>E V O L U T I O N

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>edit thanks for the gold kind stranger

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>Other people NEEED this stuff!!

then they can pay me for it! Capitalism!!

>why did everyone buy stuff before I could :(((((((
>why do preppers get to be right, I thought I could just make fun of them :(((((((((

>stop stockpiling so I can stockpile!!!!!
how about no, retard


Imagine actually thinking anyone needs hand sanitizer and can't just fuck with rubbing alcohol and aloe vera until they make some. Also, I still see a fuckload of hand soap and similar available....where has that been sold out?

preplet detected

>I hope "insert small inconvenience" happens to you all your life
Are these people mentally 10 years old? They can't even wish death upon someone for doing something they perceive as horrible. What's wrong with those soiboys?

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go back

>that edit
imagine being that guy. just imagine


also reminder to get a gun before you get anything else, otherwise you're just stockpiling for the armed CHAD or negroes down the street if things get bad enough

So gay

he's right you now, you over prepping will lead to indirect deaths. you amplify the severity of the virus by denying someone products.

Evil man. Sellout


> Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>>I hope "insert small inconvenience" happens to you all your life
he's trying to be funny at the end of his little faux outrage rant. the entire premise of his post is him imagining that people are somehow being harmed or dying from people stocking up on rice and tp, which is total retardation. he must think that pretending to be an overly sensitive woman will get him laid.

like i said, it's evolution. the weak and stupid will die out.

lol ok, wait until the hungry horde blast through you door faggot.

Tbh I do hate people who overbuy just to resell. Forgot the English word, sorry.
If you concede capitalism and monetary systems are good because it is the closest way we have to assess collective (added) value, I think it's easy to recognize than hoarding to resell adds no value. If a trillionaire somehow hoarded all the water in the world and resold it 100x its past value, he would be adding nothing to the economy.

>Haha look at this paranoid Schizo buying all the hand sanitizer,food and toilet paper over a fucking flu, what an schizo dumbass
Two weeks later
>How fucking dare these people have a stockpile of supplies when others like myself need it?
>They are cold blooded fucking monsters that take more than they need and they should surrender their food so that everyone has an equal amount and if things are bad we all starve to death at the same time
>This is fair because I have no prepared and it would triple the length of time I would be alive and cut theirs down to a fraction
>But its fine because I'm selfish and lack self-awareness

By and large they will go to their graves thinking they did nothing wrong, such as failing to prepare. It is all always someone else’s fault.

>thinking the people too stupid to load up on food and supplies will somehow magically become organized and tactical
yea, im not answering my door and if anyone tries breaking in they're getting killed.

Scalping? It is what it is, they actually have laws against it on boards and other building materials people need when a hurricane is coming in Florida. There are still fistfights over bottled water and shit though lol.

Hungry hordes of people do not work together. They kill each other for food.

i think he's talking about "price gouging"


Jesus christ that post. All that basedish rage at scalpers and too effeminate to say anything beyond 'tee hee i hope you become top poster on r/mildlyinconvenienced'

Buying shit has nothing to do with evolution.

This and proceed to starve from over exerting what energy they have left.

To be fair if I was wishing for one of these faggots to get raped by a giant thorny cock for the rest of their lives I would also want there to always be a rock in their shoe. I know they wouldn't enjoy at least one of those things.

they are not wrong if you are trying to profit from it then you are a nigger at heart and i hope the person you sell to ends up infecting you

Well yes it does. Variation of mental traits leads to variation of response, good or bad dependent on scenario.

Here some paranoia and individualism is beneficial as it leads to preparation, so if it were truly bad they would survive over the others.

>rubbing alcohol and aloe vera
Stores are out.

>making sure to have adequate supplies during a time of crisis has nothing to do with evolution
>surviving a time of crisis has nothing to do with evolution
you're one of those guys that pretends to be retarded, aren't you?

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This is why the industrial system is a failure.This man shouldn't be alive.The industrial system suspends the world population at 7 billion unnaturally.If the neoliberal system collapses(and i hope to god it does) only people with a will to survive will live.People who are dependent and unnaturally kept alive by neolibralism will die off.

Poorfags btfo yet again

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There are going to be a lot of SMUG and INSUFFERABLE paranoid schizophrenics if things get bad. Validating them once means you can never interact with them again without them being absolute cunts.

idk if I've heard people call it what I said or imagined it somehow

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I have food, water and other supplies for months at all times in my house.
Poorfags deserve what awaits them.

Scalping is another term for it but its generally used in stocks and when buying tickets or collectibles.

True. They're traits which are bad most of the time, hence not being very common. However they are good in these scenarios so all the san fran bridge tier posters will be bolstered.

scalping makes sense and everyone will know what you mean but the more accurate term is price gouging.

Yeah, scalping.
It adds 0 value to the economy.
It's also illegal in certain circumstances in my country but extremely easy to bypass.

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>muh pepper cut, mut pebble in shoes, et
damn, seeing the extent of bad experiences he hopes for his enemies shows the average leftcuck has sooooooo much experience about life, lol
no wonder they don't see what's wrong with rapefugees coming from at best bronze age shitholes

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>buying things makes supply run down! Wahhhh fuck people who buy things!

>What's wrong with those soiboys?

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>I didnt prepare and its everyone elses fault!!!!
Losers. Hope they all die.

lol imagine thinking this garbage console was going to be high demand

Stepping on something cold and wet only sucks if you are wearing socks.

Literally me. My smugness grows everytime someone asks for a dunny roll. Everytime someone worries that they should have stocked up on rice. Good God am I ready for them to beg for a can of baked beans. My cock is swelling as I type this. I don't know how I'll be able to handle the excitement in person.
I don't care if they are family. Their only value will be the sexual service they provide. Soon.

>wishing harm on those who prepared better than you

This shit always makes me laugh. People are forgetting that they're gonna have to defend their shit from people like me who will take it from them.

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>all the prepping was just an elaborate scheme to get laid

Oh well, should have prepped a month ago. It's Social Darwinism, get fucked.

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planning to be a raider is certainly one strategy but very few will be successful since it only takes you going in to one wrong home to get btfo. if shit gets really hectic people will just snipe you if you get within 100 yards of their place.

imagine thinking that redditors like OP can actually work together, much less thinking they could cooperate in the midst of an externally-induced dopamine withdrawal, or much, much less thinking that any of them could reasonably break through a door.
City-dwelling, hypersocialized liberals are fucked. They've got severe normalcy bias and an "Eve in Eden" syndrome where they don't understand that their wanton, self-serving actions can lead to the loss of all that they take for granted.

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There was a huge sale on rubbing alcohol like 10 years ago and I got something like 10 bottles, out of which 9 are remaining because I don't use it that often.


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Niggas better hope they got night vision googles.

why didn't he just prepare when those things were still available?

but hoarders/preppers bought their stuff weeks ago, it's panic retards buying up stock now

Good luck !

Any home security system.built within the last two years has night vision. My house has 4 hidden cameras on the premises, giving my family a perfect view of half the neighbourhood in pitch black and even during storms.

just target resellers. after this inevitably dies down, those who have bulk tp and sanitizer to sell should probably be lynched.