/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1936 Gary Isn't Real Edition

▹ Detected: 126,510 ▹ Dead: 4,637
lol, still only 4,637.
How many days has it been stuck at 4,637? Four days? Five days?

NBA suspends its season indefinitely!

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

Virus can live in the air for several hours

NY cancels St. Patrick parade first time in 258 years

Trump bans travel and cargo transfer between US and Europe for 30 days, guaranteed

Virus invades nervous systems

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus hides in neurons when it sees doctors, clevery escapes recognition

15 million to die, $2.4 trillion recession

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China faces shortage of testing kits

01:10: 114 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:33: First case in Mississippi. Patient recently traveled to Florida.
00:31: China’s National Health Commission reports 7 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. The death occurred in Shaanxi province.
00:31: 8 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
23:25: First case in French Polynesia. The patient is Maina Sage, a member of the French National Assembly.
22:54: 1 new case in Kittitas County, Washington state, United States.
22:50: 1 new case in Iowa, United States.


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>Dead: 4,636
lol, still only 4,636.
How many days has it been stuck at 4,636? Four days? Five days?

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PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE: neckbeard.xyz/notice/9sv0pVZnfYLs4wJ8t6

bought 1kg vitamin c powder form did i fuck up

its normal for a cold/flu to cause NBA to shut down its season, also for Italy to completely shut down its borders. Just make sure to wash your hands and don't touch your face.

also buy a batch of HIV medication, just in case you happen you catch aids from nowhere (unrelated to the COVID19 virus, which doesn't come from china also)

Reminder to grab all lolis, hebes and shotas once the collapse hits.
Trade them for food, goods and use them for COOMING.
It's coming closer anons, get your coombunkers ready.

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>How long have we been on this rock? Five weeks? Two days? Help me to recollect.

elon musk knew about what was coming

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You're not real

i really need one of those

>Why are they emptying out the colleges and university's with all the dorm room's and facilities?

Wrap your mind around that.

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i bet your source claims it's really from 5G and the virus doesnt exist.

plague: 10% deathrate when treated
coronavirus in italy currently:44% dethrate when treated


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post country list

>more people die in car crashes everyday

Hello guys, I’ve developed telegram bot to tracking ONLY new cases and death, no shitty news and other stuff.

t.me/coronavirus_timeline or @coronavirus_timeline

Pic strongly related

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-12 at 00.59.20.png (1990x2270, 1.19M)

>two Australia doctor's visit seminar and possibly infecting up to 70 others.

I know this is a bit old but not seen it here before. Wtf is up with Aussie doctors, do they understand the meaning of quarantine to stop the spread of epidemics and pandemics. Fuck sake, thought of all people they'd be the most anal. From what I've witnessed, in far more up to date with this virus and more concerned than any doctor I've spoken to.


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Bars are closed, police patrol the area. You cant leave your town.

Nice work user

do people still go to work?


You need to absorb it anally for it to be effective

yes, but you need a permit, if you work outside your town

He claims his sister was well a week before, he
wasn't even sure it if was the virus.

Do we have info on how fast it claims ones life?

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I don't leave my tiny ass town since 2018

Who here /coomfy/?

Anyone got any fitting movie recommendations?

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Also all the media is still only mocking to toilet paper situation and not the seriousness of this disease. Fuck I hope thousands of normies that claim the flu kills more and media cunts catch it and die a horrible death

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>go to clinic out here in farmlands
>national guard is at the agricultural inspection station
>chinese style temperature reading with an IR thermometer
>nobody is on the roads
>get to where im going
>nobody is out
>clinic is empty
>signs up saying not to come to the clinic if you are ill, go to the hospital instead
>go into the clinic
>first thing they ask is "ARE YOU FEELING ILL?"
>see doctor, nurse shows me national guard is in the building waiting to escort people out if anyone shows up with pneumonia or anything resembling a dry cough
>go shopping after
>1 other person in the store, store employees are asleep at their posts
absolute happening, holy fuck

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So the travel ban is literally pretty much pointless at this point, right?

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big trouble in little china

So nobody wonders why they evacuated colleges and university's out for a semester?

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Also, i heard an ambulance today.

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"The virus will not have a chance against us."


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>and media cunts catch it and die a horrible death
Oh they will

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No because we all know the answer you mong

is anyone else worried that the actual number of cases could be much, much higher than the detected number?

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Thanks for the advice, Fritzl. I'll stock up on a few dozen, throw 'em in the freezer to preserve the freshness. Don't wanna share my food anyway.


Really nobody anybody wonders why?

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>NBA suspends its season indefinitely!
oh boy. nigs gonna be mad.

>the actual number of cases could be much, much higher than the detected number?
Almost certainly, maybe even 2x

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lmao the shill machine is on full blast against vitamin c

>post a dead cat
>swedes wish i die of pneumonia

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Then do tell.

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kek mexicans already made the real thing

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I love you gary

What part of millions will die and this is the prelude to the collapse of our current societal system don't you understand? What does it take for some people to get it? The WHO announcing it? They don't matter for shit. They've been lying all this time. Merkel even said that 60% of all Geramns would get it. That's 48 million people. Applying Italy's fatality rate of 5% to that number, you get over 2 million dead. And that's with the medical system working and providing care. What if it breaks down? What about 3rd world shitholes? Do the fucking math. It's finally happening for real.

To stop mass gatherings to prevent further spread of the virus

So basically Coronavirus means that

>Economy will take a hit
>Boomers are fucked
>Rest of population will get average flu, tiny percentage will die

Doesn't sound too bad. Can work from home and get comfy. Order food to my door and tell em to place it outside.

to contain spread big brains

Why is it, o user?

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I work as a Dr. in a non emergency field. I've been told to prepare to act as an ICU dr.

The hospital I have has no masks, and the chief Cardiologs and Lung specialists are all over 60. We're going to see a major jump in Spain.

Because of the shit bickering politics, and pozzed left bullshit, we will easily be worse than Italy on death rate.

Spain has the heighest concentration per person on average in Europe.

I'm even debating whether I should go to work, or just say I have it, and stay home to protect my family. I don't want to play God and decide who gets a bed and who doesn't.

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Does someone have a chart of the symptoms.. More so what's a common first symptom

most of the dead will be boomers so who cares

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Temperatures will rise, which might give you some time to recollect. Don't worry too much, bro.


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He looks Arab, probably raped her and killed her, I bet he was waiting for this for 10 years