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reminds me when kikedox tried to make a stornk womyn in history DLC for Evropa Universalis IV but nobody bought it so they started giving it out for free. Then people started toggling that DLC off on their launchers until they just made it part of the core game.
Just don't buy it. It's that simple.
(That DLC gives you OP advisors when playing China though)
1/3 of Millennials don’t identify as cis gendered heterosexual. It is a generation who were molested via pornography from age 11 onward.
But I need more guns and loot and to get more guns and loot, I need to buy this shit. God fucking damn it.
It was basically just a cheat mod. All the event advisors/rulers were OP as fuck. The flavour text was a fucking wall and there were no follow up events so it was basically click and forget to an even higher degree than the comet events. It was just low effort all around.
>stop changing existing characters to push your diversity narrative!
>Make your own shit instead of making muh marvel black/gay/a woman
chinks could afford to run 30 lvl 3 advisors anyway if they could anyway
So BL3 has the worst story in the entire franchise but the first DLC for it supposedly has some the best writing for DLC in all of Borderlands. Did they fire the writers or had the original ones swapped to gay DLC?
Protip: We hate your diversity narrative and want it to die.
that game looks cringe as fuck anyways.
So dont buy it then. Dont buy.
Protip: i don't give a fuck what you think, leaf
It doesn't actually pander to gays though, it's mostly pandering to virtue signaling neoliberals.
Gay mafia is a thing
How about just dont have faggots lol
>caring about some faggot video game
This board is full of manchildren.
Its not specifically for them, is for you, they want you to change and be a faggot or a tranny, they know faggots and trannys are broke and only think about sex, not vidya, so its better for you yo understand that all the propaganda is directed specifically towards you.
Protip: neck yourself pedofag
Oy vey anti semite
Luckily there are mods that just remove the women entirely, heres waiting till they remove those too
Why do you care?
There's just nothing heroic or attractive about faggotry so you can't make a game about it. They're not-men that succumbed to a fetishized "lifestyle".
I mean, they made it, I'm not going to buy it now. I was on the fence about BL3 anyway from their former SJW spaz outs, also since they got in bed with Epic (who are a huge group of pozzed faggots in many other ways) so it makes it easy to ignore now.
The desperation of Randy is hilarious, spam shill threads
Do these companies go in to these endeavors knowing the sales will be absolute shit or are they genuinely shocked when no one buys this shit?
I'm genuinely curious
How fucking fragile are you
We shouldn't have to tell you to put more than a basic character, I mean even the daughters of the Scotsman from Samurai Jack had more about them and they only had a couple episodes
It appeals to much. much more than 2%, lmao.
You're just a whiny bigot.
How about just stop pushing gay / tranny / whatever bullshit entirely?
You don't even know what that word means
Borderlands 3 was good but I'm not supporting this shit dlc
But that's just for women and non whites in videogames (if its actually about them ie not something like WW1/2). Gays and tranny's don't belong in anything out the fact that it promotes pedophilia and mental illnesses
Some mod team should start swapping one to a hot girl and get some voice work. The salt avalanche alone would put that mod team on the map, much less when they are universally hailed as heros for improving the franchise.
It could be a real trend to clean sjw shit out of games with mods.
Too bad, it won't die.
You will, tho :)
No. Fuck off.
Me too. Surely its gotta be some higher up business man pushing these choices thinking "younger people" are into this shit
Lol no, you guys think you're bigger than you are, but nobody cares for you other than using you as a piece unless you want to stand with the aimless liberal masses.
Playing this sjw game, is gay anyway
Ok, bye, good riddance!
Now, can you just please fade into irrelevance already.
Okay groomer
Tim Sweeny is based as fuck. He never gave into the LGBT and Pride Month bullshit.
Kill yourself flaggot
>fucking faggots stop trying to exist and shit, at least these other faggots were arbitrarily better in the other thing i consoomed.
