Life is supposed to be easy

Our food literally grows on trees and shit. We can make good shelter in a day. How did we get tricked into this bullshit modern civilization?

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have fun living like a caveman incel

Literally Satan.

>How did we get tricked into this bullshit modern civilization?
you are now aware that it is a trick.
you are now aware that the devil is what is used by God to give man desire to build this world.


pronoun error. nobody tricked ME. I will die before I am a net tax asset.

Take the TedPill

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Eve just couldn't resist the BBS

Have fun living in this, wagie.

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Space adventures in the tele

The bible was right all along...

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you have a point

Neither could any of us, bbs boards are too tempting to avoid.


Living without heating can get pretty fucking cold in Europe. Wouldn't recommend it t b h m8.

Look up paul gautchi on you tube, guy is based as fuck.

Thats what a fat titted wife is for.

Eternal summer, vast food resources and vast territory for plenty of tribes. Humans in Africa stayed the same until 1800, they didnt need civilization
>East Asia, Europe, Middle East
Seasons and limited territory created both conflicts and a need to plan food supply. So civilization was born.

If the climate had allowed, we would be happy niggas with no modern civ problems (just a low life expectancy)

Overpopulation. Can’t live a comfy harmonious life when there’s a bigger tribe over the hill that might take your land and kill you. Better build some castles, some weapons, that requires an economy and labourers etc. Continue that story of competition for resources creating an arms race for 3000 years and you get the modern world.

Overpopulation comes from sex, more specifically being a slave to sexual desire, so yes, literally Satan.

You must be a slave to the state. You must be a host to parasitic entities.

Ever heard of this shit right here?

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life in the wilderness is not easy, i think the only problem with our civilization is that there are so many jobs that don't need to exist. billions of variations of the same product just because there are so many people that need employment. your life should revolve around your passion, not your bank account.

I don't like our current wage slave life, but I don't want to go back to primitive life either.

We shouldn't have to choose between the two, it should be possible for us to enjoy an abundance of food and comfortable accommodation thanks to modern agriculture and modern building techniques without having to slave away for minimum wage and maximum misery.

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Only problem is too many people that dont need to exist.

Greedy, stupid women. They have been ruining things since the Garden of Eden.

> your life should revolve around your passion, not your bank account.
Go back to myspace or something.

If we invested in automation, instead of shithead foreign workers, we would be living in a technological paradise now.

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chop wood or collect dried cow shit or peat. Put it into the oven. Profit.

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Because 9 months out of 12 it doesn't grow and there's snow

> We shouldn't have to choose between the two,
Idk about you, but I haven't felt much of a choice about anything in this fucking life. I have enjoyed the freedom to comply with the system. It wasn't built for us. It was built to exploit us. Civilization, the ideal of it, is a myth. This world is a farm -- there's nothing civil about it. The idea of "choosing" how we want to live is as absurd as a cow thinking he has a choice in his destiny. Changing things requires us to organize, but organizations are readily subverted by the powers that be. They work the people until they can't think about anything but work. Then they no longer care about anything but resting and working.

my lads here get it :D. only one big fuckup deity that stirs shit up for us since Eve and that IS no other than satan

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>How did we get tricked into this bullshit modern civilization?
How is easy, it is the why that you should investigate.

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Never change bro

Care to be a little less mysterious?

>Daniel 2
The Rock is coming to destroy the clay feet.

There's no such thing as overpopulation, just Greed and incompetence - this planet can easily support 25 billion

Only sheltered idiots romanticize nature. There's a billion things that can kill you that you have to deal with on a daily basis in nature. Got a tiny cut that's infected? You're dead.
Nature can get fucked.

everyone sees the value of our society through our economy now, less people means less production and they seem to view that as a sign of a dying society. yet at the same time they complain about the price of real estate and the hours they have to work. i'm afraid that there aren't enough visionaries in this world to see the benefits of mass sterilization.

implying all the food that we now have wasn't made by civilisation

Ummm gaiz

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>eating the sugary jew

imagine actually eating fruit. I can't because im too based for that

>Our food literally grows on trees and shit.
You have to do things to make those apples come out good.
Farming is work.

>If we invested in automation, instead of shithead foreign workers, the rich would be living in a technological paradise now.


Its called work pussy its not supposed to be fun.

Oh, that's right! I forgot! The meaning of life is to make it till we can retire, then drive this life right into the ground as we experience the complete decay and failure of our bodies!

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>Life is supposed to be easy
>Look outside
>280+ days of rain every fucking year
>No flat land as far as the eye can see
>Every other year it rains so fucking hard that the few crops you can grow rots before it's fully ripe
>Have to supplement farming with fishing, which is really fucking risky as well
Except it's fucking not, city boy.

people choose kiked memes over living one with the earth
funny, even so called "christians" refuse to live a natural life working the land and producing food even though the bible says to do so and the prophecy of the kingdom of god, the bride who has made herself ready for the second coming of christ, this kingdom is depicted as a vegan paradise where even lions and wolves eat grain
the west is kiked out to the max and its denizens vehemently defend wearing the chains of the jew

2000 calories =16 apples

We live in a fallen world. It exists somewhere between Heaven and Hell. If you want to be one with God, you must die first

You just throw seeds in the ground and shit comes out. Don't make it seem like it's so hard to grow fuking plants.

That's a load of crap. Just because a space can holy a number of people doesn't mean it can sustain it. More people means more use of resources, more pollution, more crime and so on.

