If you know Project Camelot you know Bill ryan aired a program about the "Anglo Saxon Mission" in 2010.

It decipers how Deep state releases a biological weapon via a virus, on the Chinese state. (Corona-virus, lab made)It also decipers how the Deep state tries to provoke Iran into using nuclear bombs (killing of Qassem Soleimani, January 2020).It all ends with a "Geo-physical event" which Bill Ryan is unsure of what it

The reason to release the virus is to weaken the Chinese before this event. And also put the western world into EMERGENCY MODE precautionary. So that the western civilization can rebuild the world after it is destroyed. That is the deeper meaning of the NWO (New World Order). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It actually took me some time to find out what this is about. It's not Nibiru. It's not yellowstone going off. It's not a Polar reversal. But it's a Polar SHIFT.The magnetic North Pole have increasingly faster moved from Canada over the Arctic Ocean and is soon in Russia. Simuntaniously the Magnetic Field protecting earth is declining exponentially with every year and day that passes by. These are the exact precursors to a Polar shift. In 2020 you can see the magnetic north pole shifted Affinity from blue to red lines. It's still the North pole and will probably be, total reversals happen very rarely (500.000-1.000.000 years apart).

Attached: Earth-magnetic-field.jpg (3425x1469, 362.55K)

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However, smaller shifts seem to happen cyclicaly way more often. Approximately as often as every 6.000-12.000 years. Somehow this knowledge has been hidden, it has been described by archeological tablets, in different religions throughout history. The CIA classified a book "The Adam and Eve Story" on this subject upon its release, in 1966. I suggest each and everyone of you read this: The actual text starts on page 1(10) with the text "The Next Cataclysm". Another guy who studied this was professor Charles Hapgood, a friend of Einstein who even adviced Albert Einstein on the subject. Both agreed that the axial rotation of Earth has changed many time through history, but they disagreed on the cause of

So, what proofs do exist that the actual NORTH pole and SOUTH pole have been in different locations trough history? I'm just gonna name a few of them, feel free to google for yourself and be baffeled.

In historical descriptions alot of religions, even Plato, talks about apocalyptic floods. As a side note Atlantis (Richat Structure, Eye of Sahara in Africa) is said to have disapeared over a night, approximately 12.000 years ago. And this was also when the last Ice Age began, approximately 12.000 years ago. Coincidence?"The Flood" described by the Bible is not actually invented by whoever wrote the bible. This "myth" which in fact is no myth, but a description of what happens during a pole shift. Has been described by various religions and ancient astronomers/geologists in history. Somehow the Vatican have done a great job supressing this information to the public. globa

Look bud, this is honestly a nothingburger flu being drummed up by fake news videos on wechat/twitter and lonely happeningfag neets. You'd have to be a retard to not spot that.

Let's look at this objectively without emotionally manipulated manchildren screeching about muh 10%+ death rates, muh bioweapon leak, muh elite depopulation conspiracy, muh ccp shill coverup, muh so2 from burning bodies and otherwise retarded shill narratives.

>b-but muh mass quarantines in Italy and China!1!1! It's the beginning of exponential growth that there is no evidence for being possible to begin with!1!1!1!
>b-b-but muh 28 day incubation period, just wait 4 more weeks™ and we're all gonna be coughing up blood!1!1!1!1!

It's killed only 4600 people after several months. SARS, MERSA, MERS, H1N1 etc etc were more deadly and viral. The common cold literally kills more people every year than this "pandemic."

China has it under control. Italy has it under control as does every other government around the world. By April, this coronavirus outbreak will be nothing more than a meme, and the world economy will keep going as usual.

Happening canceled

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I cant post more.



