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What could she possibly have to say that anyone would give a fuck about?

Is she gonna nag him for the travel ban? Good luck. Im guessing he won't give a shit, nor should he.

I'm half German...pains me to say it...but you absolute PSYCHO FAGGOTS can stay OUT.

This, She gonna fucking give him a stern talking to and call him racist?

is mutti getting a little scared? Guess she should have upped that defense spending.

Fuck dumb illiminati nigs

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I misspell your shit dumb nigs duck a sick faggots

Usually all those things are discussed or at least announced to the other countries, especially if they're your "partners". Of course, the orange clown goes ahead and antagonizes Europe because why not, the dumb mutts will think it's based. He did the same thing with the killing of that Iran general, he didn't tell anyone of the American allies (just Israel, of course).




>This bitch isn't dead yet

Attached: merkel bloody hands.jpg (960x960, 99.76K)

>Giv more refugee
>I hurt without the invaders

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one final coom

They are vessels not partners.

>Just let everyone in the US for no reason during a pandemic

Lol no

1. It's just a flu bro
2. Why is he making exceptions for the UK and non-Schengen EU countries?
We're in the EU, we have cases here, I can travel. Smart as fuck.

Meanwhile, every US University is packed with Chink students.


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Trump's grandfather is a German.

she wanted to ask if he's okay

"Donald, stop fearmongering, you're hurting the economy! It's just a flu, bro!"

>larping as german
yes it's true

Oh please God let Covid clear out Berlin

JUST A FLU, BRO! There's still a very good chance you're not gonna die!


>implying Europe matters

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>its just the flu
Ok, well keep in in your shithole, hence the ban.

Can't you read? My country (an EU member) is not banned. And yes, we have cases of the virus here.

Germany, tear down this call.

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she wants food aid for her already big belly

“Send nudes”

Attached: 1523925678784.png (492x280, 88.02K)

RIP krauts

I love you all
Vaya con Dios

>not banned
Yet. The fact any ban is getting through now, makes me a little happier.

I don't think Trump told anyone about the travel ban kek

And nobody here gave a fuck.

Why are we event allied to the mutts anymore? We try to be their friends and to forgive them of their golem past, but they proceed to spy on us through the CIA and NSA, then have their president shittalk our union and promote separatism which is the equivalent to Merkel trying to get Texas to secede, then treat us like this as if we're not their allies. What's the point?

I say we should expel NATO asap and use the opportunity of pretending to be disarmed and in danger to pull a 1936 Germany. By the time they realize what's happening our army would already be twice their size.

They will never leave their bases in Europe or allow anyone to leave NATO.
While simultaneously bitch how they're "protecting" Europe.

>just Israel, of course

Fucking brainwashed with no evidence, God this meme needs to die


You faggots can't even keep shitskins from raping your daughter. What makes you think you can defend a land mass? No European is willing to bleed for his soil.

All you'd be doing is saving us a shitload of money and discovering that nuclear deterrence and enough tanks to defend Europe don't come cheap.

By all means, make that mistake a third time you continent of geniuses. The real question is, do we Marshall Plan you a second time or do we just side with your enemy and place you into "Africa but pale" status.

Has he already blocked chinks from entering the US?

please respond

can you explain whats going on in that pic?
thats incredibly fucked up

>help Stalin occupy half of Europe
kys mutt

I hope he sent her to voicemail after only one ring

Degenerate coomer stuff user, be happy in your ignorance.

You've got a lot to say for a country that we don't give a shit about. Are you lacking attention?

Tbf he’s been trying to enact a Muslim bad throughout his entire term, not surprising that Merkel is upset

nobody is allied with USA
we are their slaves, they won it all in the wars

Your governments won't leave NATO because they know Russia would rape them. Honestly I hope it happens, Europe is rightfully Russian anyways since they took it from the nazis.

We've faced worse enemies than the ZOG dystopia of overweight racemixed americans. We'll manage. The moment the facade of your geopolitical D&C that's keeping us from allying with Russia falls apart and that becomes a reality, you will realize how weak you truly are.

Handshake? Handshake?

Easy to talk shit when you have no power to actually do what you say. Now go diddle your mom in her sleep creep.

Hahaha foreign hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad. Get fucked you dumb cunt. Kill yourselves. We dont gaf how you die.

>allying with Russia
The Amerimutts are shit, but the Russian are actual subhumans. Think about killing yourself as well.

Oh, look how the tables have turned. youtube.com/watch?v=p5WPVLljm1A


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We'll see mutt boy.

Retard. EU-Russian alliance is literally the thing they fear the most, in fact they'd gladly let China occupy Japan if that meant that such an alliance does not exist. The whole thing of manipulating and couping Ukraine, of trying to seduce Poland and Romania as a fallback - all of that is designed to maintain the dividing buffer between Russia and Europe.

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Look who's talking. Keep raising Tyrone's children you cuck.

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>Have a global fucking crisis.
>The "LET THEM IN" whore is upset that people are actually taking steps to stop the spreading.

I like how people going "muh flu" are now pissing themselves cause they realized they live in mega cities and the disease is just spreading like a fire.

But bro's I live in ultra rural area too and its here, a woman went to china to find herself and brought it back cause "trips where cheap I couldn't pass up the deal."

>I like how people going "muh flu" are now pissing themselves cause they realized they live in mega cities and the disease is just spreading like a fire.
You mean Trump?

And in this thread, a bunch of Bulgarian Jews whine endlessly that they have a sovereign right to shit and piss on Anglo clay. News at eleven.

Get fucked, you shit-skinned abandoned step children of Mongolian whores and a turkman's discarded cumrag.

That's an actual picture of the Nazi masturbation death machine used on boys in the death camps.


BDSM shit. Dude in a bag with sensory deprivation shit on with some suction tube on his dick. Some people's brains just aren't wired for normal sex. The weirdo is probably loving it.

I didn't say you'd be successful or that we wouldn't help the people putting boots in your back, just that it would be expensive. Why would we sit by and wait for you to learn the most obvious thing in history when there's money to be made off you not knowing the most obvious thing in history?
You weren't liberated, you were leashed.

I know this is a basketweaving board for people too angry to live and too lazy to stop living but holy shit. How dumb to you have to be to not notice Europe's propensity to fight itself is always the precursor to being invaded.

Someone figured out how to end that cycle and you're the beneficiary as a result. Meaning that whole "we give a shit load of money to Israel" thing applies to you twats too.

You're fucking welcome by the way.

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>ur jews
>t. mutt with mutilated dick ruled by actual jews

But he's not taking steps, not really.
The EU currently have free movement to and within the UK, so if they're a dangerous risk that means the UK is too.
Also Canada and Mexico do not have an EU ban and we have way, WAY more cross border traffic then there are flights to and from continental Europe.
It's window dressing to appease morons.
Hopefully to buy time to make a real plan.
But probably not.

underrated kek

If they were real comedians they would have brought a dog in at the end to freak Merkel out like Putin did that one time

kek retard, it has already spread in the US, including mega cities.

This will accomplish nothing.

Or any other world "leader"?
>Kim in NK now officially best leader for having the balls to lockdown in beginning

>bans travel from Europe
>doesn’t ban from Asia
KEK the balls on this retard