Aus/pol/ Free NEETbux edition

Gday lads

>'Close air borders' experts agree with AUS/POL/

>Close the borders already Scomo you faggot

>Krudd shills for china (as usual)

>Suicide by cop

>WHO finally call it what it is - a pandemic - too little too late

>Waman cant handle being cops - should be left in the kitchen

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Other urls found in this thread:

Roll Call PART 1 OF 2
>bust a nut guy/abo in alice springs
>who adelaide?
>Gas the boomers
>”ITS THE JEWS” pasta
>Gimme a job or ill rope
>ASIO is Aus/pol/'s greatest ally user
>Coles sweeper breaking user
>tinder ROLLer
>who ready for the collapse?
>praise him (ASIO agents/ ABC Journo’s)
>how do i get an aus/pol/ gf?
>fuck off we’re full webm creator
>Friendly (and rare) reminder to get your gun licence guy
>what’s for dinner?
>wanting job at asio user
>serial reporter of glowposts and bust a nut guy / roll call guy (me)
>the gf/the bf/the daily ride
>Central Desert Region user surrounded by boongs
>ausfag in USA
>Desert Lime Shilling Brit.
>tougher gun laws in QLD when?!
>US fag "fuck off we're fu-" poster with an image of australias population concentration on a map
>Q&A anime shirt wearing attendee
>Reminder to address to judge and jury in all your shitposts
>JUSTed user(s) (sympathy add)
>’checking in’ fag / meta poofter
>(followed by) “poofters fuck off”
>ASIO poster who uploaded screenshot which had ASIO login bookmarked
>coom for mommy
>guy that says he will an hero to get "no don't do it" (you)'s
>lithuanian user that's been planning to move to Aus for years
>'jannies can't stop me' user
>running for local government user
>fed up and willing to self doxx to create aus/pol/ political party user
>join the union fag / union shill
>user(s) who fingered a bird in a nightclub
>ASISinfo Tripfag
>It's easy to raise a family on one income, just grow your own food
>who /unregistered firearm/? glow agent
>who drinking?

the bf

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>guy whose isp fucks up and gets the bong flag
>DSP neet in Canberra
>weird boomer anime figurine painter office government worker with lifesize trump cutout
>poster that pretends to be a superior asian and goes on about Australia and the US being Chinese land
>doomed by lollipop sign cunts schizo pasta
>guy that threatens to light himself on fire in centrelink (nabbed by glowies?)
>glowing merino poster
>fingered that chick in a nightclub last night
Am i forgetting anyone?

the gf

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What’s for dinner la?

the daily ride

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stones corner cenno office 2pm brisbane time tomorrow
gonna douse myself in diesel and set meself alight
gonna self immolate because those cenno faggots rejected my dsp

You're forgetting me
last name should be 'and you'

do i still get the neetbux if i'm in the process of applying for centrelink?

the thread has been blessed. Everyone can now go about their business

Why did they reject it?

Too late senpai, you had to be on it already.

Why even bother if you don't get abobux

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>Too late

>the bf/the gf/the daily ride
>jannies can't stop me
These are both me.
I cannot be stopped.

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There was a bird stacking shelves at Coles in Gisborne, Victoria tonight COOFING heavily all over the place anons.

I fucking hate fucking niggers so fucking much.

They backdate payments to the claim date? So it would make sense that you get it because provided you're ultimately approved, your already receiving it in a sense

Alright lads fat 122kg user here, the goal for now is going to drop sugar and cold turkey it, get on testosterone(unrelated issue, cant orgasm during sex) and smash poon while neeting for a few months before going to uni and doing some bullshit course like political studies

Life is good

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Who's keen lads
Gonna actually support aussie buisness with my payments
Been wanting to buy some leatherwork tools, get some more welding and woodwork gear, then maybe get my dog some smoked lung treats

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Bendigo hospital staff have been compromised. Workers are sick and are currently being tested due to a patient who flew in spreading it.

