Coronavirus denialism

48 million hospitalizations are expected due to the pandemic.

Normies are refusing to accept that this shit is bad Yas Forums and as a result people are dying.
Normies are going out to work, to bars, shopping, general loitering, and none of them seem to realize how dangerous it is.

They are literally the definition of pampered western dummies who will only realize how serious it is when it affects them.
This has been made worse by politicians all over the West like Trump and Bojo being very slow to act and downplaying how serious it is.

What can be done about this?

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let them die, also checked

Even in Italy it sounds like some people are not realizing how bad it is, and they have a total lockdown.
According to someone I know there, even a lot of elderly people are in the streets / stores for a long time.

You don't go to the hospital for the flu, user. You drink fluids.

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o shit normies are selfish narcissistic cunts, have you seen twitter and tik tok?
you can see which countries give a shit about their race, see poland and denmark, instantly shutting everything down
all the pozzed countries are delaying as much as possible for money sake, as they can import more doctors and rocket scientists which turkey has waiting in the millions to unleash on europe when we're all crippled
make your peace with your grandparents

See at about 6:20 onwards. He says that unusually you get some people who have mild symptoms but then they'll infect someone else who dies from it. It isn't only old geezers too. There's a lot of weirdness with this disease.

It doesn't infect children apparently too.


what if this turns out to be some reverse children of men-esque scenario where only the zoomers live

Joe has establishment guy on to scare everyone and cause panic

Only non-whites die. This is CIA released virus to kill every shitskin alive.

This is why brown people chimp out so much and whites are just like "whatever"

>only the zoomers live
I can't imagine anything more awful.

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there is a choice to be made by everyone. you must decide how withdrawn you allow yourself to be. I decided to go to a gym today, as I enjoy it and its a good activity. cleaned my hands, didn't exercise close to anyone else. slightly risky but the alternative is to do nothing for a few months alone in the house.

How's he an establishment guy? The establishment was just saying all is well until about 5 minutes ago. Even then, many countries aren't doing much. Only Italy is taking strong action..

Gyms are closed here.

I'm switching to yoga at home for now. Not risking it and I need to do some recovery work on my hips anyway

You realize only the pampered and selfish can afford to not go to work whenever they want right?

its just a flu you schizo retard

well first off you were hired to post this and we can tell

second we ar enot so gullible as to be manipulated by your pathetic attempt to wield the normie meme.

third the normies are the ones in panic because the msm told them to panic.

fourth trumps response has been if anything too much. a total ban on europe travel for 30 days after his experts informed him that europe wasnt doing enough.

america will never elect creepy pervert joe biden so fucking give it a rest. your days are numbered and this is just the panic response of a hired troll army.

I don't mean that aspect. I mean the fact that people aren't taking it seriously because they don't realize how fragile society really is. People in Italy two weeks ago probably thought the same, but now everyones barricaded in their homes and mortality is reaching 44%...

As the expert on the show says, we're in the beginning of this. That's the part that people aren't able to grasp. Everyone is treating this like it's a natural disaster, like an earthquake hit, like a one time thing, rather than a snowballing problem that brings everything to a halt over months.

>third the normies are the ones in panic because the msm told them to panic.
No they're not. Higher IQ types are the ones stocking up. Normies think it will all just blow over.

he doesnt care about the disease he was hired to smear trump. thats all this is

0.2% mortality rating under 40
to be in panic with stats like that on display shows you are bad at math and not high iq

this. all I see is coronavirus denialism, while I was prepping in january. IQ 145. I'm stocked. People are still in denial. Totally surreal to witness, and one by one things are shutting down, will they ever turn back on?

>0.2% mortality rating under 40
Using rigged CCP numbers.
People with 'underlying health conditions' includes the 50% of America who are clinically obese by the way. That's the same risk factor as elderly smokers had in China.

>listing to faggot experts
>appeal to authority
>principal actor problem
>confirmation bias
everything about this guy is moronic

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>>at home
>>two weeks
>>gettin paid
>>no fucks given


There is no point in waiting for more people to get infected.

That time has passed and we all need to take time out for 2 weeks, that shit is not the end of the world, we are far more connected then we have ever been in our lives, 2 weeks will seem like a fucking holiday, shut the shit down and just fucking do it, the economy is all ready fucked.

