...eternally debated by conservatards & tradlarps on twitter is funny cope cuz the fact it's debated already answers the question. If God didn't want u fucking 14 year old girls, why he make em hot? why all ur ancestors did it? why their biology croon for it? They literally do not have an argument against this. The "debate" is a performance dancing around the fact they are ideologically noncommittal, reversing back to materialist modernist atheism the moment its boundaries are actually tested. Yawn
True trad protocol, relying on LT societal preservation as the barometer of morality, and time-tested heuristics as the method of societal preservation, clearly and logically points to marriage as early is reproduction allows; even true within Christianity; as our natural desire. The only reason pseudo-traddies are so threatened by dismantling feminist age of consent laws is because they know their grip on their own children as father of the household is too weak to actually prevent their daughters from getting groomed by an unsuitable unapproved husband.
The "Underage Question"
Other urls found in this thread:
OK Groomer
Ok liberal
A rational society would ensure that women are property, first of their fathers and then of their husbands. Women would be wed young and birth children.
Our society is the exact opposite of this, but change is coming.
Would you really picrelated it? Wtf is wrong with you? How antisocial are you to think about that, go outside
jannies are literal fucking niggerfaggots at this point. Pedo content is getting posted every 5 minutes.
>If God didn't want u fucking 12 year old girls, why he make em hot?
Well shit, you're right
Hey man, Don't ask Taboo questions on the POLITICALLY INCORRECT board. Ok!
OK Groomer
Underage? we are talking now biology not politics.Girl is ready when she is ready to breed and to breastfeed her children .
That is the only purpose in her life .
i got my first boner when i was like 5 and went around my class showing it off.
>its Yas Forums
>even they are getting cucked by liberal "individual autonomy"
>can't follow their evolutionary logic to its natural end
>moralfagging with no arguments
based and chad pilled.
fuck off pedo. i hope you get arrested and raped to death in prison.
No human being is illegal. The age of consent laws are discriminatory, ageist, pedophobic and the remnant of a backwards patriarchal society.
Enjoy jail.
KYS u fucking nonce faggot
ok libtard
Glow niggers get the rope first.
>If God didn't want u fucking 14 year old girls, why he make em hot?
Really? Your argument is that God wants you to commit adultery? Have you even read His book?
Try again, pervert.
If God didn't want me getting fucked in my asshole than why did he make it feel so good?
Reminder to go out and take what's yours in the coming boogaloli
What kind of man spends all of those years raising a daughter and never tastes her honey? Only a cuck. And I'm not cuck.
Tbh 14-16 yo girls are the only thing to make me miss being a teen.
But as an adult, it is a rare thing to have a noncringe conversation about anything with a 14 so theres that...
nice strawman retard
You'd have to go back to making woman property in order for the old system to work.
You can't just let 14 year old fuck whoever they want.
They will be used up, and ruined before they are 20, and it's very likely they won't have a man around to help them raise the children.
The old system revolved around woman being property, and marriages being arranged by the father (who more than likely has her best interest at heart)
Daily Reminder:
>Catholic Canon Law states that the lowest age of marriage for women is 14
>People, especially women, used to marry much younger throughout most of Western History
>The Age of Consent is an extremely modern artificial standard that was one of the first legislative victories of the feminist movement
>The most well known love story in the Western Canon, "Romeo & Juliette," features a romance between a 13 year old and a 20-something year old.
Anyone who dismisses this as "PEDOPHILIA" is not only a fucking retard, they're literally doing the bidding of feminists.
>They will be used up, and ruined before they are 20, and it's very likely they won't have a man around to help them raise the children.
Just make sure there's a generous welfare system in place and we all get to fuck teenagers. What's the issue.
Correct. Except for the change part. Whites are terminally liberal and feminist and will literally die out before they give up on egalitarian utopianism.
>What's the issue.
The welfare part.
Welfare should only be allowed 6 months at a time, and if you're on it for more than 3 times in your life you have to get sterilized.
Grow up OP.
Ok simp
That chin could cut a hole in my rear windshield
14 seems kinda young, bro. 15, on the other hand...
FUCK the shit I would do with her. Make 50 Shades look like kindergaten.
age of marriage is simple, whenever they can give a healthy birth.
OK Groomer
The hardest thing to do is discard the pedestal. Most PUA fail to do this, in fact it sunk their movement, tradcucks fail to do this, even 3dpd neets fail to do this.
You cannot call yourself redpilled until you do though.
Ok simp.
Obviously you are right. Prime age teen QTs are hot and everyone knows it much like everyone knows niggers are dumb, smelly and aggressive but no one can say it. The only redpilled answer is however is that the AOC should be marriage and all sex outside of wedlock is punishable by stoning, insha'Allah.
