Brit/pol/ Narrowboat's edition VI

>David Cameron ‘targeted’ by crazed arsonist who burned down his neighbour’s house with a Molotov cocktail

>Boris Johnson will hold emergency COBRA meeting tomorrow to rule on shutting schools, banning football matches and telling everyone to work from home

>Raging Binfire near Langholm housing estate

>Migrants face £624 annual fee to use NHS in ‘shameful and counterproductive’ Budget move

>Youths believed to have started Binfire involving large wheelie bin in York

>Solo 45 trial: Grime artist convicted of 21 rapes

>Wheelie bin torched in Edlington resulting in Binfire,wheelie-bin-torched-in-edlington_35380.htm

>SNP scolded for interrupting OWN MP with rowdy behaviour as Commons descends into chaos

>Sweet As Pie: Highlights From British Pie Week 2020,_Pukka_and_Pieminister.html

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Moat was murdered

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Morning Chaps, here to join another pure minted thread guvnahs.

THE SCOTTISH PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS, WE WILL NOT BE IGNORED by the bourgeois elites of western Yorkshire keeping us down! Ive seen it with my own eyes!

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Got to go to a disciplinary meeting with a manager and a colleague tonight, the colleague has kids that go to a secondary school with multiple confirmed cases, I've emailed my manager about my concerns but they haven't replied

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I've given up on my ill-defined, unworked for dreams lads and decided to apply for a job at the civil service so I can get a flat, a wife and some kids. Is this better or worse than just deciding to be an English teacher abroad?

>western Yorkshire
actually neck yourself

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>Doctors claim new coronavirus 'may cause damage to a man's TESTICLES' as they urge male patients to take fertility tests upon recovery
>it's just a flu, bro
reminder that /cvg/ has known about this since the beginning of the outbreak.

are you over 40yo with serious health problems

I'm almost 40 and have severe paranoia yes

How the British government sees you after calling someone a nigger on Halo: Reach before they sentence you to 7 years imprisonment for inciting racial violence against minorities.

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Get yourself kitted out!

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>Republic of Ireland is shutting down schools and colleges
>Places of business likely to follow
>Tfw I'll probably get infected because I'm in Ulster, in the UK

just fuck it all

>stop saying bad things about this colleague, even though his family is potentially now a virtual walking leper colony.
Just cough throughout the entire shitshow mate. Then say sorry each time and grin in as sickly a manner as you can manage.
You may get a fortnight off work!

>Doctors in Wuhan warned the disease may affect the production of sperm
>However no study has proved the new coronavirus will affect men's fertility

probs just chinks using WuFlu as an excuse to cover up for some other bullshit

I think we are going to stage 2 today. Stage 3 sounds like the Robocop movie, when the cops went on strike.

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ah you'll be fine. it's flu, bro

>Princess Cruises cancelled world wide for 60 days

They must know that they were now floating boomer coffins

The company just released new rules about it as well so hopefully they are gonna cancel it

Its your fault, why hide from it. The facts dont lie, Im Scottish!!!!!!

I've seen you larp before lad but the 'western Yorkshire' bit made me vomit, never heard those words said ever and I'm a local.

>bourgeois elites of western Yorkshire
Get out and stay out you daft cunt.

>occasional Cough thats lasted weeks and sore throat
Least it aint fever could just be flu

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West Riding independence NOW

This, Bradford and Kirklees can join Lancashire.

If they don't, just say you are perfectly fine so long as they supply you with appropriate PPE for the duration (hazmat suit, mask, gloves, etc).
I think they'll get the picture at that point. If they argue, mention the posibility of health and safety not liking them putting you in a hazardous working situation.
Every boss is shit scared of H&S because they can shut them down in a heartbeat and don't usually take any shit from irate managers.

kek, one step closer to the ethno state

>jUsT LeT oLd PeOpLe DiE fOr tHe eCoNoMy
Ok but it causes further respiratory problems in the under 30s that will affect them for the rest of the lives. How will that be economically productive? Should we kill them as well and import more pakis to increase the economy?

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it does much more than that. boris should be executed for even entertaining this idea.

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Millions will die

>Should we kill them as well and import more pakis to increase the economy?
There's millions chomping at the bit to be imported.

you understand that being an annoying faggot and spamming the same shit just makes people switch off, yes?

i'm concerned about that actually. what if the liver damage some (healthy) people sustain culminates in cancer 15 years down the line, or something? the long-term effects of the disease are just a big question mark right now

cant watch the bbc too many pakis



>Boris Johnson WON'T ban mass gatherings or close schools in fight against coronavirus - despite Scotland and Ireland taking the drastic action
fuck boris. worst PM we've ever had.

>it causes further respiratory problems in the under 30s that will affect them for the rest of the lives.
stop lyin.... no citations....

Racist in greggs again?


There are 2 scenarios. Both cannot be achieved. The government has to pick one.
1. Fuck the economy, save the elderly.
This will result in a fucked up economy, a poorer country and many saved lives.
2. Fuck the elderly, save the economy.
This will result in a fucked up economy and many dead people. Because maybe people haven't realised this yet, but the people currently running the world are right in the firing line of this thing. If they let this kill off all the boomers, it will collapse many companies by shredding their senior management, result in massive amounts of inheritence changing hands pretty much all at once (mass chaos and confusion), create huge political change as regimes fall and countless politicians die, collapse every stock and bond market on the planet, and leave billions of families in social destitution because mom actually relied on gramps n gran to chip in and look after the kids or she can't get to work.
On the continent, they are screwed by the shengen zone. They can only pick option 2, because re-infection is always going to be on the cards.
But we're an island. We can (and should) slam the country shut for the duration. No-one in or out except under tightly controlled conditions. Just like Trump has just done.
If Boris isn't weak or stupid, he will pick option 1.

i wonder how Yas Forums is currently reacting

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>Should we kill them as well and import more pakis to increase the economy?
Anything else is anti-semitic

Sell the Gainsborough!

it causes irreparable damage to your lungs, kidneys, liver, central nervous system, reproductive organs and brain. this happens even with a "mild" or (((asymptomatic))) infection.

Whenever I go on there it's just people begging for free crypto so probably not reacting at all.

If Yas Forums hadn't been conditioned by so many crashes we would legit be seeing mass suicide.

alright lads, corona update in ~40 minutes.
what's everyone's guess for today's update?

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when btc hits 1k im going to bet on one just for banter

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it's a comedy goldmine
and lots of suicide threats

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Nothing much really. No lockdown, no banning of gatherings. They'll tell us to wash our hands for 20 seconds instead of 30 now, and remind us that masks are still for fags.

What do you think?

That line really looks like the start of an exponential curve.

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Yas Forumsraeli here, typical Thursday for us. Volatility is our natural state.

i meant guesses as to the new number.
we should see a surge in cases by the end of the week owing to pic-related though.

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No such thing, didn't exist until a geordie discovered he could impregnate a pig, now bow to your superior Yorkshire overlords yankpigman

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Should I cancel my trip to Dublin tomorrow?
I’m going to see my best friend, planned the trip months ago.
Coming back home Sunday.

Would we even be able to enjoy going out drinking and all that?

Rishi Sunak has joined forces with the Bank of England to deliver a package of monetary and fiscal measures, including tax and interest rate cuts, to cushion the UK economy as the coronavirus outbreak takes it toll.

BoJo sez 'spit in each others mouths to create supermen'

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i would be cautious of planes and airports but not going to a pub