It's not suprising, the entire game is full of tranny bots, every male character is either a fag or a fucking idiot and women are the strong heroes who save the world. It's all really blatant, shame because i really liked the borderlands series
Sick. They even get shit all over the bedsheets from all the filthy arse fucking. Unhygienic, nasty people. Sad.
Just because we don't want to watch cuckold porn and faggots kissing doesn't make anyone "fragile".
Even though you people are the least self-aware creature on this earth it still boggles my mind that of everyone in the world you're the ones who started using "fragile" as an insult.
Why does this guy keep posting on pol?
>he cant get out
Oh I know how this ends and it wont be a good sight
>Borderlands 3 was good
You mean the gameplay, story is complete garbage. One thing that is a positive IMO is that they were originally setting up Janey as the replacement for Scooter in Tales. She's not even in this game.
>we don't want to watch cuckold porn and faggots kissing
Usually people point out when they're making devil's advocate arguments, swede
>people with open minds were all molested
You’re gonna die chained to lies, aren’t you? Prideless.
Be glad the game flopped. Also, that 6 month exclusive dropped to 5 and is 50% off on Steam and is becoming the highest sold game on there atm.
How do you inject love into Lovecraftian horror?
Have you ever lived on the west coast?
It's constant Emperer's New Clothes scenarios.
Like imagine five moderate (leftist) people and like one right winger sitting around at a party.
The man faced tranny comes in and starts dancing.
No one dares to say anything even though it's awkward as fuck because they'll be ostracized out of the social group and their job.
They learn more doubletalk to make excuses and get out.
The whole society in CA is constantly on edge like that, people constantly on guard and looking out for others to screw up. Cancel culture didn't just spring up from nowhere.
So imagine this company and there's a bunch of moderates and ONE(1) tranny agenda pusher chirping away to the big boss after he soaked his roommates tampons in water to make hormone tea because he couldn't afford the medical stuff that morning.
No matter how ridiculous and awkward he gets they're not allowed to say anything, so it even goes in the opposite direction where he starts pushing it because he can.
It only takes one of these, and Gearbox is rife with them. People are just held hostage socially by this fag agenda at this point. They *want* someone to speak out against it so they can start blackballing them to HR and get them replaced with another diversity hire. So the bar of ridiculousness (tranny bullshit, metoo) keeps getting pushed higher and higher.
"Diversity is your strength, or else"
yeah that's how i got it about a month ago, 60,00€ for the super deluxe edition. gameplay is nice but i played the whole main story on mute
Your attempt to normalize mental illness and child abuse is the only thing that's going to fade, sweetie.
I don't see what's genuinely wrong with electronic entertainment, especially with how effective it is spreading information and using it to communicate. If we are to succeed there's nothing wrong with things like videogames and movies just obviously racially healthy and concious among other things. I'd rather make a videogame based off Turner Diaries or as a WW2 German soldier, either way one is good for fiction and the other for non fiction, but both serve a better purpose. And by doing so, you deprive the Jew of a way back in with forbidden fruits. Besides my steam list play is Verdun/Tannenberg, Gmod, COD BO1, STALKER, Ruiner, Mirrors Edge, and Devolver Studio titles.
You just said that people who don't want faggots in their games are fragile so there is no strawman in my reply.
>Usually people point out when they're making devil's advocate arguments, swede
Nothing in my reply was me playing devils advocate.
Are you by any chance 15 years old or just straight up retarded?
No moron. I was calling you a gay cuck. And now I'm calling you retarded.
This guy has been in the meetings.
>Can't make an argument only Yas Forums memes
Last (you)
>He thinks I'm here to make arguments
No. I am here to laugh at you.
>Contrarian for the sake of it
So edgy I'll give break my rule and give you one extra, I know you need (you)s to coom to
Watching visual heroin at a young and impressionable age isn’t open-minded. It’s jewish grooming.
>playing modern computer trash.
To be fair, I'd make a product for 0.02% of the population if that 0.02 has money.
It starts with HR telling them they have to hire women and fags with pink and blue hair. Then those employees start pushing their insane ideology and the empty headed suits believe them when they say that's what the customers want.