Why are most women left wing ?
Why are most women left wing ?
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because they are dumb
stupidity, they think it's the path to free shit
Woman is the nigger of the world, what would expect?
Women have no desire for self dependency and expect to be taken care of. This reflects their political beliefs and with the government playing provider they are free to suck cocks and drink wine.
Not most, maybe half. Free shit and acting entitled while not understand ding where all the modern conveniences come from.
I ironically, simping culture that requires no sacrifice from them.
their vaginas are soul portals
women are the demonic gatekeepers of this hell dimension
women arent real
You've not hit her hard enough.
It has to do with their personalities that evolved to ensure to survival of babies and young children.
Easily manipulated and want gibs
Feels before reals.
Left wing politics are the ideology of the parasite, and guess what women are?
Because they're women.
nailed it
It's the only political ideology that fits their thoting ways
because left stands for womens issues while right wants to enslave women
gee who wouldve thonk women will vote the former
> Meme flag
Opinion discarded.
51% of white women who voted, voted for Trump
Let that sink it
>enslave women
You need to get back to the kitchen, stay safe while we deal with the bat flu
Women depend on providers since the begining of the time. Their brain is wired to search in their social environnement the best provider possible. And who is the ultimate Provider ? Big Daddy Governement. And who want a more bigger Governement ? The Left.
Why not be a trad wife then? Stay home with your children all day, maybe homeschool them. Aren't women supposed to like children?
Lack of internal dialogue. Slave morality and the view that evrything that materially benefits their group is morally right (wealth redistribution from men, quotas etc)
millennial and zoomer women hate them iirc
Women will be what I tell them to be
Because women don't procure or produce their own resources. They wait for others, usually men, to bring them resources. That has lead them to evolve a deeply ingrained sense of entitlement, that other people giving them things be the norm. As you go right, self reliance is the ideal. As you go left, gibs is the ideal.
>Aren't women supposed to like children?
nobody likes children, except pedos.
53% of white women voted for drumpf
virtue signalling is a hell of a drug
Either you come from a broken home, or you're a shitty parent
Women are too emotional and soft hearted. They are also instinctually programmed to want men to put food on the table and take care of stuff for them, so that translates into voting for politicians who promise to do the same.
The problem is that politicians are corrupt, lying pieces of trash, so it ends up all going to shit.
They are weak-minded and used Social platforms the most, which have been used by CIA for brainwashing purposes.
Women who don't use Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and shit are still sane.
They're angry b/c all men do is shitposting and play vidya.
Because liberal women like small penises.
For the same reason people give to charity, people are politically left wing because you get to feel like you are a good person without actually having to do anything. Although this is a generalisation, I'd say it covers nearly 3/4 of the left wing voter base here in the UK based on my experiences.
>Aren't women supposed to be like children?
You accidentally left out a word there
This.Field proven.
Because men and women are not the same. Men are naturally designed to be responsible, reasonable, give reality checks and think in the long term. Women are naturally designed to take care of others, and to even sacrifice themselves to some extend (like their time, energy, health, etc when raising a young baby).
Evolutionarily this works. You have the sweet mom who tells the kid he is good just the way he is, and that everything is going to be alright, and at the same time you have the strong alpha dad who tells the kid to roll up his sleeves and that not everything is going to be alright without effort, and that the world can also be a harsh place.
This worked. This worked very well when raising children etc. But does this also work in voting? No. Natural female instincts are not a really great match with running a country. Our ancestors knew it based on thousands of years of experience. Do you think it's a coincidence that literally every culture ever was mostly ran by men? Is it a coincidence that nearly every religion / cultural value system gives at least some warnings against letting women co-rule society?
Having children cemented themselves with security. Be a useful fuck bag and you'll never have to worry. But now big daddy government takes care of them so they don't even have to do the one and only thing they were meant to do.
Women just blindly follow whatever happens to be the dominant cultural-narrative at the time.
they are biologically programmed to expect someone else to take care of them
Their natural tendency to collectivism
They don't have to face the realities of kill or be killed stuff in nature like men do, they are protected. Because they are protected they have comfier lives. Because they have comfier lives they believe the world is a nicer place. Because they believe the world is a nicer place they have bullshit utopian ideas about sharing and open borders and equality.
Utter lack of what men consider to be morality.
Also almost no woman hold the ability to plan long term hence why they make such abysmal leaders. The exceptions to this rule have likely got male pattern wiring in their brain.
Left wing = inherently feminine
They aren't. 53% of white women voted for Trump. White women have liberal ideas, they female supremacy of sorts, they want to have abortions whenever they want, they enjoy all the advantages of being female and when it comes to the poll they don't vote for leftists. Just look at Bernie, they're calling his supporters Bernie bros like women shouldn't vote for him. Why do they hate Bernie? I she sexist or something? They would vote for HRC or Biden because there's nothing leftist about them.
Because they use emotion over logic to make decisions and liberalism is all based on emotions and sensualism
They don't want actual work like home making, they want cushy office jobs that also allow them to slut around unnoticed.
The average woman thinks emotionally which is great at times but dangerous when it's on a national scale as our enemies are ruthless males. This goes for all the Wests enemies whether they be radical islamists, China, Russia or Iran.
Unfortunately it would seem anyway that leftists are emotionally driven, believing our enemies will leave us be if we say please and thankyou. Instead they will be raped by our enemies as us men are beheaded or burned to death in cages. The future is bright thanks to the glow of our bodies burning dressed in orange jump suits.
Equality, Free stuff and so on. Basically it's life on easy mode. Could anything more be expected of women?
we need a qt republican to run in the next United States election
Same reason why your dick leans to the left
Gibs. They've been in the gibsme dat' business since the dawn of time.
I just started dating this lefty girl
She parroted a lot if not all of the leftist media buzz words
She's really concerned about all the rampant white supremacists
She thinks Trump is really stupid and incompetent
She actually believes Russia hacked our election
She feels that white old men are the problem and we need more women than men in power
Of course she watches CNN regularly
I don’t think we are, in England we hate mass immigration and all its consequences, and I’m speaking from being part of a middle class family, peer group and environment but the working class kids I teach are even more right wing than us and open about it. I know a woman who works for the BBC who is dementedly pro EU, promotes the Holocaust narrative like she was a Rabbi and yet detests brown people and always votes Tory. It’s more complicated an issue than just tagging us all as infantile lefties.
Those with no depth or common sense tend to be modern Left, sure. The old Left Wing system of hard work, “make do and mend,” and unity for the “common good” would kill them with shock.
You guys are all getting way too deep with this. Single women care about status more than anything. This makes it easy for Hollywood and MSM to get them to vote Democrat by feeding the “republicans are evil and hate gays and minorities and women” and having celebrities endorse dem candidates. Women are malleable and will vote with their husbands/boyfriends. That’s where the republican voting women come from.
>pic related
absolutely based
Women are designed to absorb resources and redirect them to the helpless
You grow out of left wing ideas when you mature.
Simple. Woman are more emotional and leftists pander to that emotion
Right wing espouses accountability and personal responsibility. Children prefer to do what they like with no consequences and only the left supports that, because, destruction.
Maternal instinct.
Because they are inherently nation wreckers.
>Why are most women stupid and shortsighted?
They aren't you big tard
Because they are inherently simpleminded and hedonistic thus much more vulnerable.
so amidst the hellfire, there are millions of penises thrusting in an out of the void?