She works as a teacher in a primary school. She got it from one of her pupils, that had been on vacation in motherfucking italy. PLZ Pol i dont want her to Die. What can I Do to HELP her? She is 28 years old, no further pre existing illnesses, no smoker.

What should she eat, What medicine should she take? She is 100% white, we planned to have white babies next year ffs.

Fuck u China for doing that to the World u are worse than muslims and fucking niggers

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Other urls found in this thread:

have her drink plenty of fluids and up her sodium intake for the next few days with salty soups like chicken noodle.

BBC is the only cure


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>28 years old
Nigga she'll be fine. Just feed her vitamins and keep her in bed until it passes. Treat it like any other flu.


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There's a reason why Africa isn't infected, healthpack nigger

She's already dead

If this isn't a shit post get vitamin c

Go keto.
Take liquid vit c.
Zinc lozenges.
Lots of rest.

Corona = dabbed on

Make her sign a pre-nup while she's in a state of mental weakness.

Then marry that slut

Start digging that grave now, have her help too before she kicks it, it’ll make the job get done faster

>What medicine should she take?

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Vitamin D.The last months we got barley Sun in Germoney.Vitamin is very important for your immunsystem.

they are too dumb to test, thats all

Don't be such a pussy and start digging, user.

mucinex if there is a lot of phlem. get that mucus out

Unironically do not eat a single carb. Find asap farm that feeds their cattle grass all life and get a bunch of organ meats

Probably take her to a doctor you fucking brainlet

Why are you freaking out, Merkel told you to accept 60-70% of Germans will get corona. The government and the press would never lie to you user.

No, don't. Doctor can't do shit.


break up with her immediately Hans. If you get it you're just as fucked as she is

Vitamin D only in combination with vitamin K

Tell her to go breathe on muslims.
Take back your country from jews you fucking kike sympathizer

treat like common flu.
She should drink a lot of warm drink. ( I would advice warm ( not hot) tea with jam and lemonl
Chicken clear soup or similar light and easy to eat food is preferred.
Call ambulance only in case shit get bad ( t above 39, shorten of breath etc.) cos it is easy to get some other infections in hospital.
Both of you should self-isolate for 3 weeks. Work remotely, or tell your boss that your gf is infected with corona, but you will gladly come to workplace to commence field study on corona virus infection rate.

Have her drink bleach, it cleanses the esophagus!

>What should she eat

Vitamin C.

She needs to pound that until it gives her diarrhea at which point she backs off. Repeat that every day. During high oxidative stress the body can churn through vitamin C and the amount you can take increased greatly because it’s being used up naturally by the body.

Zinc has shown an ability to combat RNA viruses like this one, including SARS. Oral zinc will ensure she (and you) are not deficient in zinc, which (cap this if you want) will be a eventual contributing factor in the worldwide spread.

Cough shit up every 6-8 hours, then meditate and measured breathe. This calm breathing will lower inflation. It takes a while to settle down, maybe an hour or two. Getting rid of the phlegm/fluids/shit helps bronchitis not turn into pneumonia. It fucking sucks just do it. Drink a liter of water every two to three hours. Have a few shots of whiskey if it helps you in any way.

If you start going over two, three, four hours without relative relief breathing, this might be your cue to take things to the next level. I’m not a doctor, I have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about, this is working for me in CA, USA, don’t take my advice. Also hot showers with lots of steam and light cardio like 4-5mph walking really gives you an idea pf where you’re at.

You dont need C on ketosis. Theres a reason we lost the ability to produce our own vit C. Vit c and glucose shares the same transport protein, so if you gorge on carbs then sure eat your grams of C. If you on keto or zero carb, the minuscule amounts found in organ meats and such is more than enough.

It wouls be an interesting study to see what would happen if you super load vit C when all the transport proteins are vacant; probably not pretty to fuck up the homeostatis like this

This + zinc.
Vitamin c might help.
Guaifenesin might also be useful

Thinking you might have it to. You do things with her, right?

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What a faggot

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It nukes your balls, apparently. Get some frozen.

Don't forget vitamin C.

Don't you mean ex-girlfriend?

Listen to this too op. Basic idea is you want inflammation to a MINIMUM

Post pics hurry up. We need more info and images for diagnosis purposes

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Quit sperging like a faggot.

Vitamin D
Vitamin C
Water tons of it
Good sleep
Coofing to remove it
Keep coofing
Until it is all gone.


Is there a reference for combining chloroquine with zinc? All I could find were some old papers indicating that zinc increases the cell toxicity of chloroquine - not what we'd want to do at all.
Or are you reasoning that zinc inhibits viral replication anyway so may as well use it too?

Also get the virus and die together peacefully.

Mutts law

Jesus christ, the temperature of the liquid doesn't fucking matter. Its like people saying you can sweat the flu out.

Also Magnesium.I have Doppel herz Magnesium + Calcium + D3 and Vitamin K2 + Vitamin D3 f
to my knowledge but magnesium and k2 are needed to fully use the Vitamin D

If not a larp, she has a 99.8% chance of survival in her age group. Stop panicking over your snowflake girlfriend. I'd take those odds


Cardio with any type of flu is likely to kill you you absolute retard. Jesus christ, i hope no one's listening to this shit

Go to the nearest synagogue.

Chang's razor

get her to the hospital asap while its still operating and not overcrowded so she gets actual medical attention and medicine since it hasn't ran out yet

This is also why some footballers and marathon runners die in their early 20s.Heart muscle infection.

>asks Yas Forums for advice on how best to treat coronavirus instead of just searching the internet, or looking through YT channels like paul cottrell, Oppenheimer ranch, etc.

Fake and gay

You are both already dead.

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RIP in peace anons gf

Neger there are plenty of fish in the sea

lol F , ciao alter

This thread reads like a boomer facebook group. The absolute state of this fucking place

temperature of liquid is matters if you do not want to spoil lemon and jam. And if your throat aches like hell, it is easier to drink warm liquids.

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Which one ? We only get BBC news here. I'm gonna let my tv on 24/7 if it cure the chinese flu. Thx Canada !

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Maybe you’re right, I’m not a doctor. I just know that if walking at a normal walking pace is going to kill you, then you’re already ICU level. Taking a few walks around the block to loosen up lung phlegm, get your blood flowing, reinvigorate your fighting “chi” (not Asian), and followed by a hot steam shower and a 10 min cough can really get rid of a bunch of things you don’t want in your lungs.

Gargle with a peroxide mouthwash.

Kill the virus hanging out in the trachea before it goes into the lungs.

Just have her live normally, and make sure she stays inside.
Corona usually doesn't kill young people without pre-existing conditions

>temperature decides how pleasant something is

Yeah no shit, but its got zero bearing on how much it's going to help his girlfriend from kicking the bucket.

>cough syrup
>not using an expectorant like mucinex to prevent fluid build up
Come on bro you had everything else correct.

Gib toilet paper...

liposomal vitamin c.

You are doing it for the meme at this point lol.
I might just do it as well :')

drink ginger tea with honey, and vitamin c

We”ve heard four posts from you dick-waving, now let’s hear your reasoned plan and rationale.

>having a girlfriend
Gay as fuck

>She is 28 years old
nothing is gonna happen you absolute fucking retard

She is a fucking teacher. She spreads communism and indoctrination to hate whites.

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Show us her tits. That will help.