Covid-19 is the common cold


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yes yes come to italy and try it on yourself ;)

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It’s not even a real virus. Think about it for a second, do you know anyone that’s dead or even sick? No, because it’s not real.


$0.10 has been deposited into your account

>100k+ sick
>7 billion people on earth

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>600 million people might die
>Still 7 billion people on this earth

Your people are just weak.

Yeah sure. That's why entire countries are quarantined. Over the cold.

get a real job you parasite

It's about as lethal as the flu. It will effectively be like if the flu season had twice as many deaths as usual. So hardly a nothing burger even if "as lethal as the flu" doesn't sound scary.

Tell it to the Italians you stupid brainwashed burger.

it's called panic potato nigger

>Tell it to the 80+ year old Italians eating greasy pasta, drinking too much, with pre-existing health conditions Burger!


boomer cope is amazing

The flu kills about 15,000 people in Italy on average every year. Last season it killed something like 25,000 people. That's an average of about 100 people a day. Meanwhile, coronavirus is killing about 40 people a day on average.

don't be a fag, if this is a nothing burger then it is part of a larger plan that nobody has theorised yet, black friday shoppers are not the people who decide who and when to quarantine

>swarthy arab-nigger hybrid manlets dying from a runny nose
Oh no no no noooooooooo

When the coronavirus becomes as widespread as the flu, how many deaths will that be?
It's showing no signs of slowing down

yeah come to italy, but if you are over 90 years old with cancer, you might die.

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my grandpa is in the lifecare center... and my friend in italy tested positive. yes. its real schizo.

I suspect I have coronavirus. Ama

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>It's showing no signs of slowing down
It is. It has already peaked in Korea. There and the Diamond Princess are where you should be looking if you want to get an idea of the situation in the rest of the world a couple of months down the line.

>Its just the cold bruh.
>Fucking spreads like a god damn forest fire.
>Just a cold.

i hope more people die from nothing

The flu goes from virtually no cases to more cases than coronavirus during the same time span every flue season.

Just to be clear, we only blocked the non nigger countries.


They're using covid-19 to stop the 1st Amendment's "Right to Assemble".

What's your favourite sandwich?

Source: My ass.
Post sources idiot

Jambon beurre obviously

>It has already peaked in Korea.
After massive quarantining duder. Literally opposite evidence to your position

We die of panic, sure. We are piling up bodies of people that dies of panic. 200 dead people every day, rooms where people are left to die with no care.

>It's just the flu bro

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>Quick hop the fuck on the VPN, we have to refute the idiot who broke quarunteen!

It's killing 200 people every day now, and its only in some regions of northern italy, and it began two weeks ago.

Flu does not make healthcare collapse. IDIOT

A wholesome classic

>common cold

Pick one you fucking retard.

>t. Dow Jones

It must be surreal to have shills scream that your experience isn't real.
Truthfully, anyone working such a job is trully evil, and will cause many to die who should have been warned.

People are idiots but they will defend their stupid ass decision to panic because they are stubborn faggots

In places with lots of old people it looks like this shit is captain trips levels of bad. Italy is looking at shitloads of dead old people now and they aren't even at the point where most people die according to studies from china.

m8 this is a happening the covernment closed universities accross the country, Rust IRL when?

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Look at this beauty, with some pickles and it's Heaven.

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Big burger

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the avergare number who die in italy is something like 1400 every day. This COLD is knocking those people off- if it wasn't this cold it would be another. 1400 people die EVERY DAY!


100 cases here already, 25 cases per day. Note, we only need 250 cases to be italy tier based on population size. People that were on vacation in Italy brought it here and ironically doctors and teachers got corona first and now it's spreading like wildfire.
Everything is closing down.

This happens every few years. Remember Zika? Or west Nile? Or bird flu? Or swine flu? Or sars? Or every other disease that was supposed to eradicate humanity but didn’t?

it's been here for months- it's a nothing burger. They only noticed becasue a 38 year old became gravely ill0 and they thought wtf? Generally it is not even noticed!!!
Kids show no signs at all: so are giving it to everybody

That you know of.
That's the thing, none of us know the real numbers because our governments aren't testing properly and some of our governments aren't anything but the most basic of testing.
So your 100 cases may very well be a hell of a lot more.

mad cow disease

It's more like a pneumonia but yeah, nothing to freak out about like the world has been so

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you know you didn't have to test thoroughly for the black death- you know why? can you guess?

Yes, I personally know 2 people that were infected.

My parents unironically believe this. They're going on a cruise, in chink central (NSW), and when I told them they're fucking idiots, my dad's response was literally
>"Nah, it's blown out of proportion, alright. People get a bit of a runny nose and some sniffles, and two days later they're fine and immune for life"
Then when I told them about statistics in Italy, he said
>"Oh well a month ago we both had a bit of a cold, so we probably already caught it haha"

Because people affected by the bubonic plague had big fucking pustules, something this shit does not have?

As soon as you turn 50 or have another illness you go on the chopping block. If 1800 italians die per day yesterday that was a 200 extra.

Am aware. Should've said confirmed.

My uncle is infected and it's not looking good you stupid fucking NPC chink. Eat a sick dick and die already.

The infection literally just flew over my house

>Boomer parents

Why don't you kill them in their sleep?

Why doesnt Yas Forums ever freak out over the yearly flu? I bet if they were to track the current strain of flu as much as they did with corono, they would be freaking out much more since the flu's higher death toll in comparison.

Your investments being hammered too?

Not a nothingburger but only kills boomers, which is a good thing in my opnion

I read that with a strayan accent and it was bretty cool.

yeah that.... and they fucking died in droves. big blisters- meh, who gives a shit? we wouldn't even remember the name, if that was it.
Are more people dying it italy than- the average age is 81!!!

That's just an Europlane, but you're not wrong.

The ones that weak would die from the flu, it's not like it's easing pension liabilities

yeah it's killing off the best boomers.The classic boomer is strong as an ox

So you're saying once you go over 50 you're not human anymore? Fuck you, I don't want my boomer parents to die.

eh? where you get that from...?
Well if your mammy were tom hanks she'd ahve just a cold and be back making jew blockbusters no time

100 people a day for the flu is the the amount of deaths averaged out over the entire season. It probably kills 200 per day during the peak of the season easily, if not more.

>and it began two weeks ago.
They began testing for it two weeks ago. It has likely been in the country for months at this point. China knew about it since at least early December and didn't impose any travel restrictions on Wuhan until over two months later. Italy would have been crawling with infected chink tourists since at least January.

I don't have baby blood supplies. If Italy had that those 200 people would be still alive.

Runny nose isnt even a symptom dumb mutt

fake news. sad.

MD here.

You’re right, but it’s a strain discovered in the last few years that most people have not been exposed to for their entire lives, hence it crippling the elderly population and barely affecting school aged children whose fresh immune systems have seen it already.

50 is not the right age to be targeting as the death zone considering modern healthcare (barring serious lung issues). It’s more likely 70 and above as they are less likely to have ever been exposed to the virus but more likely to have diminished capacity.

My advice. Stay home if you can. Be smart with hand washing, be proactive with your medical care, and all will be well relatively soon. And yes, Vitamin C AND D.

How much of that collapse is caused by panic and general pussies?