How do you reconcile Jesus being Jewish?

With all the anti semitism here? Was he just another kike?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_King_of_the_Jews


jesus is the king of jews you fucking retard,_King_of_the_Jews

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Yes, christians get no preferance from me, go suck off niggers somewhere else.

Jesus descended from the sons of Israel, but he also rejected the Jews

Kikes are broken. They can't be helped.

Pedos get the rope

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Kill yourself pedo.

Jesus of Sneedville.

>conflating the ancient Israelites with modern Talmudic Khazars

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there's literally nothing wrong with marrying little girls

What elevated men was vengeance, not forgiveness. The very idea of polygamy (women belonging to a man) stems from the consequences of cucking the leading figure of the tribe. I am against monogamy. I think it's an attempt to equate you sexually to what used to be property.
Evolutive psychology is the only relevant branch of psychology there is along with neuro psychology and I cannot get myself to like Christianity other than the practical life incentives it gives you like reproducing.

Jesus was literally the first antisemite.

Also, having children from many women adds a certain barrier that you do not have when you only have one woman, giving by default a feeling of unconditional love, because really that's all you can give only having one possible line to give it to.
Christianity is fundamentally matriarchal.

Canadians get the rake!

Formerly Chuck’s

Jesus had a twin brother, Thomas the Apostle. In the Semite language spoken in the same region as Bethlehem, Thomas means twin. The “wisemen” were wise because they convinced Mary and Joseph and Jesus and Thomas to not tell anyone about the twins. Twins were so rare back then. Thomas was crucified in Jesus’s place. The disciples etc DID actually see Jesus after he was supposedly crucified. It was all planned. Look it up

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Some animals are monogamous, and there are some good arguments to be made for it in humans. For example, if you were polygamous or polyamorous, then your two or more partners would probably figure out that you’re an absolute twat, and reading what you just wrote and internally putting a voice to it really nails home that fact. Being polygamous or polyamorous, your partners would then feel less committed to you personally and, having each other for support, would be more likely to leave your annoying ass. At least if you’re monogamous, there’s a slim chance you can isolate your partner from the opposite sex just well enough that she never catches on to the fact that listening to you is so dry and unsatisfying

>Judean, an ethnic people who come from the region and land of Judea
>Jews, a tribe of converts
No same same. Gb2 to the Greek and ignore kike involved translations.

Christcucks will engage in all sorts of mental-gymnastics and cognitive dissonance in order to justify it.

"Hurr durr, he's an Israelite, not a Jew."

It's pathetic really. These faggots are completely mentally-enslaved by some ancient, fuckin' desert religion. Fuckin' losers.

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christianity was literally a bunch of peasant jews pissed off about the scholarly upper class jews shitting on them and broke away from talmudic jewry.
this has happened several times whenever a messiah was declared. for whatever reason this caught on in europe.

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Jews are gods chosen people so it doesnt bother me. Anti semitism is just jealousy from inferior people upset they can't compete with jewish superiority. This might sound like b8 but it is reality and it cant really be debated.

Daily threadstart checklist:
>Jesus was a jew
>Hitler was a jew
>Hitler was gay, inbred, homosexual, drug addict and had only one (shrunken) testicle
>Would you racemix with a nigger
>Nigger dick thread (because why not)
>Orange man bad thread
>The Alt Right has failed, feel despair goyim-thread

It really can't. And it's even more embarassing because jews aren't even pushing their own superiority the way white people try to.

They also talk about rabbis sucking baby dicks which is less common amongst jews than polygamy is amongst christians

still a jew tho

>How do you reconcile Jesus being Jewish?
By pissing on you mum in the shower after anal as she laughs at your anime pillow collection before she makes me breakfast.

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one post, kike lie.

Thats the great thing about Jesus. He was Gods last chance saloon for the Jews. He tried to stop them being Kikes - knowing that they'd only ever listen to their Messiah - but they didn't want to give up their usury, their greed, their stupid legalistic rules - their jewishness in fact, and were so offended when Jesus told them they were no better than Goys that they took their religion away from God and into their own hands - actually killing their messiah.

For that they are a cursed people. Jesus is the saviour of this world, and of all people if you let him be.

