Why are you not buying stocks?

Why are you not buying stocks?

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I make 57k a year and have student debt (dont fall for STEM meme) how tf can i afford to invest?

LOL what a retard. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Oh no, he’s right. Give it a couple of days though. Bargains to be had.

The market was already hyper inflated and bound to crash. If you bought anytime at 22k+ you were asking for this.

1. Why are you in debt?
2. Invest small and through the help of a bank. Or conversely, invest small in BTC and win biggly quick.

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He's right.

People are already in financial turmoil. Go back to giving bad advice somewhere else.

perfect time to buy stocks.
they'll shoot back up in two weeks.
this is called, "spring cleaning".

>Make the same
>Debt almost paid off and $10k waiting for the bottom of this drop
You had one job

All this time I thought that "buy low sell high" was just common financial sense.
Apparently everyone is a fucking idiot

Maybe in a few months when I start welding. Fun fact ameribros, don't go to tulsa, learn on your own or get an apprenticeship. You will learn more and maybe even get payed for it.

>Don't go to Tulsa
I left Oklahoma riding in a Pontiac
Just about to lose my mind

Next Tuesday will be a great time to buy american agribusiness stocks that pay dividends.
Today is a terrible time to buy anything.

>buy low sell high"
If it were this simple everybody would be rich. What often happens is people buy low and sell lower.

I can see you speeding down the freeway with blue oyster cults song, "burning for you" blaring through the speakers.

This. Reduced my positions to minimal 2 weeks ago, scooping back up when it starts growing again. Even the gold trust has been volatile

time in the market beats timing the market

Not a big boc fan, I'd probably be blasting Zappa. One of these days I'm going to be singing don't get no jizz upon that sofa Ina grocery store out loud and have people cringe

Because I have better shit to do with my money than putting it in the magical jewish casino.

What else would you suggest for someone who has never gone into a venture like this. I have 1000 to my name and I'm debt free. I like money and I want to create generational wealth for my kids, but lack the basic knowledge to do so. Sorry for the run on sentence.

Literally have $200 in my bank account. What truly baffles me is how I somehow survive on $700/month in California while people that make more than 40k a year don't have at least 20k+ liquid capital. I feel like you can make easy money just by paying attention to Yas Forums news.

Markets still too high. I'm investing Warren Buffet style, wait until decimation then invest.

a truck driver at my work was telling me this

I was just going to call him a nigger when he replied. You zoomers sure take shit seriously, no wonder you all want to off yourselves.

You'll need to save a lot more and keep investing it. With only $1000 to start your best bet are some index funds that track the market index. Can be more risky during volatile times like this, but requires a lot less researching of companies and staying on top of goings on. Best advice I have after a few years of doing it solely on my own is learn to curb a natural tendency to panic at a single rough day or few hours. If you're already losing money over your initial investment, selling means you really lost. If there's reason to believe it will eventually recover, hang on. Also use drip programs to cut taxes

Guess the family history of bankruptcy will be part of their legacy

I have no experience investing, so I can't give competent advice. But for myself I'm going to stay away from anything manufacturing, and biomedical too. I think lots of people will buy into biomedicine so it'll be stupid money in there. Just gonna focus on recession proof basics like agribusiness, processed food, and electronic entertainment. Things millions of sick people will need, but which will still be relatively easy to produce during a plague.

Just transferred my 401ks into a IRA, feeling pretty comfy. Of course, I don't have any real savings besides, but my job won't be terribly affected by corona so I'm not losing money any time soon.

It’s going down another 30%

Don’t assume the market’s price before the crash was a rationale one

Market will go down more when Trump, Biden, and Queen Elizabeth II die to the Wuflu in turns. Should go down to 14k easily.

Days lol
Man this is just starting!

Yas Forums has been saying buy gold since forever. It was at 1480/oz and I told my friend we should go all in once it touches the lower 1400.
It didn't, it ran straight to 1700.
If oil reaches the mid to lower 20s or gold falls down beloe 1500 I'm all in

Going to buy the dip bros. Don't miss out on this opportunity

>Don’t assume the market’s price before the crash was a rationale one
This is what I think also. The bounce from 28 usd on oil was because of support from last time. But one more "call to arms" by saudis or russia ans we wiff definitely see the 20s again.
The market turned before it had confidence, the panic is not over. I mean my local gym closed today and the grocery store offers home delivery.

Because I'm fucking skint right now.

>time in the market beats timing the market
This. The shit isn't meant to be a fucking casino. Short term price shocks are largely manipulated by (((the usual suspects))). If you don't have real inside information (none of you faggots do) you will eventually get burned doing day trading (especially on margin). This is doubly true for currency and commodity trading.

>I like money and I want to create generational wealth for my kids,
(((Warren Buffet))) has used the strategy of "buy what people use every day" to great success. Pick strong companies that make goods/services that everyone uses all the time in good or bad times and they are safe bets to increase in value and/or pay dividends consistently for your decades to come. Companies that make things like food that everyone uses (flour, sugar, ketchup), light bulbs, razors, tampons, paint, soap, asprin, etc. are reliable. If you fear bad economic times dollar stores and beer/liquor companies typically do well (they're generally always solid and pay dividends).

honestly it looks like a big fucking bait to me even with the corona virus dip. stock market looks high than its ever been

how do I buy stocks? what program should I use?

Because your jewish bankers overly inflated it burger.

A real brokerage, not Robinhood shit. Td Ameritrade, Russel, Wells Fargo, anyone reputable. A brokerage account is just another type of bank account.

because I'm poor :(

You probably cannot buy stocks today because it can take days to verify an account. But a popular free option is Robinhood. Better brokers usually have fees and commissions but they provide more information and recommendations before you buy or sell.

