Man attacks a woman for 'not wearing her Hijab correctly' in Iran


>A man who attacked a woman in Iran in an alleged row over her veil was humiliated when she fought back in front of passers-by.

At the start of the clip, the bearded man is walking towards the camera and notices the woman walking the other way on the pavement. He stops and appears to scold her, but she initially ignores him and walks on. The man then turns around and follows her, continuing to lecture her before standing in her path to stop her walking away.

He then turns violent by aiming a kick at her with his right foot, knocking her off the pavement and into the road between two parked cars.

The scuffle continued until a larger crowd of people had gathered around them and the woman's veil had completely come off. The man then walked out of shot, with reports saying that he had fled in a car.

The Islamic dress code, in place since the 1979 revolution, considers veiling obligatory for any woman older than 13 in Iran. Offenders face fines, whipping or a prison sentence.

Amnesty International says women and girls are regularly stopped in the street by morality police and vigilantes in Iran. Some protests against the dress code have erupted in recent years with protesters seeing the veil as a sign of oppression against women. At least 39 women were arrested in 2018 in connection with anti-hijab protests, according to Amnesty.

Attached: fashion advisor mahmoud.webm (640x656, 1.57M)

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Choose one and only one.

I took a poop earlier today.

This is the kind of society the Nazis on this board want lol

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based. whore deserved it

Shut the fuck up and be more creative, imbecil.

How was he humiliated? Bitch didn't land anything and just flailed around like a retarded child LOL.

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Based thot patroller

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I don't see any humiliation here, just a female flailing ineffectually and the writer's wishful thinking of what happened next.

Islam is unironically not racist or sexist though, I've never seen a feminist whine about it.

Typical shiite shrine-licker behaviour.

>she fights back!!!!!
>take that men!!!!!!
Until she gets executed for doing that to a man lmao.
Literally that pic of the female wojak seething as pepe chops her head off personified

Sounds like a normal day in Europe to me.

Nah I could immediately tell it's not Europe by the cars.

lol how do u allow a woman to attack u for that long. All it takes is one slap

No wonder muslim countries contribute nothing they are too busy picking fights with women

Whats going on here

Islam is feminism pretending to be patriarchy. That's why feminists don't complain about it. Besides the whole "testimony of a woman being worth half a man's" thing, Muslim women have massive privileges and their men are just slaves living in a gilded cage. Sharia demands that he serve the woman and give her everything she could ever want while she is just required to pretend to be subservient.
You just think Islam is right about women because you exist in soiboi hell and being a Muslim seems like a step up.

she actually put up a good fight
are iranian men weak?

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based house of gord

Based thot patroller

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Based and pooppilled, I'm shitting as we speak, feela good man.

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Are you on the job roach?

Basado. Dumb feminist cunt btfo. Should have decked her too.

Looks like I'm going to spend some money tonight.

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>are Iranian men weak
Avg height for Iranian males is 155cm

This shit is horrifying

>iran news
Who cares ? Do you honestly believe making this thread will give Trump some voters ?

seems like she has a disorder

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what a typical racist Trump supporter. tell him to be racist somewhere else, this is a hate crime

Even better with sound


Go blow bernie else where you fucking faggot.

Fuck I'd die of panic

>Brown people in thier own country.

Constantinople fell to the attacking Ottoman forces on 29 May 1453. In accordance with the traditional custom at the time, Sultan Mehmet II allowed his troops and his entourage three full days of unbridled pillage and looting in the city shortly after it was captured, as customary after winning a battle. Once the three days passed, Sultan Mehmed II started reconstruction and settlement immediately following the conquest to restore the city to its previous state, hoping to propel it to its former glory.[34][35][36] Hagia Sophia was not exempted from the pillage and looting and specifically became its focal point as the invaders believed it to contain the greatest treasures and valuables of the city.[37] Shortly after Constantinople's defenses collapsed and the Ottoman troops entered the city victoriously, the pillagers and looters made their way to the Hagia Sophia and battered down its doors before storming in.[38] All throughout the period of the siege of Constantinople, the trapped worshippers of the city participated in the Divine Liturgy and the Prayer of the Hours at the Hagia Sophia and the church formed a safe-haven and a refuge for many of those who were unable to contribute to the city's defense, which comprised women, children, the elderly and the sick and the wounded.[39][40] Being hopelessly trapped in the church, the many congregants and yet more refugees inside became spoils-of-war to be divided amongst the triumphant invaders. The building was significantly desecrated and looted to a large extent, with the helpless occupants who sought shelter within the church being either enslaved, physically and sexually violated or simply slaughtered.[37]

