Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks has become the latest high-profile victim of Covid-19, announcing on social media that he and his wife were feeling under the weather before they tested positive for the virus in Australia. Hanks, who has been on a trip to Australia working on pre-production of Baz Luhrmann's Elvis Presley biopic, shared the news with 6.7 million of his Instagram followers late on Wednesday.
The actor, famous for his roles in 'Cast Away,' 'Saving Private Ryan,' and 'Forrest Gump,’ which brought him his second Best Actor Academy Award, wrote that he and his wife, actress Rita Wilson, were feeling unwell before they decided to “play things right” and get tested for the coronavirus.
We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too.
When is Yas Forums going to come out and admit that they were emotionally swayed by fake news videos on twitter and hyperbolic death figures from /cvg/tards into thinking this nothingburger was anything significant?
There are what, several thousand corona related threads made up to this point? Embarrassing. Get a life schizos, China, Italy, and all other countries have it under control.
This guy is the worst actor in terms of being overrated by normie retards. I've never seen a worse actor get more praise from (((them))). He's also probably one of the child fucker cult.
Jose Jackson
He is white so of course he is a pedophile
Andrew Sanders
The weirdo tweet being Tom's tweet of a child's sock
>But summer will kill it Its summer in Australia right now
William Sullivan
You spelt the word "Jew" in a funny way user
Oliver Peterson
Maybe if he didn't fuck so many under aged china boys in the ass this wouldn't have happened.
Daniel Hill
>Hollywood actor We must not forget the (((Hollywood Directors)))
Cameron Lopez
Trump curse
Ayden Hall
>Good This faggot is like all liberals, Scream about Wuhan Flu and tell us its the end of the world. All the while he is flying all around the world as if nothing is happening. His answer would be well I am important and many people depend on me. Hope they die and freak out millions more people. Fuck it at this point lets play with the Death Note.
Carson Martinez
The Man With Wuhan Flu
Ayden James
We´ll get them when the first one gets it.
>Biden catching it. >Robert De Niro >Natalie Portman