**THE CAUSE?**The actual cause of the polar shift is still unclear. The hypothesis is that the magnetic poles first move, then when they get to far away from the actual pole, it drags the earths whole crust with it.What scientists are observing right now is that the magnetic north pole is wandering, faster and faster as we speak. And the magnetic field strength is declining. The movie 2012 is correct in about what is going to happen, but not the cause of the crustal displacement. Truth is no one really knows why it happens, just that it DOES happen.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

**WHAT TO DO?**Unless you're an elite who already has purchased a doomsday

The only reasonable way to survive this is to get up on a high mountain, preferably inside a cave. Like NOAH in Mount Ararat. Or the other guys from various religions who did survive in the mountains. When will it happen? Keep a very close eye on the magnetic field. When it weakens enough the solar rays will rek our sattelites, phones, tv and electricial equippment. When this happens it will be approximately 48H until the reversal takes place.

Preferably you want some kind of Faradays Cage since a weak magnetic field (during reversal) will not shield you from radiation from our Sun and

I understand if this story doesnt make sense. I have alot of knowledge in History, Religion, Science, Geology. If I didnt have I wouldnt understand what I'm talking about. I'm sorry I cant explain it in more detail, it would take me 1000000000 pages to do so. Please research this matter for yourself, it's of extreme importance. The NWO and Vatican has been knowing this for at least a decade, they have build highly sofisticated underground bases for this.

Thanks. This relates heavily to the path I'm on. I think the timelines are diverging.
Hopefully, I have enough time to prepare for this. I'm thinking 5 to 10 years. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. I'm going to Colorado, if the market crashes and the housing bubble bursts, maybe I'll be able to buy a house in the mountains.

Redditor filth. Sage in all fields.

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>5-10 years
You got 2 years tops

Id say it is happening right before our eyes.
Virus released just prior to the geophycisal event according to bill ryan 2010.

1 year.
Markets crashing and virus is just the start of the REAL DOOM that is coming.

I can see them enjoying cocktails at the pool now. Soros, Obama, Clintons, Epstein, Prince Andrew

Interesting, but I still don’t understand why they had to release a virus and why China is a threat. Explain more OP.

Haha yeah and harvey wienstein or wtf his name is.

Probably they bugged out already during all media-charades last years.

China isnt really a threat.
It comes down to the NWO being very elitistic and racist. They want to inhabit and rebuild the new world (New world order, the meaning of it) alone. They want the western civilization to rule after the next cataclysm.

Why would the jews want western civilization to rule after the next cataclysm?

what's your take on the recurrent solar micronova?


Idk about this Bill Ryan dude. These guys are usually crackpots. The only credible thing here is that this is a forced emergency. But we can't know for what really.

>conspiracy theories
>on reddit
wew lad

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The cause of the polar shifts and ice ages are still unclear. No one knows for sure WHY its happening but we know that is DOES happen.

Solar Micronova could be a cause.
Magnetic polar shift could be a cause.
Galactic equator crossing could be a cause.

So it's dragging a crust right? So uber rich guys hide inside the earth's crust? And the world gonna be destroyed so they want to wipe out other races first not during the destruction? Now you're sounding crazy sven

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Well this is his/my take on it.

Geo physical would logically be magnetic field reversal. A super volcano would just be geological.

The crust of the earth moves yes.

Im not an uber rich guy im a normal guy with knowledge in history, geography, religion, science. 150 iq.

The plan is not to hide in the crust are you retarded sir they are hiding in bunkers that is way above the crust. Preferably at high places (mountains) in geographically stable regions.

Think of the Doomsday Seedvault in Svalbard, prefect example for where to hide.

yes they want to weaken the chinese before this happens so most of them die, correct.

All your sources are ZOG as FUCK.
>The fucken CIA!!?

You're off your fucking head, you lying dog cunt

Ιt could be anything though. Geopolitical shift. Trade war. WW3. Population reduction. Aliens. The polar shift does not sound more credible to me.

its not about jews. Its the deep state /NWO.
Constists of a variety of religion-born people.

they are not interested in god tales they are interested of the interpetation of the tales and how to put it into the real world. Like the floods described by every religion in the world.

They dont want black people to live.
They want white people to rebuild earth after its destroyed. Its racism.

yes its true, could be anything.
The most reasonable thing I've found is a pole shift. Since the science is here to prove that it is happening right now.