I'm gonna hit you with the "if you need to ask you shouldn't buy" bur basically what this user said Don't put money in that you can't afford to lose, obviously.

Ive grown to hate this question.

Before you ask how and what stocks to buy ask if buying stocks is even your only option.
Key word being options here.

Robinhood is good for practicing if you're not going all in, at least from my experience. If you're gonna put more than $1,000 into this dip then yes, probably best that you go for another firm and pay the extra cost

>joe's garage
>during coronavirus season

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I have. It's about value and picking those that will recover the quickest when this scare over.
I waiting for airline stocks to shit the bed before snatching up shares in that sector.

Now is a great time to invest in Princess Cruises and Boeing. I would be all in. Let's see if I'm right.

Cause any smart person is going to short until it hits rock bottom in.. a year or so, and only then go long till the next fed inversion when you start selling in preparation for switching to short again

Putting a conman into the white house is not right

And I'll add that unironically, investopedia sounds like where you should start so you understand how shit works before losing your meager savings. Td Ameritrade is who i use and they even have a funny money option so you can simulate trades. Try that for a few months and see how you do before using real money. Today is not a buy day because it's going to keep dropping, but no harm setting up an account once you're ready.

Joe's and thing fish are my two favorites.
Head like a potatah
Mammy ooh mAh maw

"I WOULD be all in"


why not " I AM all in"


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What about finding the particular companies you want to use for that 'method'?
I can't see myself going through company financialls, i just kinda wanna say "oh, ok. PepsiCo for the soda, Evian for water" etc but idk

For once/pol/ is teaching common sense and true

>buying high

Everyone here is supposed to be smart, Trump is the perfect polítician and what did he said about the virus? That the system will continue. He is calming the masses but also telling you that after panic even if it wipes 10% of the population the world will continue with the ones who overcame the virus.

So basically if you are into stocks its a good sign.

Stop shilling bitcoin. it is garbage

I have 8k in mutual funds via American funds (that also take their cut) that I should’ve sold last month when it was higher. Gonna need the money for grad school fees soooner than later. Is selling by c o b today a bad move?

Well, he didn't say he was a darkie, otherwise I'd have recommended buying all the penny stocks he could afford

I know you guys love trump but hes gonna kill everybody than himself

If you aren't willing to put in the research, index funds are the lazy man's approach. All that data is there by law for a reason

Genuine question: If China's economy is wiped out complete, is this the functional equivalent of placing sanctions on every other country on the planet?

I'm a darkie FUCK you gay homo faggot

Yes, the drop has already begun, selling now is certain loss. You'll have to ride it out for potentially a year or few. I reduced two weeks ago to have $10k preserved for the come back

Dont smoke, take vitamin D, stop touching your face, once you get it isolated your self for a week. You are in the age population that takes coronavirus like a flu.

"I would be all in."

Them why didn't you go all in? I hate doublespeak like this.

yes, very bad idea

Darkies can't help but announce they're darkies in their first posts because being able to use a computer is an accomplishment, stop larping

Buy bitcoin and use it to buy gold. This is the smart way to use bitcoin now a days, if you're willing to run the digital currency shit, it's good to get a sum and buy gold or silver with it, that way you have something of value. Can always trade gold in for money, money can buy more stocks or just sit on your cash.

>dont fall for STEM meme

A bachelors in Transgender math is not a STEM degree.
>muh 40%

it's still falling, im not buying shit until it's hit the bottom.

Because it’s GLOWINGLY apparent that the Jews don’t run the world the Chinese do.

Buying bitcoin is speculation not investment. So is buying the dip.

i wouldn't say thing fish is my favorite, but it's definitely one i can listen to and enjoy. make a jazz noise here, chunga's revenge, and sleep dirt are probably my top three.
>I have nothing to be ashamed of! I have a LOVELY body. Everyone will understand! I've-I've ACCOM- PLISHED something tonight! I really believe that! I've found a sort of fulfilment other men only DREAM about!

>50 k plus bonus
>no debt
I'm buying socks!

>Why are you in debt?
The majority of this country is "in debt," you moron.

The stonk market hasn't fallen nearly the amount that it's going to.

I think Eric knows this...

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Fucking RIP man. I couldn't imagine making less than $150k post Trump-flation. Below $100k is literally the poverty line these days.

Redpill me on what stocks are good to invest in

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how will you know when you've hit the bottom?

Taking a week off from work and still having a job not likely...


people selling now probably are still up on their investment decisions. it's a decade-long bull market that began right after the last crisis. we've only retraced a couple of years of price appreciation, and, on a lot of those stocks there was a dividend being paid in the interim. you're only stuck holding the bag if you were buying into the very top very recently when everything was obviously overpriced.

Don't know about him but I'm watching for at least 3 days of overall gains if not a week

>he actually pays his student loans
based retard, I haven't paid in 10 years, the calls stopped coming in years ago, eventually some politician is gonna win that forgives all these loans anyway (not that I care either way, fuck Bernie Kikers)

>b...b...but your credit
my credit isn't even that bad, I pay off everything else regularly and am still eligible for credit cards, mortgages, and business loans (that was my first redpill that debt was a jewish scam in the first place...that it's so profitable for these kikes that even when you don't pay they want to give you more loans.)

>perfect time to buy stocks.
He posted that two weeks ago... if you listened to him you just lost like 20%

touching your face is a meme no evidence what so ever show touching your face is a way to infect your self. with anything.

Wait until it drops to under 9000...apple Tesla Amazon Microsoft and the others will be valued at half...

> Taking advice from Eric fucking Trump