This spring/summer I want to plant a bunch of fruit bearing trees and bushes. Mulberries, apples, raspberries. Things that won't be a total chore to tend to in 5-10 years when I totally lose interest.

> this planet can easily support 25 billion

Maybe if you only fed them rice and beans.

yeah, nature is fucking brutal

Greed and denial of God

>it is the why
here's your fucking why: women are never satisfied and all this is for them.

Who said anything about meaning? I just don't enjoy the prospect of spending 30 years of foraging and then dying to some random bug. Real life isn't a Disney movie.

LMAO, it's hard AF.

The weak moved to cities cuz they couldn't hack it.

You live in the same climate as me more or less, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The baltic sea is a bit more comfy than the north sea though.
One season with a bit too much rain or a bit of fucked up planning and you're fucking dead of starvation.
Over half our population migrated to the US for that exact reason.

"Life is supposed to be easy" my fucking ass.

Most of Europe doesn't get that much snow, you mong.


>the bible was right all along
indeed it was


You can still live like that if you wanted. It’s your choice. There’s a reason you don’t though.

This is my office.

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>Our food literally grows on trees and shit.
>Paradox of plenty
Found the nigger.

There is no problem so great that we cannot solve with God's guidance.
Nobody said we have to give up knowledge / technology.
Eden is a vision, not a primitive past.

What about these guys? Fishing, farming, hunting... people lived well without all this modern crap for thousands of years. Modern propaganda has done a hit job on the past. Even though when we look back we see man's strivings on a scale that belittles our own...which is evidence of the nobler spirit engendered by humble means.

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This is the answer.
Life in The USA was fun and easy until the jews arrived.

Read up on the industrial revolution. They moved to cities because they were coerced off their farms.

if people live and work in symbiosis with plant life on this earth food will be abundant
already if you go out into the untamed wilderness you are surrounded by plant foods
youre a city faggot who is one with the concrete for sure

> humans have had constant suffering and uncertainty around the basic necessities of life for our entire existence as a species
> we finally solve the problem for the vast majority of the world, access to food and shelter has never been higher
Life was never easy, whether it be failing a hunt, a storm fucking up your crops, bandits and thieves plaguing your civilization in perpetuity. We weren't tricked in this way we were tricked in others though

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Or maybe not a nigger?
Is that you, here on Yas Forums Mr. Bloomberg?

nigger, youve been tricked

I think you know - You just don't want to say their names.

Loaning at interest used to be illegal. It was considered immoral because it allowed people to create value from nothing.

Eventually (((they))) used the power of debt to buy and control entire countries. People slaving away to pay off imaginary debts of people who died over a hundred years ago. Very foolish and entirely Jewish.

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Sorry, wasn't my intention to act edgy.
You asked how, I posted the pic to explain the how: the boiled frog principle.
That in itself is the overton process sugar-coated.
The why, is fast explained by the underlying philosophy of our leaderships, illuminism, positivism in best case scenario, rooted in gnosticism in the worst case scenario.
If I can dare to advice you a book to read, to get a quick outlook on what happened and is happening refer to pic related.
I'm sure you can find a readable copy on

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Post pictures of your garden/orchard and the house you built.

>Living in touch with nature
>Working only 3 hours a week
>Fucking an attractive young girl several times a day
>Tribe of people who think and look just like you
>Fulfilling social life
>Only 100 people in your tribe so you're the best in your tribe at a couple specific things, giving you value to your family and friends
>Women don't disrespect men because they rely on them for protection and food because there's no government to fall back on

>"Have fun."
Sounds pretty fun to be quite desu.

You've never lived off the land in your fucking life. You've never worked the land in your fucking life.

I’m wondering if cavemen has shit like depression and anxiety?

It's all bullshit dude. Two guys wanted to get their dick sucked by the same chick and this is the result.

also, try to survive just off fucking apples. Are you aware how much work goes into making actual food?

NEETs live like this without leaving the house, they just project their misery. I get it, if you're miserable you might as well be comfortable and cope, but they made the mistake and assumed everyone else was low IQ and miserable as well. I wish I could help them, but they're so wrapped up in a coping ego that help would kill them.

Hamburgers don't grow on trees

Livestock is even easier than tillcucking. Animals literally look after themselves and you just kill the males and eat their meat while drinking the tiddy juice of the females.

Just grow mushrooms if it rains so much ya fag

The easier your life is, the dumber you get

Why do Africans have a lower than average IQ?
They excel in hunting and running, they don't have to think about anything else

Oh a little backpedaling I see. You mean they were dumb to give up the only real assets they had because they wanted more time for pointless childless fucking and other degenerate shit.

I don't know what reality you think you are living in bud, but the curtains are going to lift very soon. You are too low IQ to understand the world you live in.

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>there's no such thing as overpopulation

Yeah says the Islamic bong who isn't even allowed to drive cars into London at certain times of day because the traffic is literally impossible.

Stay in your desert bazaar Ahmed. Real humans need arable land and space to live.

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>Living in touch with nature
Including wolfs and bears

>Fucking an attractive young girl several times a day

>Working only 3 hours a week
>Tribe of people who think and look just like you
>Fulfilling social life
Source needed

>Only 100 people in your tribe so you're the best in your tribe at a couple specific things, giving you value to your family and friends
Hopefully one of those has some knowledge of medical care. Or until a bigger tribe comes to fuck your shit up

>Women don't disrespect men because they rely on them for protection and food because there's no government to fall back on
Because women started busting balls when feminism started.

I fail to see how positivism is preferable to gnosticism.
While the latter might be overtly evil, the former is just as Satanic.