During this time of economic collapse, please consider the following:

You are better than you think you are.

The world is better than you think it is.

By living on the internet and researching conspiracies all day, you have all become paranoid, negative, and ironically - close-minded.

You have convinced yourself that the world is evil, that everyone is out to get you.

But if you ever left the comfort of your expensive computer, and started talking to people in real life, you would quickly discover that they are much better and friendlier than you think they are. (Even niggers aren't all that bad unless you're a pussy)

The average person wants to do good. They are not going to murder and rape you if the economy collapses, or if the "happening" ever fucking happens (it never does).

Stop blaming your problems on things you can't control. You are %100 responsible for your life and happiness, so fucking grow up and act like it. Be a man and accept responsibility for your goddamn life instead of blaming the Jews, or the boomers, or whatever you choose to blame.

With great power comes great responsibility, but the door swings both ways: You become powerful by accepting responsibility. When you view yourself as responsible for all your perceived problems, you start to realize that you have the power to fix these problems.

Chances are, your problems, (the things that you’re actually angry about) are simple and have nothing to do with the conspiracies. You can’t get laid. You’re broke. You can’t feel anything because you have abused your dopamine via porn and video games, so you hurt yourself just to feel something.

I know because I’ve been there.

I am you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I used to think that humans were inherently evil, but they simply are not. When was the last time you talked to your neighbors? Flirted with a cute cashier girl? Go outside and fucking experience life while you still have it. Take a fucking walk and appreciate life.

Be grateful, because there is always someone out there who is happy with less than what you have. He lives in a third-world country, homeless, and he fights to survive every day, but he is happier than you, because he is grateful for what little he has. He fights on the front-lines of his life, taking steps to improve his situation every day. Try living without your precious internet for a week, or fasting, or simply just stop watching fucking porn. Disconnect from these bullshit distractions to reconnect with reality; the reality that all life is a blessing.
You are capable of turning your life around by sheer willpower and hard work. Unfortunately, it is a lot easier to blame your problems on things outside of your control - because then you don’t have to feel the weight of responsibility for these problems. This is why fat SJW’s blame genetics for their obesity - they can’t handle the truth.

I love you, and I believe in you. If you detox from dopamine, you WILL regain your willpower to do things that will improve your life.

You get what you focus on - so stop focusing on negative bullshit like conspiracies and things you cannot control. True maturity means accepting the things you cannot change.

The world is trash

>niggers aren't all that bad unless you're a pussy
strange because only pussy soibois and meatheaded pederasts are niggerlovers.

The fuck are you talking about I'm as well off as I think I am. I bought the dip I'm going to make so much fucking money off this Mass Hysteria and fake news.

This world needs a hard reset. And fuck you for encouraging the never ending degeneracy that is festering humanity. Good thing that this chink virus will do the job of ethnic cleansing, we already overstayed our welcome here anyway.

>or if the "happening" ever fucking happens (it never does)
>(it never does)

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ur trash
ur a pussy
You can only see the world as you are

That's why you can only see the degeneracy and evil - it is your own reflection

You NEED to see the bad things in others to convince yourself that you are any different

>You are better than you think you are.

You are as ugly as you think you are, probably more because you give yourself at least a point more than you should.

>The world is better than you think it is.

The flat Earth is worse than you think it is, there's underground and underwater child slaugtherhouse sex dungeons where they rape kill eat and sacrifice Germanic babies to demons and Satan.

>By living on the internet and researching conspiracies all day, you have all become paranoid, negative, and ironically - close-minded.

Earth is flat with a dome, Jews are uglier White people it doesn't matter if they started acting "Aryan", they would still be ugly. So they don't, why bother?

>You have convinced yourself that the world is evil, that everyone is out to get you.

The world is evil, everyone is out to get theirs which sometimes conflicts with your interests.

>But if you ever left the comfort of your expensive computer, and started talking to people in real life, you would quickly discover that they are much better and friendlier than you think they are. (Even niggers aren't all that bad unless you're a pussy)

Unlesss you did something really bad like rape a kid, then practically everyone will hate you until you die. There is no forgivness, no one forgets. Particularly in the age of the internet.

>The average person wants to do good. They are not going to murder and rape you if the economy collapses, or if the "happening" ever fucking happens (it never does).