Question: do the poles control the axis of rotation? i.e. - they can redistribute where the equator is located?

I think we at least can agree its not about the virus itself ^^

yes that is exactly what this is about.
If only the magnetic poles shifted we would have trouble with gps and electronics (which would explain why the stock market is crashing). But history and geologist has shown the actual equator/earth does rotate. Cause unknown.

>it drags the earths whole crust with it.
>they have build highly sofisticated underground bases for this.
>The only reasonable way to survive this is to get up on a high mountain, preferably inside a cave.

lots of digits, but seriously?
>geophysical event, drags the whole crust
>elites have bunkers, safest underground
do you even earthquake bro? because i do, and the last place you want to be when trillions of gigatons of rock start moving is in between them.

I could quote lizard men, the galactic cuckeration of light, ancient aliens and ur grandmother but lets keep the discussion scientifical please.

Please read some earth geology before posting.
Check where the crust is located, where mountains are placed, where the core is etc.

Earth consists of many differens layers and I'm sure that after studying you can find where its safe to be and where it isnt.

Take your meds

So extreme weather events for a few years and someone living in the bahamas could end up in a frozen arctic wasteland. I supposed those living in northern regions like Alaska or Sweden would be better prepared because statistically your chances are better that you'd get warmer not colder. I guess ocean currents would shift too. Yeah, it would be terrible. You'd have to rely on local resources only for years. Best to be somewhere remote when it happens.

As it was written in the Revelation.
Mountains and seas will all be moved out of place, or something along these lines.

Earthquake and great rain of fire, the like that was never seen before,

I take vitamin D and zink every day thank you for reminding me ^^

remote and high up (mountains).
It will be cataclysmic floods, as described by historical records.

Sweden is not great actually because its a risk we end up at the north pole like last time (ICE AGE OVER NORTHERN EUROPE).

We will get frozen quite fast if that is the case.

Lmao you're so fucked, Colorado is overpopulated as hell. Even with a housing crash, there still wouldn't be enough homes to go around. Stay in California

Yep it's schizo time

The bible is a story tho. has many false claims and also alot of true ones. We got to be skeptical and yes im cherry picking to suit my narrative.

But its described by almost every religion since 20,000 years ago with very little deviance.

science, not schizo.

i was not tying the micronova to the shifts.
i was asking your thoughts on the veracity of the event.

I'm a believer in Christ, and await his return after the Cataclysm.

But aside from the Bible, what other text you could quickly point to me that also mention the same "event" ?

I'm not convinced to 100% that micronova does happen. I'm saying if it DOES happen it SURE would cause abrupt climate changes.

The oldest sacred texts are always nostalgic. It is also said in the Popol
Vuh: The Hyperboreans, the White Gods, will one day leave the inner earth,
or return from the stars in a Winged Serpent, in a Golden Eagle, in the Age of
the Condor, in a White Horse, they will come to judge us when the time of
the Kali Yuga is fulfilled, in the return of the Golden Age, when the Axis of
the earth returns to its right position, after the catastrophe that will close the
Manvantara. The Poles will be One again, reunited in an exact axis, as in the
Satya Yuga, first Age of the World, when man lived more than a thousand

Any link ?

Book more than likely banned for being part of a book code. Basically edgy nonsense


El Cordon Dorado.

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IT seems this thread officially is under attack from Deep State shills trying to de-rail it.

keep it scientific bois!

Thank you very much user, have a great day :)

Seems based.

They sound based, who wouldn't want to start over without niggers.

Who are you referring to?
And only shills and boomers call them 'the deep state'.

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I'm ok with this

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It's medication time.

A pole shift can't drag anybodies crust anywhere. Look, i enjoy an entertaining larp as much as anyone, lord knows we need a laugh but one can only suspend disbelief so much.

A beautiful dream.

And why ? A 100 years ago we didn't even understand how the earth's different layer were composed, much less how it works.

Our current understanding of the electro-magnetic force is primitive at best, and completely wrong at worst.