Totally relates to present day culture and doesn't try and paint 2nd and 3rd world immigrants any way then what they are. Also if theres one dude I fully trust to not be a sadistic child raping piece of shit its Patrick Stews also wasn't a huge Trekkie but watched them over the years and holy fuck me boys this is HBO level.
This show is so based
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Too bad its fucking terrible.
JL kek.
Watching the RLM review of this has been more entertaining than watching it, i gave up after 2 episodes, its trash.
its trash.
it almost sucks as much as you suck cocks, OP. Which, as we know, is the world record for cock-sucking. No need to brag about your Guinness entry.
I enjoy the show but it's not Star Trek.
Weird I find it so good and im a harsh critic
Exactly fuck that serialized type of show this is way more organic, However no one can take anything away from TNG
Basically an old irrelevant actor trying to relive the glory days once more before he dies. Sad.
Thx for the cumfy image user
All of Star Trek is leftist propaganda. The idea of all races working together in harmony guided by reason to realize a galactic egalitarian meritocracy is a fantasy.
If you wanna look at it that way , its a revival of Star Trek done right in my opinion. Hey brighten up dood things aren't as bad as you think be positive bro I know this place can take a toll without even realizing it
Fuck you leaf. This guy is a leftist moron. Fuck all entertainment. That shit is for women, faggot. Stop fleeing from reality.
Sad bro .... In reality that's exactly what worked and has to as long as thr leaders are white or educated 4th generation immigrants
bit TNG fan. Piccard is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever produced.
Get out and take a breath of fresh air user take a break from pol man honestly at the end of the day if we aren't somewhat moderate we all look like fuckin retards bud
>if theres one dude I fully trust to not be a sadistic child raping piece of shit its Patrick Stews
you sound like a Bernie voter
It's shit and he's shit
he's part of the Hollywood cult
even in his silence he is guilty
Why ?
you spelled "shit" wrong
I must now hurt you.
Never watched star trek. Where should I start? Should I start at all?
I enjoy entertainment man and unfortunately its polluted by kikes and kid killers I just really think that Patrick Steward is who he portrays himself to be ... Hopefully I'm right but fukn never know man I know
Jesus christ put the fucking cheetos down and call your mother, mutt
Also I'm one of few nucks who have the balls to rock a maga hat
You know it's Lore's kid, right?
Burger to the rescue
The next generation
Fuck that, the Original series is where it's at
>Completely shits on established trek
It's a shit fest with shitty kike writers
But for someone to start I think it'd be best to watch TNG then the orig then deep space nigs
Data got vaporized, Lore was in a Star Fleet vault
> I enjoy entertainment
Female detected.
Get some taste you lame faggot it's awful
imagine a fag spic hating star trek, its almost like they've never seen it
>We recovered a positron from the wreckage of data
It's the dumbest sci fi writing I've seen in awhile.
I bet you it's Lore, They are trying to bait and switch you
Notice how Lore hasn't been mentioned, not even once?
You realise Patrick Stewart hates Trump and went on a massive rant about how the new show is darker "to reflect the future under Trump and Brexit". He's a brainwashed Hollywood retard just like the rest of them who has completely lost touch with reality. He's also gay which increases his chance of being a pedo by 100%. Not only that, the show is terribly written maguffin-driven dreck with cringe dialogue on the level of Star Trek Discovery.
>entertainment man
Who's this entertainment man, is entertainment man in the room with you right now?
Cull the under 120s. Solves literally every problem that plagues society. We then become a spacefaring civilization.
What about Doctor Who?
Nothing could be as bad as STD, STD makes that John Goodman Speed Racer movie look like a fine art film
Incel detected lol as much as I hate that word ... Dood gtfo and enjoy some shit become a well rounded person if you aren't you are no use to this board and if you cant should probably just fuckin either enlist or do your country a favor and neck yourself
Patrick Stewart's brain has turned to mush. He said this series is about Trump and Brexit and he adopted a pitbull. Just another english faggot
Fuck me, this is TV's Jerri Ryan
No it's an embarrassment on the entire franchise leaf.
I need to remember how to block leafs again on ublock
>HBO level
You clearly havent seen Avenue 5 by HBO, currently running.
It's so horrible.
sadly this, by avoiding the topic entirely they have made it very obvious
This was the rlm theory, or at least that lore will be teased at season end for a big bad in season 2. Either way, they're not going to have an unredeemed evil female, it's Abrams/kurtzman shit
OP is a faggot.
>its as bad as disco
based retard
OP you need to kill yourself
Picard pushes interracial partnerships very first 5 minutes.
Taking in refugees is a great thing,first couple episodes.
Totally propaganda and not based at all.
