Bernie has had the nomination stolen from him

Now that the dust has settled, does the blame fall on boomers, black people, the establishment, young people not voting, or some other variable

Attached: 2020-03-11-ok-boomer.jpg (1250x1871, 494.17K)

Clearly Pete and Amy

garbage artist.


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>Disgusting, you boomer
Also did you really think the party would allow him a chance at nomination? The moment booty and Klobuchar dropped out, the race was decided.

The DNC will fall on a fucking sword and choose someone with dementia rather than someone that actually makes them live up to their rhetoric

It falls on Bernie for being such a fucking weak loser. Can’t win if you don’t fight!



That's a hideous drawing lol

It falls on commies for mixing popular common sense ideas with SJWism, though of course their getting baited into doing so is the result of a decades-long government plan to neutralize them doing just that

Much better. Looks more accurate.

it was her again of course
she´s Biden´s VP

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>those feet

Which artist?

Guess, start with s

Why did you sign it? Fucking redditors, man



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Bernie doesn't sign to the global control system and that's why he's not allowed to win. Sorry Bernie bros.

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I'll be shocked if this doesn't happen


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I'd bang that nasty drawing

Blame the DNC ofcourse. Why are you Bernie bros so blind? Pete was the fall guy for their cheating, so Biden didn't get targeted for it. They stole your booming start with the cheating in Iowa and NH. Justice for Seth bros?

>Bernie has had the nomination stolen from him
He never had it. The establishment will never give it to him.

Based dog, beginning the uprising against chinks

and remember NO REFUNDS
cant belive this kike suckerd you idiots in twice

Attached: reaction, no refunds.jpg (600x600, 45.93K)

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Bernie fags finally learn they are a very loud minority?

Fuck off commie.
You retards had your chance with Andrew Yang and blew it
That's it.
No way in hell would we even let that kike get the nomination

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>Turns out most people don't actually want to vote for an old commie

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The guy who originally posted it signed it because he has autism
Version without it:

Attached: 1584012926868.png (647x550, 124.88K)

>man of shad
It's fascinating how he hasn't improved at all over the years.

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OMG she looks just like me!

>boomers, black people, the establishment, young people not voting
All of the above.

What exactly should he be improving? Looks like a fairly typical lewd picture guy to me.

Count on shad wannabe to turn a perfectly waifu-able subject into a redundant pile of protoplasm. I'll have a new one done sometime this afternoon.

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If you do something for years the overall quality of your work should be improving and not stagnating and staying the exact same but I guess that doesn't go for meme artist.

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Shadman is based

Bernie and Tulsi didn't worship Zionism so Zionism cheated them through their instruments of power
>political organization
>unit 8200

That's some fittingly disgusting fanart for goblina boomer-chan.

shit drawings neck yourself

her torso looks like a tree trunk and her boobs are too big and the face looks like the joker wtf shad

Warren unironically

It's so sad, he's exactly what the country needs right now

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Lol fag

>OP's image
LMAO, what kind of hyper-repressed faggot drew that? The beaner hoe has a nice feminine body, then the mutt hyper-fag eye comes along and drws it as a thundercunted fishwife

Shadmans art looks different now



Why do blacks vote against their economic interests?

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The blame besides him being a shit candidate is the loud mouth purple haired mentally ill trainees. The fact that the kike is an anti white rat as well never helped him.

Nigs fucked it all up again... That pic is fucking awful.