The average person is a mouth breathing moron that when put in the right circumstances those underground and underwater elite pedo dungeons i previously mentioned) would do horrible things to babies for teh lulz because Creation was a mistake and all is vanity.

>The world is better than you think it is.
Stopped reading there

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Reality is often disappointing

I dunno OP I stubbed my toe and I'm pretty sure it was the Jews. I know for a god damn fact I didn't put my Lego Bionicles there.

and you are more of a nigger than you think you are

You sound like a pro-immigration guy?

Guess what bub, fuck right off.

>Stop blaming your problems on things you can't control. You are %100 responsible for your life and happiness, so fucking grow up and act like it. Be a man and accept responsibility for your goddamn life instead of blaming the Jews, or the boomers, or whatever you choose to blame.

You will always know that any plastic surgery, leg extensions to make yourself taller or jelqing or dick pumps you use to make your dick sligthly longer will be add-ons and a cope because you were born with inferior genetics. Morality is for losers and has to be enforced otherwise no one would follow it, at least no one with a brain.

>With great power comes great responsibility, but the door swings both ways: You become powerful by accepting responsibility. When you view yourself as responsible for all your perceived problems, you start to realize that you have the power to fix these problems.

Yadda yadda, you become powerful when you have a lot of wealth and people fear you.

>Chances are, your problems, (the things that you’re actually angry about) are simple and have nothing to do with the conspiracies. You can’t get laid. You’re broke. You can’t feel anything because you have abused your dopamine via porn and video games, so you hurt yourself just to feel something.

I hurt myself today just to see if i still feel *sobs emoly*
>I know because I’ve been there.

But you haven't done that. You've visited 2019 tourist attraction Vietnam but you didn't visit 1969 Victor Charlie The 'Nam.

>I am you.

No you're not, you filthy sodomite.

Buddy, I've known me for 26 years. As an authority on all things me, I am just as bad as I think I am, possibly worse.

Earth is a hollow, sphere (torus) not flat

ANY adjective can describe the Earth, so try to see the good ones (it's not a weakness)

You can see the world only as you are (YOU are the evil, the ugly, and you NEED to see this in others to convince yourself that you are not those things)

Ur just a bitter asshole because pol is all you know

You think your're angry at the jews, but you're actually just mad because you've never had sex

Nah, bitch

Only intelligent people underestimate themselves, so you are not as bad as you think

I am very much against immigration

Positivity is a strength, not a weakness

The Earth is flat with a dome, everyone else is wearing heart shaped rose tinted glasses. I have 20/20 vision.

Positivity is irrationally knowing you can slaugther your enemies before they slaugther you, in reality anyone can get got. Everyone's tough if they catch you slippin'.

For a minute you gave me hope. Then i remembered how shit my existence is

The majority of the world population exists in negative emotional frequencies they cannot rise above and it bleeds out tainting good with hostilities.


Bitch ass nigga this video is proof of hollow earth so watch it or admit willful ignorance

You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.

TL:DW, i do think the flat Earth may have a hollow portion btw, i think it says it does somewhere on The Bible.

I'm bitch made, i ain't about that life.

>r*bbit spacing this hard

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The vibrations are rising as people awaken within the dream

Majority of people are good, even if you choose to ignore this fact

>mfw i cant return to the realms yet because im stuck in hell

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>You have convinced yourself that the world is evil
You're right, everything is fine.

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We are decaying flesh and blood, you're uglier than you think you are. Creation was a mistake and the flat Earth is one big giant prison.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

They really aren't, people behave because they are threathened with jail torture or death.

You need to do some trauma release excersizes go fuck your mother

Not really. Clinically proven most people exist at levels of conciousness that make the arm go weak as a response in kinesiology aka muscle testing. Although they are biological beings go through emotions, they lack the threshold of integrity to be truly life supporting. Enlightened individuals so high on the attainment of nirvana peacefully balance out the population so as not the Earth implodes into chaos.

