What happens if Deutsche Bank goes down?

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They have the largest derivatives book on this planet.

It's all going down. Reset. There's no transformation without some pain

then they change the name and start again?

Why is DB important it's not like anyone in the world outside of europe nigger use them

DAX stopped trading for an 1 hour

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Drumpf used them to finance half his failed projects

>what happens
Same shit that happened in 2008, you faggots will have to pay for it while the whole world will suffer the consequences of your lack of holding back when it comes to derivative investments.
German traders are the niggers of trading. They are always involved in major crisis, except maybe the oil crisis and I am not even convinced.


>I can only get so hard user
db wont go down, till now Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain funded this failed and corrupt Kraut project, if the time comes you will get to pay too Hanz. DB is unironically too big to fail and they have many options to exhaust yet till we get there. But feel free to short it for a quick buck

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Lehman bros 2.0

They hold the largest derivatives book out of all banks, which means it's a domino effect.

Who cares. Germany proved they don't even care about their own country when they let the muzzies invade. When Europe is done collapsing, Trump will do business with whoever is left.

German economy is 4 trillion $, DB has 16 trillion of debt on their books. If they go down Euro goes down and with it wats left of the global markets.

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they aren't allowed to fail.

Sup, tard?

The global banking system is interconnected and there's no way a major European bank like that failing wouldnt hurt us all.

World was already going to shit. Germany will speed up the process.

All I know is when shit gets back to normal, I will go all fucking in and make it.

Impending financial reset. FIAT dies.

>DAX stopped trading for an 1 hour


gg no re

german and dutch taxpayers bring it back up

Yeshua is returning.

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Shame, fuck ZOG for bleeding these proud Germanic people out of their wealth and hard labor to upkeep a Satanic system hell-bent on destroying them.

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Merkel will save them with muh german surpluss

Niggers won't get their gibs and Germany will burn.

They get bailed out one way or another

Yeah there will be kike abomination. Expect panzers rolling across the Levant. We will hunt you for sport, you and the niggers and the filthy arabs. I will be sure to join the Nordics in kike slaying God willing. True Israel will return back to their land, and, well, you're on their land, kike demon, Lmfao.


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>What happens after the crash
You'll be fine, stay in the plane.


db has been on the edge of disaster for 20 years.

They are a criminal organisation through and through. WGAF.

So in other words the Jews have an unlimited upside but the goys will swallow the downside. And in the end everybody will act like Hitler 2.0 was a total surprise

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nobody cares about germany

It means a plane ticket can't help you now Hans

Can't fall further down then the quality of their service

You get your house for free

Nice "FREE" markets you have there kikes



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They must be retarded then or just crooks. I'm sure if they fail their executives will walk away with billion dollar payouts to stay silent

lets short that piece of dog shit to death!

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They're not paying on their billion dollar bonds, kek. It's going down this week or next.

What happened to people that took a loan from lehman brahs? Did they still had to pay it or what? And what happens if i take a loan now from db and then it collapses? Asking for my israelian friend

Gets sold to a collection firm

You will have to pay it, it will be used to pay DB debt

The tax payer will give them free moneys to save them
Again and again and again

A lot of make believe jobs to save in taxes are gonna be gone in Germany. Expected many toasty roasties begging for beta bux soon, because their HR "job" or their diversity manager gig got canned.

So technically speaking at that stock price DB is bankrupt

The banks creditors get the loans. Yes, banks borrow money because to banks money is less just a promise of money in the future.

Finally, I was expecting this since November. Fuckers should be worth 14 with their assets. Half market worth of actual worth? Zero trust, should've crashed a month ago.

the Saxon began to hate again

None of these fuckin' knuckleheads are paying attention to you mate. I am though, and you're absolutely right. DB folding will be catastrophic with ripples tearing their way through myriad financial markets globally. Thereafter the great pendulum will swing.

Lehman bros2

>then they change the name and start again?
FPBP (Fourth Post Best Post in this case).

>Germany once again trying to save the world.
Thank you kraut-bros

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Deutsche Bank is full of Italian managers

German economy is one of the biggest scams on Earth

Real Estate goes cheap. Also huge rise of real sector industry, no more green shit.

>What happens if Deutsche Bank goes down?
It will be the trigger the blows up the derivatives debt bubble
Probably some other Euro bank will go after that
First in the US will be Morgan Stanley
Then the rest will follow