You're not going to do shit faggot, if you were you would have roped yourself like you keep saying long ago

work my arse off for $700 weekly wage. fucking neets getting bailed out, they fucking self isolate anyway

I believe in you user
I went from 92kg to 75kg in 3 months
Now I'm up around 85 but it's from lifting

im in the same boat. waiting for weeks for a seperation cert so technically not a cenno customer yet but i had started the making a claim online a fortnight ago.

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who drinking

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Get out of pozzbourne

I'm getting the gainz brah
It's fuckin sicc brah
By this time next year I'll be fuckin shredded brah

Centrelink website crashed from new applications

you don't spend your money tho

hopefully I can report during the night

Reminder, your ABC wants to hear about your online dating experiences that turned bad:

This, neets are keeping the economy going.

I'm always on call lad, hit me up on 0491114880 if I don't already show.

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I'm going to use it at small local businesses that don't rely on chinese manufacturing. Should at least try to give effect to the goverments intentions.

"You don’t need to do anything. If you’re living in Australia on 12 March 2020, we’ll pay you automatically. You’ll get the money from 31 March with most receiving it by 17 April 2020."

Had to be on cenno today or no beuno my dude

i dropped 14kg in 6 weeks just by going vegan. was 100 now im down to 80. never lifted.

For me? It's rum. Picked up this tonight 15 minutes before it's naughty to sell bottles time.

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I can only save like $80 a fortnight after bills rent and food, what the fuck, this country makes it too easy for fucking neets

Probs huffs darts like a madcunt

A fucking joke. We have every aspect of cost of living squeezing the cents out of us we can't afford to spend on things that help the economy. Just the big multinationals sucking us dry.

Gonna spend the $750 on a new sound system for my car to attract some thots

>Not using your neetbux bonus to buy guns and other weapons

Not gonna make it

>malnourishment caused me to lose weight
No shit.

>self isolate
An invaluable service to the community

How's that go? I'm a rum noob, only drink Morgan, Jerrys and Kraken

take the neet pill and accelerate the collapse then. Get 600$ a week doing nothing and you can move somewhere cheaper rentwise cause u don’t need to be close to work anymore

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Fuck man its amazing hearing people lose weight so quickly, the sugar is deffo the problem; though if I lose weight too quickly am I going to have fuck tonnes of loose skin? Dont really give a shit about stretch marks

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>not being on abobux and getting cenno when you earn $700 a week
Why even bother lad

Canadian club straight with ice

Mate I have expensive tastes so you may not like the price tag, but personally I cannot stand the cheap shit after having the quality carribean liquor
Some of these you can really appreciate the mollases


Was thinking this... might get a stage 2 cam for the commodore, thank jebus for OHV engines and scomo.

It's not free money though, it's a loan that has to be paid back, likely by increasing taxes more, so you're screwed in the longrun, since gst will probably go to 20%, etc.

Helicopter money on the low income is an absolute last resort to the collapse. Realistically what you should do is buy gold or crypto with it and not spend a cent, letting the economy collapse so we get the hard reset we desperately need. Don't forget this is a loan to stop the housing bubble bursting.

threadly reminder to neets getting the stimulus,
stuffing it in your mattress and not spending it will fuck them over. they want you to spend it. Spending it overseas (ebay,alibaba) or saving it in your mattress fucks it up for them


>have shitty job earning $250/wk
>supplement income with the dole
>can easily save $400/mth if I don't eat out often
I don't know how people with proper jobs don't have thousands in savings. It's so easy to save money.
I'm going to put my $750 gibs into savings just to fuck the economy as well.

Im gonna buy some ice and root my boyfriends anus

nigger i eat better than i ever have before. and i still have 3 small meals a week that aren't vegan.

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>Don't forget this is a loan to stop the housing bubble bursting.

Lul, that's like two weeks rent, if that. Its not gonna do shit when everyone and their dog will be buying prep supplies or consoomer goods.







There's literally no justification in buying anything past Mount Gay

What are you drinking user?

