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Give link nigger
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fukken kikes


Make me you dirty jew

Almost no one defends Jews unless they are Jewish or paid to do it. feelsgoodman

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A lying kike again looking for a handout.

>how will you respond?
why does this sound so incredibly stupid and also cringe

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Is she angling for free tickets?

Because I'm pretty sure a flight atendant just told me that CoronaVirus is being spread by Dirty Chinks and Wops.

Can I get some free tickets too?

THe hate for jews is worldwide

Is the flight attendant wrong?

Reminder that the only whites that suck jewish cock willingly and happily are evangelical christcucks

maybe she should check her ticket again

How will you respond to my completely unsubstantiated accusation JetBlue? HUH?

>claims of antisemitism with 0 proof
sounds like something a dirty jew would do

Looking forward to her getting fired and rendered completely unemployable.

>lie about a flight attendant to get free shit
I hate jews

She's looking for free shit.

I also have no evidence to back this up so you'll just have to trust my lying kike mouth.

Can we start "Operation Dirty Jew" and start calling out large companies for being anti semetic, so that we can desensitize the phrase anti-semetic?

New favorite airline.

Jews will always attack themselves to prevent any blame coming to them. It's the best trick in their book. If hundreds of them die first, how can we blame them? They are the true victims of this virus. They rush to capture the victim position of every . single . thing . They are a victim race.

FBI says that people with "mean opinions" are the terrorists but Jews go around spreading airborne AIDS around the planet and they're the victims... really makes you go hmmm...

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>I'll take 'whactha doing rabbi' for 500 alex

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Yes. Make it a meme. Write emails, letters, tweets, etc to every company. Kvetch about antisemitism and being called a dirty jew.
"How Will you respond?"
Demand free shit

looks like I fly on Jetblue now

This is the kind of cunt who tries to buy an electric toothbrush for $.01.

and US presidents

I'll take things that never happened for $2

Fucking jews I knew they were responsible

nice fake tweet dambass

Thing that didn't happen.

>don't remember ordering
It's not like a jew to complain about getting something for free.

>Fucking jews I knew they were responsible

Attached: jews_always_the_jews.jpg (441x345, 42.17K)

>nice fake tweet dambass

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They have no reason to get defended.
Everybody disgraces Jews in some ways

Flight attendant probably wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't booked that second seat for her nose.

This. They are so insane they have no idea how transparent they are. He just forgot to add that everybody clapped/jeered/cried blah blah

JetBlue flies whole plane-loads of smelly
Hassidic Jews from New York to Miami,
and their flight attendants are totally

sounds SEMPREMACIST to me

It's just like that faggot kike who wanted to buy an electric flosser for a penny at target and got denied. Jews gonna jew


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you know i tried to defend jews once then after learning all the blatant retard shit they do i wound up hating them.

once upon a time didnt ccp have 3 jews. someone redpill me so i know how far the rabbithole goes

>Jet Blue: the only way to fly!

Why screenshot it if you're not going to add a link you fucking

>a jew not immediately blasting the name of the person who wronged her
something's fucky

(((they))) make this shit up all the time. no one cares about jews aside from themselves.

Just like the holocaust, this didn't happen. But it should have.

Fake story to gain sympathy in this trying time and take the victim complex off of chinks.


lol it's real. Or the tweet is at least

she will. She is larping as a nice citizen until she has enough attention

I bet this is the toothbrush jew’s cousin.

More like Jet Based Airlines

They have to devote small armies online to defending them and correcting the record.
Imagine how hated you'd have to be. Not even niggers have to do that.

Kike is lying.
5 years no posts. comes back to complain about goyim

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thank fuck more and more people are calling bullshit on these people


the flught attentand is right.
the juden have poisend the wells in china and the rest of the world.

How will you make things right?

A jew without a check mark? What the fuck? Anti-semitism is alive and well.

So Jews want free plane tickets because of coronavirus. It is like Shoah.

Just Jewing the airline out of some cash

pic related is distressingly accurate

And liberals who get uneasy cause hitler was an evil racist white man

It is not possible to anti-semitic to Jews, as they are not Semitic. They are mostly European.

nice fretless P bass you massive faggot

Fucking what



JetBlue should just respond by saying, "STFU you baby" and never contact her again


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this is a scam he wants shekels

Fuck off kike.

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They should say “ keep squeezing that nickle “

Oy vey there were 6 gorillion anti semitisms on the flight, give me free tickets

>things that never happened

every time

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>Jon Greenberg

He's faking it, it's a hoax

They are the first ones to get it during the boogaloo. Traitors before enemies.