Trust Christ as your saviour

Trust Christ as your saviour

Biblical repentance is not turning away from sinful behavior.

It is not being “sorry” for your sins.

It is not an emotional response.

Repentance is not forsaking anything.

Nor is repentance a willingness to turn away from sins.

Repentance is simply a change of mind toward God that compels a person to place their trust in Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins, His burial and resurrection.

2nd Corinthians 11:3, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

So few people have a clear understanding of how salvation works.

Let me make it very simple.
YOU ARE A SINNER and unless you accept Christ's payment for your sins on the cross, you will spend eternity burning in the fires of Hell.

You cannot add or subtract anything to Christ's payment.

Jesus paid the full price of our sins with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19).


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This is true but you should see a decrease in sin after repentance

based and redpilled

Maybe, maybe not. Nothing wrong with putting in effort to resist sin but always know you're failing and it does not contribute to your salvation whatsoever.

It switches directions halfway into the gif

>trust the rabbi, goyim

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That picture is retarded. Most likely so are you as well. Jesus will still have you in his kingdom if you wish it tho.

Dead rabbis have no kingdoms

Oh hi Levi, still scheming those goyim out of their hard earned cash I see?

>Trust Christ as your saviour
Yeah doesn't sound like a madman babbling

You're both illiterate faggots.

christcucks where is your god now
pro tip: it doesnt exist
you got played by jewish rabbi

Not illiterate enough to know what John 3:2 says

Cope Jew worshiper

I tell people the truth for free.

Same place for 2000 years dumbo.

Get fucked saturn worshipper. There’s a reason why Christians worship on S(o)nday and kikes worship on SATUR(n)DAY
Death to Israel and Judaism worldwide.

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Now what? What is different now than proverbial yesterday that somehow makes belief in Christ any more difficult than it ever was, if it ever was?

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Sure, you tell people to worship a rabbi for ‘free’, because the real costs aren’t monetary.

The real costs are spiritually and culturally

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I figure he is talking about bad stuff happening, like corona. Which of course retards take as evidence that there is no god. It's a tired and old argument that has been debunked and showed to be illogical more times than we can count.

the picture is wrong
the direction is clearly indicated and it is forward. It is not a mere question of imagination

I haven't told anyone to worship anything ever in my life. What a retarded accusation from a now certified retard. But that's what people like you fall back on, accusations. Not much unlike your father.

you dont have belief in christ
jews told you, you should have since they wrote the bible and imposed it by force

>trust X
>random book quotes
>not believing me means you’ll suffer

Yep it’s schizo time

I guess when Jesus told the adulteress “go and sin no more” he was kidding.

Retarded picture and only newfags think wojacks are funny or make a proper point.

No user, you achieve salvation via gaining hidden knowledge. The only true sin is ignorance.

More kike lies. If you don’t worship the rabbi king, you must be the demonic Other. What a sad bunch of copers you christkikes are

Because some that tells you all of existence sprang spit of a piece of matter the size of a pin hole is perfectly sound

if you are looking at the right part of the pic it looks

Yes, yes, and if you don’t worship a jew, you’re a jew

Praise Jesus

Fuck your christ demon. I'll never worship that evil son of a bitch.

Your asking 'where is your god now' implies something had changed. What about today is different from yesterday?

from what I understand as a believer, salvation is only in Christ, the OP is right, but if you're going out murdering and raping and all that jazz, probably not a good idea.

>christcuck doesn’t understand established scientific facts
>and feels qualified to mock people for trusting it, because a book with a talking snake said it was wrong

Beyond parody

Amen, praise Lord Jesus

>more lies
Whatever you say dumb dumb.

I guess maybe if Jesus said "if you sin again your going to hell, wether you believe in me or not." you would have had a point. But he didn't say that, and you don't have a point.

I dig the whole “I can do whatever I want cause I’m SAVED” nonsense myself. Pretty amusing

So I don’t have to follow any of Christ’s instructions other than confess that he is LORD?

Idiot. Repenting is turning away from your sins. If you truely repent then you will make a effort to stop doing what you are doing. Take porn, you tell God, im sorry for being addicted to porn please forgive me. Then 10min later your jerking it to pornhub. Thats not repenting. God nows your heart. You cannot go around sinning and expect to be saved. You must believe in your heart. Christ said "in that day many will cry Lord, Lord have we your name? and he will say depart from me ye workers of iniquity i never knew you." You cant claim to love christ and go around rapeing women and expect to make it. It doesnt that

Much more sound than a fairytale magic jew who created the earth in less than a week. Or a jew God that's so weak he gets hung up on a cross and dies.. or a jew God so loving you have to wait until you die to be rewarded.. Christcucks and Jews are the same thing except Christian's are a more pathetic subservient class of them

Repentance is obedience to Christ. 'go and sin no more' you cannot continue in your sin and be counted umungst the saints.

Incredibly unbiblical.


Also for the 101st fucking time. Just because someone believes in Christ doesnt make him a kike supporter or a shill for the jews. Jesus warned of "those that call themselves jews but do lie. They are a synagouge of satan". Modern day israel isnt legit and those people are khzars. And according to the talmud they are to behead christians for idolitary..Jews hate christains..If your gonna talk shit about Jesus at least know the facts

Ok buddy whatever you say. Show nose

Ok kike


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we got that hook nose faggot figured out.

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No one cares about your faggot Jew carpenter you fuckin' weak-minded, kike-worshiping, shill.

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>Trust Christ as your saviour
Some grubby arab who never wore shoes?

Nah fuck that Odin would kick Jesus ass.

So sad your so ill informed..most people only know about Jesus from his time on earth when he was crucified. Read Revelations when he comes back, or read John when he created everything in existance.

Difference between odin and Jesus.



This is incorrect.

There you go again with muh synagogue of satan. Why not the temple of satan, or the forum of satan? Wouldn’t that be way more logical if Jesus had been a European? Instead he specifically mentioned a jewish house of worship, almost as if that’s the only thing he was familiar with. The proof is literally in the pudding. Every single concept Jesus used demonstrably comes out of a Jewish context. He was referred to as the Messiah, which is a jewish concept. He lived and preached in ancient Israel. He uses satan, a concept that means adversary in literal fucking Hebrew. How much more evidence do you idiots needs? This is an astonishing level of cognitive dissonance. You deny that your god is a jew, while using jewish concepts and words to deny this. This is completely beyond parody

Mine doesn't change direction, it just whipsaws back and forth. I hope the people on the train are ok.

No man, repentance requires ACTION. We must work out our own salvation with Fear and Trembling (Phil 2:12) and Jesus tells us “No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3). Repentance is an action and faith is a work. A change of mind is good but not in and of itself sufficient for salvation. Drop this Protestant nonsense.

Im denying anything. Your ASSuming that the modern day jews are actually jews. I dont really care to waste time on you. I guess we will see whos right when were dead

>muh synagogue of satan
Jesus said it, your problem lies with him.


Enjoy hell.

What bible are you reading?

Christian's literally believe the master of the universe, the most intelligent, loving.... made humans perfect and then told them to cut the tips of their dicks. Then it's all cool because in the sequel (NT), God comes back again to say you dont have to snip your dick to go to Heaven anymore just trust on this name Jesus Christ that I'm going by now and everything is good. Oh but I got a catch, I made this dude the devil because I love you so much that if you dont love me more than anything than I will let him ass rape you until I decide to destroy everything and make a new earth again for the real Jews to inherit.