RIP baby Sneed

no one knows what really happened with jesus because the records of his life are lacking, there are even claims his father was a roman soldier

what is sure though is that modern Christianity came from Paul (formerly saul) of Tarsus, jews and historians suspect that Paul was a collaborator that sold out the jewish christian movement to Roman interests but who knows for certain..

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I don't because Jesus wasn't Jewish.

All true Christians know this.

Thus why few go to heaven.


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Roasties get toasty

when you think about it jews were to rome what muslims are to america

it would be like if in 200 years america converted to islam, that's what happened with rome

The Old Testament is simply the history of how satan became prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from God. It relates how the synagogue of satan was established on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent God’s Plan for the rule of the universe being established on this earth. Christ came to earth when the system reached the stage that, to use his own words, satan controlled all those in high places. He exposed the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2:9; 3:9;) he denounced those who belonged to it as sons of the devil (Lucifer),whom he castigated as the father of lies (John 8:44) and the prince of deceit (2 Cor. 11:14). He was specific in his statement that those who comprised the synagogue of satan were those who called themselves Jews, but were not, and did lie (Rev. 2:9; 3:9). He identified the Money-Changers (Bankers) the Scribes, and the Pharisees as the Illuminati of his day. What so many people seem to forget, is the fact that Christ came on earth to release us from the bonds of satan with which we were being bound tighter and tighter as the years rolled by. Christ gave us the solution to our problem when he told us we must go forth and teach the truth, regarding this system (John 8. 31:59;), to all people of all nations. He promised that if we did this,knowledge of the truth would set us free (Matt. 28:19;). The Luciferian system has developed until it is in its semi-final stage (Matt. 24: 15:34;), simply because we have failed to put the mandate Christ gave us into effect.

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That's why there was an outbreak of herpes among babies in New York, right?

You're full of shit

He was the son of God. Pretty sure calling him Jewish is tantamount to blasphemy. Enjoy hell.

christianity started out as a jews only religion until it was co-opted by the civnats of the roman empire

im not religious

the modern Yas Forums argument for religion seems to be that yeah its made up nonsense, but the majority of people are better off with this programming
well i say gives whites a better programming, a better religion than jew shit

There are no "Jews" In the Bible.


>king of the Jews

That'd be Donald J Trump

For the 100th time. We arent even sure that the modern jews are actually descended from the original tribes. The book of revelation even warns of people who claim they are jews but are a synagouge of satan. That verse fits modern israel to a T

You can’t.
Transcending the slave morality of Christianity is the final red pill that most here refuse to swallow.

>don’t trust your lying eyes goyim!
>trust the New Torah instead, and worship a rabbi, who is the Messiah, which is totally not a Jewish concept or anything. Also, the books from the Jewish Torah predict the totally not jewish Messiah. Why can’t you see goyim - I mean sinner? Now go hate yourself, because you’ve been a bad, bad sinner. Also give ten percent of your hard earned money to me, and repeat after me: rabbi god Yoshua ben Iosef, the Messiah and King of all Jews, who lived and died in Israel, was totally not jewish. Also, don’t resist when people kick the shit out of you. Remember, you’re a filthy sinner, and standing up for yourself is pride and not kosher, in a totally not jewish way of course. Shalom!

God I wish that were me

Praise YAWEH: eater of foreskins.

He didn't practice Judaism. Normalizing this fantasy normalizes the idea that Judaism is a race. A double-thino psyOp. Not going to fall for that psychobabble.

>He didn't practice Judaism.

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the jews rejected Jesus.. so now Christians have become the chosen people

>Burger King is not McDonalds, therefore it’s not fastfood

His followers called him a Rabbi, he never claimed to be one, nor was he ever one. One of the major tenants of Judaism is that Rabbis marry and have offspring, as Yahweh commanded people to be fruitful and multiply. He was nothing really, Christians were/are people parroting off his message(s).



Jesus ascended, Jews don't.

No one is mad at jews for being jews, they're mad at what some jews do as a collective. Jesus fought that collective and was put to death by that collective for fighting it.

Jesus was roman

same way they do with hitler..just pretend its not true

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Jesus being divine is a Jewish fairy tale. I'm an adult, not a child so I don't believe in fairy tales and I don't need to reconcile a myth.

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