>virus wipes most of the population
>you're stranded in a remote area and pic related is the only female around
Be honest, Yas Forums, is racemixing in this case okay in order to repopulate the Earth?
Virus wipes most of the population
Other urls found in this thread:
No I will fuck her but never kids
Dude I'm already white, smart, and very rich. I wont have children because my OWN parents are low IQ retardos. That thing on my screen wont even get a half-erect from me. It looks like the mother of apes
I never was against it cause I’m not gay
>you're stranded in a remote area
why would i be?
No. I would rather have humanity go extinct than have it be half-bred niggers.
I would colonize a BLACK QWEEN any day.
i would if there wasn't an apocalypse
No but I'd do sex to it
No. The human species should go extinct.
This. World is doomed.
Everybody died and everywhere is remote
No, but I’d take my time using and torturing it
Humanity should go extinct even if it isn't half-bred niggers. If I had a magic button that would instantly annihilate all life on earth, I would not hesitate to push it, knowing I would be sacrificing myself in the process. No more life means no more suffering.
Wouldnt pull out in any scenario thh
That is comedically black.
One suffering is over so is pleasure to you idiot
took me a second to realize i was looking at a person
2 people left in the world..not really a "race" anymore...you would need atleast 2 people of the same race to even have a race
race is a pluril
But whites could evolve from them. Particularly if they already have the white genes from you. Just need a bit of selective breeding to bleach the black. Though the mitochondrial DNA from Eve would persist forever
Would you fuck Mrs. Popo, Yas Forums?
If I did I'd make sure I'd save Joey at all costs. Damn it Joey! You were the only one that could read!
life isn't suffering.
suffering is a choice.
Life is 99% suffering 1% pleasure. Not even close
that nigger looks like it's made out of coal
>is racemixing in this case okay in order to repopulate the Earth?
That's not how it works. Bigger ghouls will never "turn into whites" out common ancestor 500k years ago could "turn into whites " (and blacks for that matter) so unless you have a time machine it's not going to happen, even though they are aggressive primative ghouls they are "more evolved" than the commons ancestor and just as evolved as we are, different selection pressures.
FUCK phoneposting
Yes I would reproduce with her.
I am 100% aryan and through her, the aryan genes would live on. Without aryans, all hope for civilization or discovery are lost and humanity would go extinct
I would fuck her and throw the resulting babies of a cliff.
Fuck her, then first daughter is half white.
Wait till daughter is old enough to bleed, fuck her, now granddaughter is 3/4 white. Fuck all three of them multiple times till I have an a tribe of mix race daughters. ( Kill all nigger sons born, until the very last batch before I die from some bullshit.)
Tfw no vantablack gf
I would ejaculate inside her vaginal canal— if you know what I mean.
Prophet of (((molech))) revealing his tribe's end game right here
I read that book. Poor ish just couldn’t wait for a white woman
Holy shit, I had to zoom in to see anything that wasn't just a silhouette, bet this bitch evolved to hunt in the midnight hours.
Lies. Whites could evolve from mulattos. Basically when two mulattos have kids they dont always come the same, sometimes they are blacker, sometimes more on the yellow side. So you breed yellows with yellows and so on.
>I wont have children because my OWN parents are low IQ retardos
do you mean you're afraid that your children will inherit that so prefer to end your bloodline?
Oh its that time of the day again. The time where Yas Forums admits it feels the need to bleach.
OP just because there are women of other racial groups which are fuckable does not mean that we should reproduce with them.
Would bleach the melanin out of her.
It would be hell. Everyone would look like a thief.
Oh no bros! We lost him!
The only correct answer is to reproduce with her, the kids, the kids' kids, and so-on for at least 3 generations so the *actual* adam and eve starting population is no less than 7/8ths white.
Just admit it virgins, you would drain your balls in her I know I would .
I dont give a shit what race the girls I fuck are, I just want them to be hot
Ok so I put my seed in her. She bares childern....
Who are my half nigger children fucking? This is fucking incest porn. You're a fucking jew, O.P.
It's not (my) bloodline, it's just another bloodline.
I'm a statistician and I know the risks of having a tard baby. They're simply far too high. It's better off to bring nothing into the world than to chance it with a failure.
This modern day Casanova is right.
If that monkey is the only one left on earth the human race is already extinct.
I'm already on it. I love in Detroit and pound black beauties constantly. They love the bwc. Im actively trying to get them preggers cause mixed race is the best race. Best of both worlds.
>implying I don't already have a black girlfriend
>I am the literal definition of ops post
>About to be stranded in the Bahamas with my 10/10 Kenyan nigger bitch
I'll have you all know that I flood her womb with my cum 5 times a day minimum.
i would fuck her no problem. if it came to the scenario where shes only female in area it means most of society is already dead. theres only few 1000 people alive.
since society is dead and im still alive all my wishes came true. the jews, the traitorus whores, the commies all paid with death. im sataisfied and happy.
i would fuck her and fill her pussy everyday no problem. that would be the only thing i do till i die. fucking her. couldnt get any better really
thank you poland
Would run a sword through, as Adolf (pbuh) intended.
what do I care what two consenting apes do in the privacy of their own tree?
I would only communicate with her with skyrim guard dialogue.