Good luck at work and getting infected tomorrow wagie.
Any other neets here?
Reporting in. Going to sleep in 20 minutes (8am). Gotta big day of eating, chilling, and intellectualizing tomorrow ahead of me. Cheers!
I quit my job last week because they were being cunts and I just decided "no"
Turns out it was probably perfect timing. Now i'm just going to stay hermit mode and get an AWS cert so i can get a better job
Neets have a higher chance of getting infected due to their shitty immune system hahaha I can literally drink a glass of aids blood and be ok
Yes but my family is fucking retarded they keep leaving the house. I'm 100% prepared tho. Just spent my NEETbux on supplies. But people can't stay inside the house so I will probably die anyways.
Literally the same here.
Good luck not getting any gibs when the economy crashes
>going to sleep at 8am
Low IQ detected, enjoy your sleep, retard.
>expecting social security to remain open indefinitely to load your NEETbux payments.
Tick tock spergo.
19 year old NEET here. Life is pretty good actually, been getting into better shape recently just by not eating lmao.
Also been going to the gym so I don't know if that counts as T in NEET but am also looking for a good paying /comfy/ job. :)
Is NEET another word for loser that can't function in todays society & back in the old days would be killed off?
Same fucking normies
Meet here. Live with prents. I’m going to pull my pecka and play Nintendo switch while my mommy goes to work for me. Hope you all die.
You're not NEET just temporary unemploued but good luck user. Remember: look for jobs you can do from home so you won't get infected.
unemployed* fuck smartphones
Why is our country this retarded, bro? ;_;
Is this the thread where niggers brag about not working and drawing a check?
I believe so. Still not sure what a waggie is though. Perhaps one of these faggots can tell us where to get the secret decoder ring to translate their nigger-speak baby talk into English.
>tfw $750 extra neetbux thanks to corona
time to buy some more instruments
Stay asleep commie
Pretty much. A NEET is a nigger that doesn’t work because it’s not fair and to stick it to the government. But at the same time they’ll gladly accept a check from the same government they hate.
So basically nigger behavior.
it's called compensation
Jelly. I hope Canada issues a Coronavirus stimulus too.
Is this thread a satir?
I'm a neet but my gfs a wagie. She's gonna get us killed
People don't still wagie do they?
For what?
I'm a NEET but I go out every day to get fast food.
Have you learned to play the bongzaphone yet?
You only have to worry about this shit if you're an immunelet. In already got immensely ill in January so I'm good to go for another 10 hour shift.
It's just niggers being niggers.
>Chris-chan-tier house husband
Wew lad
For what? Like king nigger once said: you didnt build that.
Normalfags and their cope, ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy your corona infection and your slavery job. :)
How do you pay for that food?
Ok nigger
Keep working hard my dear wagie
Your sweat pays for our video games and beer
In the old days, NEETs would be the nobles and aristocrats
We live and relax while the wagies and peasants work for us
Stay mad wagie, you are directly funding the nigger hordes in your country
Everyone is working vital jobs that add value to the life and well-being of their fellow citizens. Therefore, if someone doesn't work, they are being a leech and not providing value to their fellow citizens like all the people that work.
My total expenses are like $600 a month. I sneeze and $600 comes out.
My mummy got all ragey at me earlier this year for deferring my university course because I was worried about the sheer amount of Asians on campus, and now she's out each day buying countless amounts of toilet paper, masks, and tinned food while the universities are probably going to get closed anyway.
Funfact: Spain has less beaners and niggers than USA.
>nobles and aristocrats
They owned capital, you own nothing, you're not allowed to by accepting NEETbux.
When your monthly stipend doesn't come, don't bitch.
Just woke up. Honestly love the comfy morning hours even if I’m staying in. Not technically a NEET but my school is cancelled for the next week so I will likely be shitposting all day and playing Vidya. Honestly this is the first time in a while I’ve been seeing normalfags legit panicking.