While most of the elderly and the infirm/wounded and sick were killed, a vast number of women and girls were raped and the remainder (mainly teenage males and young boys) were chained up and sold off into slavery.[38] The church's priests and religious personnel continued to perform Christian rites, prayers and ceremonies until finally being forced to stop by the invaders.[38] When Sultan Mehmet II and his accompanying entourage entered the church, he dismounted at the door of the church and bent down to take a handful of earth, which he then sprinkled over his turban as an act of humility before God.[41] One of the ulama (Islamic scholars) present then climbed up the church's pulpit and recited out the Shahada ("There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His prophet"), thus marking the beginning of the gradual conversion of the church into a mosque.[33][42]

based. i hope she learned her lesson

Islam is evil everywhere it exists.

I was that tall when I was 11

Only the semetic death cult adherents tho

Why didn't that ninja throw any shuriken?

>opposing mass immigration from muslim countries means you want to adopt their dress code
Your bait is so retarded I just had to reply to it

in nazi society, she would wear the hijab corectly in the first place because we aren't incompetent fucks like shitskins
he would also btfo her with one punch

How was he humiliated? He dominated her and she was easily rebuked and fell over trying to attack him

Saving them milkers for later I see

>the man was somehow humiliated by a dumb cunt flailing her hands and slipping

Ah, journalism

now you will have the diaspora mudslimes ITT begins European flag defending this

When you need such drastic measures to control your women: yes

Then again UK and europe are even weaker for letting these men take over

Naw. You'd just get robbed blind by your new masters and then sent to die on some god forsaken muck field for the sake of lebensraum.

*behind European flags

What a nice fight in the zoo.

Shut up muhamMUD

Attached: Islam_Women.png (800x1200, 41.13K)

>thot patrol gone awry
seriously just look at this whore, her legs are completely exposed, and iran's laws are explicit that legs neet to be covered down to ankles

>he thinks Iran/Shias are real Muslims

There is a reason why the Jewish messiah aka Dajjal aka anti christ is going come out of Isfahan, Iran.

Iran= crypto Masonic Jews

>The Dajjal would be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls. (Muslim 7034)

Above is literally a authentic Hadith in ISLAM. It says the worst of the worst man will be very influential in Iran... Speaking of Jews in Iran...

You didn’t think Iran was anti Jewish did you?

>Both Ayatollahs are part of the crypto-Jewish Komnene family.
>The same Jewish family that has controlled Iran since the 4th century.
>The Pahlavis were also Komnenes.
>The Persian Cossack Brigade was used for “special operations” and had Russian officers.
>Reza Pahlavi was a backer of Iranian Zionists.
>Ernest Perron was Mohammed Pahlavi’s gay lover and handler for MI6.
>In 1978 Jewish leaders in Paris praised the Ayatollah Khomeini’s planned revolution.
>Beverly Hills is full of Persian Jews.
>Ayatollah Khomeini studied Gnostic Mysticism. He was also an asset of the CIA and MI6 who orchestrated the 1979 revolution.
>Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Jewish.
>Founder of Shia Islam was Jewish, vast majority of Iran is Shia

Ahmadinejad is a Jew

Reminder that mutts and anglo-kikes brought the "Cultural Revolution" to secular Iran.

He's right you faggot

Good for him. Keep Iran Iranian.

Correct. But to establish crypto Masonic Judaism, not real Islam. They did it to cause disturbance in the Middle East. Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq have all suffered from Iran.

Based Muslim Mongols

You are nothing more than a fucking imbecil, my friend!

I actually feel bad for the woman.

she attacked back harder
what a fury
this is why we need real islam, not iranian cuckery

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about an early man who made the grave

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You could at least put wheels on the damn thing. So much for ingenuity.

why didn't he piss on her?
didn't she pay him enough?

>be iranian manlet
>dont feel like putting on pants
>time for a latte
>throw on the bed sheet
>head out for morning stroll

>man attacked woman
>shows a video of a woman kicking a man in the shin first and then trying to attack him and failing over and over


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she'll be fine
it's her kink, remember this shit is all women's fantasies

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because he's scared
he cant attack her brutally, he'd get harshly punished for it
even in shitslam

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