe isnt white you mutt. Have you ever been there? Its full of nigs.

>implying eurofags are white
Why are you being antisemitic?

A European travel ban is still a muslim ban

Imagine thinking this

>muh white
no one cares faggot, no one cares about whites, no one cares about what you think or do, shut the fuck up

I concur. Germany was full of arabs and nigs last summer.

Pure actionism. Trump received critique and now seeks to appear as a strong man that passes strong measures to solve the crisis.

It's an election year. Everything both sides do is part of the monkey circus that is democracy.

We have enough coalburners nigger.

>she's with a nigger
Hopefully she's permanently banned, and not just restricted for 30 days.

Europe is about as white as the LA Lakers user.

We're just getting flooded by migrants. Soon we'll be worse than the leafs

Fucking hot

Bernout detected.

I’d be ok with that.


>fake hair
>stupid tattoo
We need more of them in gas chambers

You still have us.

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I am fine with it. The Muslim ban was to protect americans from shitskin goat fuckers from places where verifying people is sketchy at best.
This travel ban to protect americans from shitty Europeans who spread diseases.

You can't talk that way about white people

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It probably looks very bad in the US, since he didnt do a big mediatic coup on it, he just used us to say later: "I did that, you know, it helped".

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The US has had a travel ban for a while now. All these countries are banned from entry:

Total ban:
- North Korea
- Somalia

Ban except limited diplomatic reasons:
- Eritrea
- Iran
- Kyrgyzstan
- Libya
- Myanmar
- Nigeria
- Sudan
- Syria
- Tanzania
- Yemen

Partial ban:
- Venezuela

Temporary Ban:
- Europe (except for UK)

Orange man bad

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>Bans every EU country
ok so it's a nigger ban

Keep it up and Australia is the next place we "liberate"

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Toll Status: Pending

What better example of IRL shitposting than infecting a beloved American actor with the Coronavirus?

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He didn’t even ban India or korea or Japan, he didn’t ban Saudi Arabia or Qatar. He didn’t ban Brazil. The only thing I can come up with is he’s baby stepping a complete international ban and he chose Europe first because no one would scream racist. Europe travel ban goes into play then he can say oh and I’m banning all of Africa or some shit.
Honestly he’s a big fat gay boomer so I just think he’s being a faggot, but maybe he will surprise us

Yes but not all women advertise it. Try to keep up

Nips wear masks and self quarantine - they're a good bunch.
Korea is based.
SA and Qatar are special cases right now, the house of Saud is imploding.
Brazillians are either rich or too poor to travel

He should have banned the Poos though.

No its definitely a white ban

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you faggots are so pathetic
unironically have sex

It’s been that way for a while.

Europe is a muslim nation now. So really it is just a muslim ban.

>just transmit bodily fluids with other people during a pandemic already
No, fuck you, I'M GONNA COOM.

Well Italy has been the biggest spreader of the virus worldwide. And Korea and Japan do have it under relative control, however he still should do a total worldwide ban, which is what I think he's planning.

Burn the coal, pay the toll. They will be dead tomorrow.

>That pic.
Nigger, chink, thot, dyke.
The fall of western civilization.

built for bbc

Plastic coal burners?

>Euro fags BTFO
Eurostan fags not wanted in USA. We have enough retards here already.

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>mutts law post


How long until she Burns the Carbon?
Every female the Jews set up as a group think leader for white women ends up a drug addicted mess or a coal burner, no exceptions.
As she was born a drug addicted mess there can be only one fate.

Just an average scene in the most racist country in the world that's governed by a fascist racist dictator.

Ban all non Americans yes
Fuck off
We’re full

Good. Fuck off we're full.

its because we cant prevent crossings.

For now she is improving alot

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you can literally smell the fried chicken on her

Nope. Even if she gets an emotional support lizard and tats there will be no saving her.