>46.66 million citizens
So New York and New Jersey combined, but with far less economic power. Noted.
Being a wagie is based because you help make the rich richer and they use their oligarchic influence to subvert our democracy!
>you are directly funding the nigger hordes in your country
Thanks for admitting to your melanin enrichment.
>because I was worried
I thought Yas Forums was made of sterner stuff? Fuck fear: drink beer.
You aren't studying? Your chinese dad ain't gonna like that.
95% neet here.
Once the first case breaks out at the shitty obligatory place I have to go to, I'm going to give a very real excuse and nope the fuck out of there and they cannot stop me and cannot deny me bux. Until then I have to be fine being 95% neet. It's the 5% of the day where I risk getting infected but what can you do? Gotta get those neetbux.
Far less economic power but I can live from the State not like you. Enjoy your job until you are 70 and your couldn't pay your debt.
Not eating gave me the boost to become shredded. Saves money and you only need something every other day. If you fast you gains even the smallest show imediately
Thanks friend.
I own my apartment and it's worth almost a 100k at this point. Stay mad peasant.
Right, and when your government agencies shut down due to wuFlu panic, what then? When no one is working to issue your stipends, are you going to loot like a nigger? I suspect so.
Secret to getting in shape, shhhh! ;)
your apartment doesn't make you money, it costs you money. see:what are you going to do when government workers are furloughed and don't issue your monthly stipend(s)?
I have supplies for almost a year you dumb nigger.
I asked you how you paid for that food. Where does that money come from?
You neets should be the one most terrified. You know social programs are always the first to go right? You're fat, useless, and no guns. You guys are fucked.
Made my immune system also stronger before 2017 I was sick at least 4 times a year now only 1 time. With fast recovery 3 days tops
>no one else will want my supplies
what are your plans to get more say someone burglarized your cuckshed?
NEET squuuuaaddd
Wagies actually going to work to fund my lifestyle
NEET here, got fired from last job a week before corona-chan came. saved 6 months wages so just comfy at the moment
And you don't think your company will shut down?
I cannot imagine having such a cucked slave mindset
But by all means, enjoy working for Shlomo's yacht
So you stand in line like a nigger for your niggerbux?
Lmao my parent's house will be mine so who cares. Keep paying your debt and tips until you are 80 years old.
I'm an entrepreneur, never depended on anyone to get money. I'm set, don't need aide. What are you going to do when the stipends stop coming?
I hope you starve to death
>I'm depending on boomer wealth to get through life.
God that's pathetic.
I'm a store manager. I deal with retards everyday. I'm immune to everything.
Lmao why do wagies seethe so much? Also >americans HAHAHAHAHA ONONONONO HOW WILL YOU PAY THE HOSPITAL BILLS HAHAHAHA
NEETS are niggers
your mummy is disappointed that her son is an unambitious leech
Wagies deserve their death by corona and for their wives to get taken in the night defending their meager supplies in their unfortified wageslave hutz
You are losing time here wagie. How are you better than me? If you are so cool and prodictive then go do something instead.
I have money set aside too
What are you going to do when the economy breaks down into a recession/depression?
No one will need 'entrepreneurs' like you anymore
user... we don't do that in these parts.
We’ll talk when you’re struggling to breathe and have no living ancestors anymore HAHAHA
I’m not seething. I’m just calling you a worthless nigger. True white people have no problem supporting themselves and are hesitant to ask for handouts. But you keep outing yourself as a nigger.
What are you going to do when the economy breaks down into a recession/depression?
No one will need 'neets' like you anymore
Based fellow neet. I'm at the gym right now.
It's cool bruh. Tom Hanks has the kungflu. It's just a flu bruh.
I believe the only niggers here are the SLAVES
Enjoy the death of your loved ones in between work calls.