>If God didn't want u fucking 8 year old girls, why he make em hot?
Well shit, you're right
Lib-rights get the rope too
OK Groomer
That's what I love about 12 year olds. I get older, and they stay the same age.
Ok, since an 11 year old could potentially have a child they should be able to if they want to?
There are things in life you lose out on when you start adulthood early, experiences you haven't had yet. That alone makes me think they aren't mature enough to make that decision but. how about you?
Fuck you, degenerate. You will get the rope.
Yet you right wing nazi types are fine with marrying teenage girls and supporting them their entire life while they raise your family.
So clearly you see the connection between smashing pussy, producing offspring and paying to support it.
The only difference is it's collectivized rather than autistically doing it through an archaic institution such as marriage.
Imagine considering 14 y/o’s ”hot”. Pedos are fucking disgusting
Well shit, you're right
President Joe Biden approves of this thread.
16 is the new 20, body ready to bang and with some experience but not a total slut and still moldeable
how it should be
No connection or feelings or relationships, just meaningless sex and commodification of child production? You must take care of less successful genetic material? There is less of a selection process? Yeah... not seeing it.
What did he mean by this?
>No connection or feelings or relationships
Couldn't care less mate, lol
>meaningless sex and commodification of child production
Sign me up.
>You must take care of less successful genetic material?
That's already an issue regardless. Ugly and stupid people will breed, doesn't matter if they have to get married first. There's always going to be trash in the human population to deal with.
>There is less of a selection process?
It's actually a better selection process since all the young fertile girls will be flocking to the hot alpha male with good genetics and getting mass impregnated.
Sexual sin is like murder, the intent matters. For a man who kills to protect is moral. As is a man who marries a girl with her best intentions at heart.
The age of the girl doesn't matter at all. It is the man's actions that draw the moral line. Sex before she can bear children would be of course a horrible and disgusting coomer move. But marriage to a 13 year old, who has bled, as long as she consents, what's the problem?
Being a coomer at any age is a sin. "Pedos" who fuck teenage girls are no different than the guy who picks up girls at the bar. The only difference is the value. That teen pussy is so valuable they try to use the police to keep people away from it. Like security guards at a bank vault.
In a Christian society, based on family and sexual restraint, there would be no need for "age of consent." Everything would be based on the woman's feelings, and her father's consent. That's why the father of the bride gives away his daughter at a wedding.
Kill yourself faggot.
Pedo freak wait four years
I started out by going to yahoo.com and searching for "preteen models"
I’m married to a black man from Nigeria. He married me at age 22 right after completing college because in his culture women often get married off REALLY young.
The good thing is his culture requires that the elders approve of any marriage so that stops really bad things from happening
>animals rape, so it's not immoral
>killing your neighbour for petty crime is an instinct, therefore it's justified
Why not revert even further into the stoneage, there wouldn't be any more needs for any debate - we'd all live happily to the ripe old age of 22
Well shit, Cenk Uygur say's your right.
I reeeeally like a 12 or 13 age of consent. Like fug m8. Gibs.
>If you find this attractive then you want to diddle toddlers!!!
>Forgive the Somalian rapist, he knows not what he does
Why do Swedes do this?
If you missed out on 14 yo pussy when you were 14 sucks to be you
>The only reason pseudo-traddies are so threatened by dismantling feminist age of consent laws is because they know their grip on their own children as father of the household is too weak to actually prevent their daughters from getting groomed by an unsuitable unapproved husband.
You make some good points OP, now for a serious answer.
One could argue that most women's intellect is childlike anyways, what's the same argument you hear time and time again? "Have you ever actually had an important discussion with women at all?" If women do not outgrow this phase then what is the fascination with the body? Is it societies temptation at telling us; what is thou beauty if it is untamed? Are we then not admitting to ourselves that men will always make the final decision? Then the patriarchy will always be a must; even if we cannot choose to admit it. If women of all ages want to be protected, then women alone cannot protect herself. One could also argue that this is generic "simp" behaviour but then again what is the infatuation with the taboo of it?
This is the only topic where you can truly be the centre/on the fence on. You're either hard left or hard right.
Absolutely fuck yes.
But user if you find this attractive you're a pedo, why don't you want to marry some empty egg carton instead?!?!? Ignore the brown replacements arrange marrying as teenagers....
Those who arrange marry and breed teens will demographically replace those who don't. That's the thing with Yas Forums you don't get it, you can't escape the natural order. Ever.
Puberty should be the only criteria that matters.