Haven't been on in a while, but me, the guy who comes on at night and asks 'What'd ya have for dinner, lads?'
Speaking of which ...
What'd ya have for dinner lads? Anything?
I personally didn't have anything. Was gonna pop on a chicken but nah, cbf.

Take off the meme flag faggot

I'm going to get an avo smash for brunch and a new tatt.

I personally found Zacapa to be amazing and far beyond anything in the lower price range, but your tastes may be less patrician than mine, and that's okay.

Whatever it may be, (the drug or a kleelers ice bag) that is the smart move too.

For me, it was the dirty bird

Wait, ya got me! Whoops.

I think my tastes are decades acquainted and can appreciate the price to taste ratio.

Im gonna suck the cum out of my girlfriends cunt and make a casserole out of it

quick run down on the stimulus lads?

When does this ever happen? Even the most severe dole bludgers can just reapply, I believe some guy got cut off 50 times and still can get it after a few weeks

it's not your cum, user

nice car

What tat you gonna get?

I've just stopped showing up twice now and they let me back on, no questions asked.

Party time.

Happy to hear your recommendations in the $60-$80 price range, my dude. Diplomatico is alright, I've decided, definitely a nice rum, but priced at my local DM's about $20 more than its worth

me too user, zinger bacon and cheese combo with the DEW
>10 captchas
>slow fucking fading bullshit
>try again, failed
>please try again
Let me spam my fucking blacked threads in peace ffs

>loook at my car doood its really black and shiney! hur dur me so kwool duude it sounds really loud every morning at 7am when i leave my neighbourhood too, cause i just LOOOVE attention from everybody!.

What a fucking faggot.

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Based dinner.
You know what to do user: shell out your hard-earned money and buy a Yas Forums pass.

It will because that money keeps the slaves employed that pay the rent and mortgages

I usually shitpost on Yas Forums, so yeah

I was thinking the gf

I know its a mix of about 3 other cunts from earlier today. Its what add the extra tang to the dish. Special sauce I like to call it

pic related

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Reminder to get your free $1000 from the bushfire recovery scheme

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I have a bit of extra skin on my gut and legs
Not bad but
Just do exercises to tighten it
Eat lots of stirfrys and currys
My main ingredients were and still are peas, snowpeas, carrot, red cabbage and broccoli with lots of meat like chicken or lamb
Obviously still make your base with onions or whatever is needed, but beef it out with fresh stuff and protein
Avoid bread at all costs too

A week or two of sky high sales isn't going to do shit, especially once lockdowns happen.

duuude! i just loooove takeaways! bacon zinger burgers are da bomb yo! and check out my really fancy shiny car with unneccesarily loud exhaust, cause i want everyones heads to turn when i drive it down the CBD like a complete tool craving attention. ON my way to the KFC drivethrough! Pump those hardcore bass beats yo!

You are such a cringey fucking faggot. Your trashy type are a cliche

>that flag
>that post

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who’s gonna tell him lads?

It's not even worth $60, that's because 60% is the alcohol tax alone. It's entirely artificially inflatated, cost and value wise, because of it.

You know it lads

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No one, I don't speak Tongan

Right? I go to work every week, put in my all, pay my bills on time, spend locally and pay my tax. Not getting a cent of help, and now I get to listen to the coons renting next door whoop with joy that their household will get about $2500 taxpayer handouts on top of the handouts they live on while the taxpayer gets fuck all.

Great stimulus plan.


why do the kiwis post in our thread? why dont they make their own thread lads? pathetic stuff.

He knows, he's just acting like a faggot for the (you)s.

holy based

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What dreams are made of

he's gonna get his tramp stamp

me im aussies are homos or niggers guy
ive said that a fair bit

umad? cry harder pussy. you cant have your aussie only safe space here , sorry.

Can u share a shower with a corona cougher?

And hell yeah $750 to all the dole bludgers! Keep sending us plaguies by the Airbus load!

Have you had this one thats wrapped up in some kind of plant? Can't remember what it was called. It was about 100.