Lost my job

I work(ed) for a film production company that does work for the NBA and a bunch of us just got let off today as the season has been suspended and there won’t be anything for us to do. The companies biggest paying clients are all NBA related, so it’s over for the company.

I did not expect to be impacted by the virus like this. Luckily for me I’m still living at home with my parents, and my girlfriend is living with her parents, so no mortgage to worry about.

But now I have to start looking for another job. I literally just got this job a few months ago :(

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>I work(ed) for a film production company
So you had a useless job and got fired. Maybe you should develop useful skills or something.

Sorry, fren. Hope you saved some cash and can work from home to at least have your bank account go up for a few months until this blows over.


I have a masters in marketing and worked retail all this time, until a few months ago when I got this film production job.

What “real” skills do you mean?

>I did not expect to be impacted by the virus

What you deserve is what you get.

>nigger based economy

He means some bullshit which he thinks he does. I can guarantee he will have a really MANLY job with REDPILLED colleagues and they all make 140k a year or something like that. He's probably writing it up now.

Go work for a company that does the same thing but for Australian sport.

You'll be alright man. It will work out. Always does.

>masters in marketing
>worked retail
You should have stayed in retail that's about the upper limit of what you can expect to accomplish with such a meme degree

Yeah, the company has A-League (soccer) and some AFL clients as well but that’s not enough to support all the employees, and from what we heard those 2 codes might suspend as well.

I was at Apple getting $45k and this marketing job at the production company was $110k starting. (Thanks Coronavirus I don’t have a job anymore)

I'm not sure if you are aware but as it's the middle of the night on a weekday in the USA, this is the time when all the zero debt tradwife having truck driving automatic weapon owning self employed welders making 180k a year are here posting.

easy come, easy go

if only you were a valuable asset to somebody.... but nah ya blew it all for a meme degree

>user firwd by film production ... for NBA...
>BLACKED announces it is closing for C-chan

>masters in marketing
>what do skills mean
The free market is putting you in your place.

>useless job
every modern job is "useless" who are you kidding?

Should have voted for Yang and $1000/mo you stupid niggers.

sounds like a pretty feckless job anyhow

>What “real” skills do you mean?
Being able to produce, build, maintain, or repair things that people will need regardless of economic good or bad times.

As an example if your toilet is backing up shit all over your floor you will find money to pay a plumber whatever it takes to make your home not become India. Farmers will pay whatever the cost to get their tractor repaired quickly during harvest season. (((Insurance))) companies will always cut a check for body work to someone who gets their car banged up in an accident. People will ALWAYS need to eat and goods will always need to be transported.

Haha you take glamour shots of niggers

also this, Yang was the last hope for you burgers and you blew that golden opportunity out you ass
Now, here you are wondering what the fuck to do


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>worried mummy will get fired
>shes a lawyer
>she literally got a $100k bonus this year for a big case that ended recently
>the company says shes the most important lawyer at the company and wants her to never quit working, even when shes retired, they want her to still come in at least 1 day a week to help the company
>company told her to work from home if anyone at the office gets COVID19 because they dont want her getting sick

Seems everything will be okay after all

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Learn to weld. And how to code. Learn them both.

if you need someone elses program to exercise your "skills", then you have no skills

Fuck you you selfish boomer. Stay inside boomer for a loooooong time now bc us zoomers are carrying Corona Chan w/o any fear. In fact you might never want to leave your house again.

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Consider it a blessing that you no longer have make a living by filming disgusting apes running around

Ha ha.

KEK. Maybe a total shitpost

Sportsball problems

Hang tight bro don't let the trolls get you down.

Wow so bouncing ball sport is done? This seems like a victory

Can you Sucks cock in an alley for 20 bucks?

"luckily I still live with my parents"

this is how bad it really is.

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>masters in marketing
what a worthless piece of paper to call a degree. you specialize in selling garbage to NPCs for fiat "money"

Whats your plan when everything breaks down? what skills do you have that will earn you a bottle of clean water?

And people will have no other choice but to go back to kino vidya

>hey guize, I film niggers for jews
>nao no work cause China cough

GF and I saving for a house. We don’t see point in moving out, so we live with our parents still. Sometimes I sleep at her house, sometimes she sleeps at my house.

I say “lucky” in that we don’t have $5000/month mortgage repayments to meet like some of our friends.


rent an apartment ?

5k mortgage? You buying in malibu?

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What this guy said. I think though maybe you should consider something more secure like a trade

If it’s worthless than why is the NBA and anything related to it worth tons of money, and that company offered me $110k starting salary just to do marketing work with their film production?

The only reason I lost this job is because the NBA season is suspended....how does that make it useless? Had the NBA ever been suspended before? It’s a literal one off event and I got extremely unlucky.

Don’t know why you’re chastising me for this.

Found another boomer. Stay inside boomer. Corona-Chan takes no pity on boomerfags & its only a matter of time b4 you must go out and get something. Tick tock.

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Should have got a real job. I work from home 5 days a week as a software dev for a data science company.

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Trades arent secure. The government is paying 50% of incomes of something like 150,000 apprenticeships for the rest of the year.Little tradefags need daddy goverment to save them LMFAO nice one tradefags!

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Try not working for a corporation that will sell you out just to win an election.

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>Whats your plan when everything breaks down? what skills do you have that will earn you a bottle of clean water?
This is actually constructive criticism. People need to have emergency plans in place. This entire globalist economy & structure is a house of cards

>a film production company that does work for the NBA

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>Get a job you lazy millennials!
>No not that one!
I'm gonna fucking give boomers Corona on purpose fuck.

Why would he need to rent an apartment?
Why does his family unit HAVE to split up to fulfill some arbitrary rite of passage?
Something smells of menoras in here.

>Don’t know why you’re chastising me for this.

You do know where you are right? Have you not been here long?

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answering why an adult male should create his own home is pointless.

stay home with mommy and dadddy and live in there house...maybe dad wil let you have the remote on wednesday nights if the games not on. hopefully mom buys those double stuffed oreo cookies you like to eat while burning up there electric bill playing minecraft until 3am everynight while all the lights and electronics are on in your bedroom with the single bed covered in the blanket mommy sewed for you.


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burn the coal, lay the toll.

Oy vey what a post.
Sorry your parents threw you to the curb at 18. I guess I'm really not though, you probably grew up in a world where even sub average 18 year olds could make it solo.
Don't get mad at other people for figuring out how to make their way in the doomed world they didn't ask to get recklessly hamslammed into.


Its just trolls and you had to know this would be a thing unless you're new.

Was watching the Dallas Mavericks and there were at least 1/3rd Eastern European players on the court. They are taking over the sport.

You're a parasite
