Im gonna skip prepping and go straight to raiding

any raiding tips

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Remove kebab

raid a nursing home lol

dont get sick.

One of my neighbors couple blocks down was a victim of a home invasion.
I have my 12ga loaded and ready to go, OP bouta get a slug to the chest.

DoNt TrEaD oN mE oP

If a home has a gated door entrance, do not try to enter because they care about their security obviously lol
Aim for houses with little to no outer security
>t. home burgler

Aim for the center mass. Shoot to kill. Leave no witbesses.


big cans of food ..lots of dry goods like flour and sugar...paper products..

load up in peace while the zombies fight over empty supermarket shelves

you are welcome :)

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dunno, that website about the dude in Bosnia in SHTF said places with most security were hit first. He said everyone had AK's, eventually you get over run. No matter how many weapons (gangs of 50 come), then they keep coming.

Raid places without people in them to avoid getting fucking killed, other than that go ahead

one man raiders have a good chance of getting btfo'd

I think I might go ahead and organise my neighbourhood (suburb, edge of city) into a "Barter Town" type place.
Make a trade market. Have people communal gardening/mutual defence pact.


risk life to gain access to a house that might not have shit worth taking?
repeat until shot or find a huge prepper stash with no gun protecting it


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Be sure to dilate

when people get desperate, they will horde up.
like "The Road".

Why is my screen glowing green looking at this post??

Don't get shot.

I cant wait to shoot you worthless fucks

Man these raider types are more delusional than the preppers or the nothing burgers. They think they are going to stroll up to the house, knock on the door and take whatever they want. Truth is these fallout raider wannabes wont make it out alive in the first place. As soon as yhe word gets out they will be KoS in most neighborhoods.

>stranger at the door
>knock, kno.....

Game over, now i gotta clean your brain matter off my porch and dump the body in the back with the rest of them. All from the safety of my home. Truth is i seen you coming on the security cameras way before you got close to the house. I almost wanted you to try it. Now your raider family is stuck waiting and waiting wondering if youll ever come home...

Because you forgot to take your meds got. Go take em now.

Invest heavily in body armor because you're going to get shot alot.

I obviously scope the place out, you don't just pick a random house to burgle while the resident might still be home. Scope out in the day, plan in the night.
The people I work with usually take 1-2 weeks depending on the house and the community to find a good hit. Only a retard would try to enter a house on a random whim.

Because all the staff and owners will just leave all that free shit there for you before they close the doors and go home during the collapse.

>Wait for retard to raid house
>Kill him and take his loot if he succeeded

Bigger Gauge !
Listen to me !
Never stop to grow your gauge.

Use psychology. People will be so scared that they will much rather bargain than fight you. Ask for a can. Say you don't want to hurt them. We're all in this together. Pretend to represent the remnants of civilization. That will make people comfortable; for you will be a reminder of what they desperately wish to return to.

That's why you have a battle rifle the will put a round through five people before it stops in the sixth

>keep tabs on preppers
>never spare anyone it will bite you back

Yeah, prep.

If they have them too though? Sheer numbers will no matter what take over in the end.
Obviously be smart and tooled up. But having a lot of people working together for mutual protection would be better.
Make a community of 250+ strong, and defend your area.

Level IV plates.

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Tell us some home burglar stories

>im gonna skip prepping and go straight to raiding
Anyone else remember that fat loser on doomsday preppers who thought he would just raid people? Jackass got himself arrested on gun charges for that episode since he was a felon lol.

ISIS attacks those markets all the time and looking at the state of your country you will have more problems with terrorists than the virus

Shoot first.

You can raid my boi pucci hehe if you know what I mean ;-)

Spec into scavenger build, set up traps and raid foodvans for supplies. Also free van.

Find a crew and become land pirates, my land ship of choice would be a modified cyber truck.

Well, maybe now normal fags will now think twice about mocking doomsday preppers

Like body armour? I have NIJ2A.
The attackers might have them too.
Take old tyres off cars, pack em with soil with a hammer. Mad Max it.
Make a spiral of them. Trade centre in the middle. Even raiders would want markets open.

Have fun getting killed by a different group of better equipped and larger group of raiders before you make it to one house, you fat anti-social faggot

Yeah, come to my house first so I can shoot your traitor ass

Not my area. But if they horde up, it would be shit for all sides.

If you don’t target non-whites, consider yourself banished from this website

Based, will do the same. No guns for me
Though, will have to use an E-Tool to convince people to hand over their canned food.

that article in Bosnia the dude was saying it got to a stage people were trading rifles for car batteries. I reckon priorities will change massively in a SHTF.
Ammo caches may become worth more for trade than having the ammo.

Make sure to burn all toilet paper you see just to shit on the panickers

something weird then. my neighbours (40-50) have just carried a shit ton of bottled water and stockpiles into their house. I asked em what was happening recently (about 2 weeks ago), they work at the QE hospital, they were telling me army have made an area there.
Now they are stockpiling...
These arent your type to get worried normally.

So you’re gonna try and be the boss and run the place, eh? I might have something to say about that, neighbor.

Area 51 is your best bet user

don't get shot

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You should. I would need people ready for a brawl. Those types that are itching for a fight might need patching up, someone that can make antibiotics, someone that can make anything (Im an engineer), I also studied chemistry, I have an allotment and know a fair bit about farming.
It would be beneficial to have someone that can fill in gaps to skills you dont have and vice versa.

You mean raping I hope

The government has a list of people to be rounded up in case of disaster. Everything we say online is being tracked thanks to Obama's mass surveillance.

Saying you're going to raid makes sure you can't raid.

aim to kill
you dont want pricks to recover and have revenge

I like raider now and again as a change from the bland shit in tins.
You can come raiding round my house. I have loads of food, booze and guns.
Bring some salt, barby brickettes and seasoning though, will you? I forgot on my last re-supply.

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>I can’t believe how fucking retarded you circumcised idiots really are. Do you really think the free market and your right to bear arms are going to save you from people like me? If we desperately want your supplies, we will literally fucking kill you and everybody else inside. You’ll already be a corpse long before you even attempt to exercise your bullshit ideals. You try to come off like you’re so edgy and conservative and American but it won’t matter at all when your brains are splattered all over your own home and we take all your food and supplies. Survival has absolutely fuck all to do with your founding fathers and free markets and circumcision scars. Your so a bunch of jew-loving worthless breathing NPCs. If we want your supplies there is no need to even be civil about it. Conservativism isn’t going to save you.

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Enjoy going to prison because of the flu.

yeah build a raid base

Lots of pills there, also valuable medical equipment, be careful of the old people though, they may have revolvers under their pillows and it only takes one round to end your life. Stay safe user.