Capitalism is good because people have to work hard and if they die hungry is because they are unworthy and didn't work...

>capitalism is good because people have to work hard and if they die hungry is because they are unworthy and didn't work hard enough.

>therefore, the best society is one where the population is tested to see which single person is the most worthy of all, the rest should all die because they failed.

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the face of america, a ugly, dead eyed, nigger fucking, drug using thot. great job america, you are the worst

Seethe, damn you evolution!

Based and NAP pilled.


please make it stop

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My cock would look nice in that mouth

Someone post that eternal struggle Hitler quote

Mutts law, euro addition.

But sven's right...

>jeff bezos makes minor changes to an already existing website
yeah he is the most worthy and alpha

I remember my own father telling me that when I was a young boy.

Absolutely one of my fondest memories.

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your own country men. even on this fucking board seem to be perfectly content with being degenerates. there is no stopping this

the sad truth mutts cope around by mentioning that their owners have a lot of planes that drop bombs on 3rd world shit holes

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I dont make the laws, kid. I just inforce them...


In short

Go kys wagecuck.

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i mean... look who's talking
but im just hoping for corona or nuclear war with israel to end it all and start over when nordic aliens redeem our souls

the best efficiencies are where there is a collaboration of people at different levels of skillset (masters, journeymen, apprentice) along with management toward specific goals outlined to provide for the well being of the company involved, which in part constitutes themselves.

Capitalism has already failed here. Business owners made a statement in the media that the workers should brave it out and stop panicking, instead of working with the society to brace for the impact. Useless cunt system.

OP is not a capitalist, he's a fucking idiot.

Capitalism raises up people at ALL income levels.

The people that are the most productive and efficient end up stewarding the most resources (which is good because they are good at it).

We don't have capitalism now btw

this is coming from a swede...have you seen the absolute state of sweden lately? you can still protect your daughter in the US. I think its a law you have to sign her up for a gang rape at the local mosque in sweden or you go to prison.

he fell for the (((capitalism))) jew

Yea, I'm thinking hes back

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she might be a coalburner but she aint ugly

Based Sven.

This but without the capitalism scam.

You glow.

nazbol is the final redpill

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Never have children, you're genuinely retarded

that's the biggest 1000 cock stare whore i've ever seen. disgusting gorilla lips too, why do murican white girls insist on looking like niggeresses? shame

>believing the "hard work" meme

>commenting on intelligence
You niggers voted Trudeau, how many fucking times????

You are more mutted than the United States of America. Do you have the nuts to admit it?

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People step on other people to get at the gold.
If you don't want to be part of this there's no place for you to go.
Its criminal insanity turned into lifestyle.

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Good job proving me right, fucking NPC response

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holy fuck is fallout gonna happen when america has to invade canada when it inevitably becomes a chinese colony?

LOL looks like I kicked a mutt nest. just look at them

NPCs and philosophy of any kind is just a recipe for disaster. You just put everything into boxes of extremes. You never go in-between. Because you can't. That would require abstract thinking ability. And abstract thinking ability requires a high enough IQ, and the ability to critically think. Neither of these you have memeflag. And quit trying to use images of girls to lead your narrative before you even start it. It's pathetic.

>We don't have capitalism now btw

based and not real communism pilled.

>npc responce
>talking about politics on a political board is npc tier
I miss the one or two funny leafs that came here, they understood jokes, hell they had great bantz too.

>this autistic americunt
Keep seething kiddo

>Socialism is good because nobody's responsible for their own actions so I can just take off and not work because I don't feel like it and somebody else will makeup or my laziness.
>Said the civilization the summer before their last winter

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She looks dead. She'd probably be attractive, if her eyes had some life in them and if she smiled a bit.

that makes it worse your best women fuck outdated farm equipment

I don't like his eyes, cold as fuck.

Yeah I'm seething that you are so mutted up and don't have the balls to admit it or give me a you. Fucking chink

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>hurrrr mutts law
Which you misused in the first place
>hurrr i don't make the law, i just INFORCE them
Cringe teenager tier stuff
>hurrrr leaf
>hurrrr trudeau
>considers this a political discussion
Just kill yourself

I dont think the post was for you, bud.

>i-i'm not mad i just sperged out and posted a bunch of brainlet images used to rile up retards like me
>p-please give me attention
Gain some self-awareness you faggot


Yes it was, you just keep proving me right. Brain dead

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forgetting your owners are doing the same to you again ?

>mutt law- when a mutt bring up bbc
Its applicable, and hence the use of euro edition, you absolute handbag
>waaa dont bring up canadian politics on a political board
Then leave chink. The fuck you complaining about?

Feel free to prove any of them wrong

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It wasnt. Prove me wrong
>protip; you literally cant

Nope. I can admit it. Fucking mutt.

YES and we apologise for NOTHING weakling!

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>this level of cope
Sorry Swede strikes again. I'd take Leafs over you cunts any day of the week. What a bunch of smug "progressive" autists you are

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Go back to Roblox

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