Allow me to explain what reality is really like. 99.999% of the population is programmable. They are executing scripts loaded into them by the programmers of society, the .00001%. The programmable population is neither good nor bad: they are automatons. They react according to preset rules. Each of us has the same set of primitive instincts and desires. The intensity of these desires varies across individuals. The programmers of society program the population by teaching them ways of expressing their desires. You can think of these ways of expression as a behavioral lexicon. People communicate their desires in the behavioral language instilled in them. Everything in the human sphere can be reduced to communication. This is studied rigorously in a field of applied mathematics called Cybernetics. Human automatons are bound to interactions with the world; hence, they are constrained by how they have been taught to communicate with the world. The human programmers are not bound to the world. They alone can manipulate pure objects of reason that have no correspondence to objects in the world. Given this capacity, they can go beyond the constraints of communication into spiritual realms which can only be experienced, not communicated to others. The realm beyond communication is where they find their name in heaven, i.e. being as a thought in the mind of God, and return to earth with the capacity to program human beings under the sanction of God.

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Biological beings go through (the) motions*

You see the world as you are

You NEED to notice other's faults to keep your pathetic ego alive, to convince yourself that you are better than others

You must secretly see yourself as cringe, constantly looking for the cringe in others in a desperate attempt to re-assert your self-image

Show flag

fuck you bitch

You are absolutely right. Thank you.

>You must secretly see yourself as cringe, constantly looking for the cringe in others in a desperate attempt to re-assert your self-image
No, it just shows you're not from here. Now go back.

I hope you're right user. I'm tired of feeling this way, tired of hanging on to what sanity I have left. I keep waking up but it never feels like I'm alive. I just want to be happy again. That's all I've ever wanted. Not fame, fortune, power, or woman. Just to feel happy again. But so far my life feels like a endless cycle with a surprise ending at the bottom. I just want to escape this madness

Best reply so far, thanks for your perspective

Wrong, you're a moron and probably poor. Have fun with being poor.

You're a pussy.

Did i say blood? i meant bone*

I practically LIVED here for YEARS

I left because y'all mostly just negative fucks with no real value, blaming your problems on da joos

I'm back today after many years away from this place

You see the world as you are

Yadda yadda, cool. Now burn your Bibles.


I unironically see the world as it is. The world is only one way, i was cursed with awareness.

I like you.

Fuck this nigger tier planet and everything on it! Especially you OP you massive faggot!

You must be fun at parties

AKA become godless and attack christians this is every new ager every fucking time, your people are utter cancer

you had me going up until
>(Even niggers aren't all that bad unless you're a pussy)
no sorry, I'm very connected with reality and niggers fucking SUCK. People are pretty garbage, but tolerable.

Niggers? No, I'd rather hang out in a swamp full of gators. At least the gator won't stab me because I have a nice phone

You mean like a war party? a nazi party?

ur a fucking nobody if you feel the need to call this user a pussy for sharing himself with us

he hella stronger than you are

> Thinks being poor is slander.
> Doesn't understand the poverty of the material.
> Tormented by the rich into being their lapdog for recognition and goodies.
> Faces eternal destruction.

Feels bad man.

back towards reddit my friend


most fags shit on what you said because they're paranoid and nihilistic

You are better than you think you are

Dopamine detox is the only way

It saved my life, I used to cut myself just to feel

I'm not strong but someone's gonna die and i would rather it wasn't me.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, cope. It's all about getting that cheddar like a rodent.

Nigga what are you smoking I am not promoting godlessness

I am actually very religious

Although there's a decent premise hidden in this, it reads like a sub 80 IQ yank's interpretation of Stoism.

I agree man, but it does take some balls to start taking responsability for your actions, it´s sad to see how people keep blaming their personal life problems into the jews or whatever. And for the rest of you, i promise that if you put a bit of physical and mental effort it gets better, i believe in you all and i´m sure you can make it kings

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“Become godless”, you’re born godless mate. I raise my kids godless and they are missing NOTHING. Go back to your roots and engage with reality without the fairytale narrative of middle eastern peasants. Connect with the world like your ancestors did. Christianity is a giant cosmological conspiracy theory.

You're what in the hood they call a "false-flagger"

Bro, you're an Anglo. You can't even name me the gods your ancestors suppossedly once believed in. You're not Norwegian.

God help you, lost child.

Nah faggot money ain't shit compared to good karma, that shit lasts forever into your next lifetime

What you own ends up owning you, you can't take money into the next life

You're right- you're not strong. Chasing money makes you weak

You what? Pre-Christian Saxon religion is well studied.