Jeri Ryan still looks good for her age, but her character is not 7 of 9 despite whatever BS they fed her to get her to play along. Fenris rangers.... cringe.
I don't know what RLM is, I figured this shit out when they talked about B4 and not Lore at the Daystrum institute
It is. Jew Jew Abrams has injected his bullshit reboot as canon by making Picard exist in the later timeline where the romulan sun goes supernova in a second rather than having several million years of warning
I didn't say it was based, I'm watching it because I like watching dumpster fires
>unredeemed evil female
Yes they have, 7 of 9 becomes Queen of the Borg. Trying to enslave whole systems.
Red letter media. You've probably seen memes containing the people from it. They do roundtable film analysis and two of them are into trek so they review trek shows. I haven't watched the show, Abrams is enough to stay away. Rlm reviews are a good synopsis based on stuff they've done I have watched.
i'm with you slovak user, it's nothing like TNG or any real form of Star Trek. more like a bastardization of Space CSI and The Expanse with heavy dose of schlomo propaganda
It won't end with her unredeemed, guarantee it.
Did not know that but I mean fuck who isn't against the God emperor these days ? Even us or me anyway I really question wtf he's doing shilling to the max extreme for the kikes ... At any rate I get a pretty good feeling he's a goid dude I'm usually never wrong but Hanks was a real eye opener however makes sense because he always played a character Patrick Stewart is himself in every role for the life of him he cant be other otherwise or the role is total garbage like green room .. I'll give him a pass for now for being gay ... But yeah red flags
OP said it's based. Typical mutt, attention span of a mere few seconds and only for himself.
Just more rehash bullshit. Still waiting for something new and original to be made, been about 20 years now...
Doctor Who is also shit, especially right now. I enjoyed it as shlocky fun during the early reboot- Tennant, Eccleston. Past that it turned back to garbage again.
It has the same writers and producers, Why would it be better? They are both mystery box, maguffin plots with constant retarded asspulls. These shows are both bottom of the barrel. I quit after two episodes of Picard when I realised it wouldn't even be a fun watch to laugh at. I'll just leave it to the RLM reviews to keep me posted.
Oh, and let's not forget the sudden injection of money and scarcity with the broke trailer living, druggie nigger former crewmen of Picard bitching about his privilege for having a family vineyard
Yep .... Can you get him out please he keeps breaking things and screaming
I only come here for shit like what were are discussing, Youtube is pretty fucking gay now
I dunno about Patrick Stewart, but I think Wesley and Beverly Crusher were Picard's sex slaves.
"Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for the next product" guys. Them shitting on Picard is the best part about Picard. Almost justifies it's existance
I bet he was paid to say that or he really is a fuckin faggot but hey idunno who's leftist grandma isn't
no its not based at all , Hollywood kikes have fucked it up , the last episode was just about meeting riker.
These guys were around before YouTube existed, they're good
Hey you loicience for that block mate ?
Fuck dude you literally should not be allowed to post bong
I work on a facility which is majority old nerdy boomer and 0% of them talk about the show or STD despite loving the others. If also seems a lot of the nerdy YouTubers didn't even consider it worth watching.
You do realized you failed your English exam, right?
But then it shows how they can't survive like human beings without us and they put them all on their own planet
Has anyone got that series of picture with Riker chasing Wesley through the maintenance ducts? Gave me a right chuckle that did
This show and Discovery kills star trek for me. I couldn't even finish watching it because it's a vomiting trashfire that even a crate of whiskey and a pound of the dankest, Stickiest green couldn't make me forgive if i did that crap anymore. The Storyline was about as interesting as watching someone shit out nails. Morbidly interesting to watch the shitshow but also cringy at the same time. Narrative reeked of propaganda, The way they portrayed Picard lacked any real invoking depth. I watched it just so i could say i saw it.. Unlike most star trek which i watched it because i liked it. I love Sci-fi but between this. Doctor who and Star Wars.. i am just done with Television and movies for a few decades.
>Mike Stoklasa
> Jay Bauman
>Rich Evans
Three Jews are based, you niggers need to go back
We like RLM here newfag
Too much pol for you bro
Yeah, I'm with you user
Evans and stoklasa aren't Jews. Bauman may not even be, but certainly possible. Do you not know the difference between Jews and WI drunken polaks? Fucking retard
Except its not you dumb fucking nigger. fixing that kike's mistakes was the best possible move for this franchise going forward
disco made Spock have an autistic nigger sibling and Vulcan katra is multidimensional btw no way around it btw
Personally never liked TNG, been more into DS9 with the Ferengis.
TNG always was pretty pushing on equality, so my dad said no "we will not watch that shit". DS9 was fine because it showed that niggers do mistakes but only jewish writing can fix it while in reality it not fixable.