Can understand neets to a certain point waging for another mans wallet is cucked but why not be self-employed or work from home. Wasting my skills while doing nothing would be a terrible Perspective for me
I’m better than you because I can support myself and I’d feel shame accepting NEETbux. Where I live, people look down on niggers like you.
I fucking wish I was still neet. God speed bros and enjoy your unlimited time off
I really wish I were a neet, I really want to try but I’ve been working since I was 13.
Answer my question first wageslave
Why would we tell you
You’ll be lucky if you find out before it’s too late busy-man
So just to clarify, you're wating on your aging parents to die, to start your adult life. Noted. When the stipends get cut off because no government workers are there to process and issue them, don't bitch.
NEETS don’t have a plan. They aren’t even man enough to loot like niggers do. I guess niggers are manlier than NEETS.
Money doesn't have value. You have nothing. What are you going to do when no government workers are there to process and issue your stipends?
This NEET nigger can’t even spell. You have all this time to “improve yourself” and you can’t even spell?
NEET's are afraid to talk like this to anyone other than anonymous strangers on the internet
They are alone, and the only means of validation, of 'being seen', that they have, is making inflammatory posts on Yas Forums.
Good goy. Mr. Shekelberg appreciates your hard work. He will give you a nice 1% raise this year if you keep this up.
NEETS don’t have a plan. They can only think short term just like niggers do.
I'm a neet but there's a wagie and a student in the house with me
The unabomber was right.
Would also be way to less for me neetbux is a joke got more pocket money from my parents than that. I am not materiallistic but the dream of driving a fast sportscar dies with the neet lifestyle.
First day?
Did a documentary send you here?
>went to work this morning
>boss comes up
>"hey user, you can go home and work whenever you want, we'll work from home for a good while now"
>go back home
now I'm a neet that gets paid $60k for answering a few emails per day from home
Neet here. I just visited some work agencies and turned down all their shitty job offers. Fuck your 'careers' in production. Now gonna do 120 push ups, lift some weights, bake me some eggs, take a bath, fap,take a nap and then enjoy the food my girlfriend will bring me when she comes back from work.
Niggers are committed and violent self preservationists. They're always the first to loot and riot when shit hits the fan. They won't go hungry or without. I respect gang affiliated niggers more than NEETs.
>called me a goy
Please find some new NEET talking points.
it's literally just a flu you absolute retard, nobody but 70 yo + people with respiratory problems can get rekt by it, enjoy living in your room faggot, hope the delivery guy puts some extra cough in your delivery just so your mother can die and you're finally pushed into homelesness, kek
So your girlfriend supports you?
a lot of /polacks/ became NEETs for life thanks to donald and bitcoin stay mad and get infected you fucking pleb
There has literally never been a better time in history to be a NEET than right now.
How do I become a NEET? Getting a job in the first place was a huge mistake but now I'm stuck in the cycle of employment. Please share your wisdom NEETs, ye who live the most based lifestyle.
holy shit, this burger is fucking seething
yup, imagine being this cucked, imagine doing this to yourself, imagine trying to portray neetdom in good light, day of the rope can't come soon enough
NEETS will just ball up into a fetal position and cry for mommy when shit hits the fan. But they’ll find out niggers have raped mommy.
again, what are you going to do when there's no one pushing buttons and turning cogs on the machines sustaining your life? What's the plan when the government stipends stop coming?
This is retarded primitivism. We have a modern advancing society only because we tolerate the mediocre. Societies which crack the whip and work everyone hard are societies which stagnate.
The fact that there exist people who are not working may infuriate weak men. Tough. Get over it. Withheld labor often yields more than applied labor when substitution efforts are complete.
Fuck off, ya lying pedofascists; Rome isn’t coming back.
No I've seen threads like this for years, and it's always the same smarmy melodramatic coping.
I laugh at it because I have started a life for myself in the time that NEET's have spent feeling better than everyone else while doing nothing.
No debt,, young, college degree, have a comfy well paying job, and women.
Give me more (you)'s, NEETs