The best treatment we have for this shit is prevention.

Not going to happen.

There won't even be 100000 hospitalizations

World markets are crashing like mad .Sensex crashed by about 6.5% .The roaring twenties is back anons.

shut up, shill. every election year there is a "super flu".

this isn't the flu, it causes ARDS, has HIV entry protein homology, is an ADE infection, etc. etc.

ignore at your own peril, the stores are emptying in New Jersey.

Nothing. We should never have attempted to subvert Darwin's Laws with retarded shit like disabled care and elderly care. This is simply nature catching up and taking us to that most basic task:

Survival of the Fittest.

>every election year there is a "super flu".
>The world economy grinds to a halt over every flu
>Nothin' to see here guys the ccp has it all under control

Italy and Israel are the only places taking the right measures at this moment.

I'm amazed we didn't just lock down the whole cuntry 3 weeks ago.

We deserve to burn. China got us. Fuck these gay cunts that pollute my population, the only option I have now is to ride the wave and watch it burn now lads.

At least I have guns.

>will they ever turn back on
No niggerball will be deleted from reality

how many deaths so far outside of china: fuck all

calm down

i turn on the tv and it tells me to panic. thats how i know everything is fine. normies be stockpiling toilet paper and buying too many masks and shit cause cnn is turning this into an orange man bad propaganda exercise. those watching cnn are in panic. everyone else is more worried about the impact on global trade and shit.

the response has been swift and competent. treatments, tests, vaccines, are being developed at a rate faster then at any time in recorded history. i literally cannot imagine a more robust response that would be even remotely justified.

face it, if trump was doing more you would instead be complaining that he was doing too much. whatever he is doing you will complain thats all this is.

fuck me. time to read the bible.

lmao the efficiency of capitalism

it is over in China by now

just hope you pass the test, or scrounge up the money to buy a recovered person's plasma

Read MEIN KAMPH or THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO user.These books will surely save Ur ass when a totalitarian state's been established after this CORONA shit show's over

That’s my ultimate fantasy

>how many deaths so far outside of china: fuck all
A couple of weeks ago there was nothing in the US.
Now there's thousands.

It doesn't just mean deaths either. Hospitalizations are a huge factor. The system is getting strained. 48 million hospitalizations.
This is only the start of the pandemic, it's going to keep going for months.

>Trump trump trump trump!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're fixated on defending Trump for some reason when I've already said he is just one of many politicians who are asleep at the wheel on it.

You trust Chinese numbers?

According to who?

You are fucking retarded, leaf

i am fixated on the fact that i believe you were hired to smear trump and thats all this is. you are in some cubicle somewhere in some random office building hired to post fucking whatever for the highest bidder. we know how it works. as for defending trump i literally said his response was too much so some defense that was. im attacking you for being part of a troll farm thats whats happening here.

get a real job you fucking parasite

>the response has been swift and competent. treatments, tests, vaccines, are being developed at a rate faster then at any time in recorded history.

That’s a knee jerk reaction my guy, we were caught with out pants down and our only response because we are soo cucked is to find a vaccine.

The flu doesn’t just shut down China, Italy and Israel you fuck.

Retard youre wrong

Until they officially close my uni, I don't really have a choice. Other than that I stay at home, only go out to buy food in the shop next to my house. Number of cases is low here, so I hope for the best.

>i am fixated on the fact that i believe you were hired to smear trump and thats all this is. you are in some cubicle somewhere in some random office building hired to post fucking whatever for the highest bidder.
So you are delusional. That explains your rose tinted version of the corona pandemic.

every fucking year there is a global pandemic so fucking relax. ebola was way scarier and still is.

economics, propaganda, politics, are more of a factor behind the reaction to the virus then the actual threat of the virus itself.

next week there will be some new talking point the troll farms will be hired to attack trump on. this week its the coronavirus response


How many cases in Israel?

Why not? Their numbers show some of the highest mortality rates.

>Normies are refusing to accept that this shit is bad

Pretty sure people are panicking you stupid fucking gaslighting nigger

kys nazi

Not many, they closed everything down after they got a couple apparently.

And South Korea

Joe is a Bernie guy

>Pretty sure people
Go to the town center any night. People aren't isolating. People are carrying on as normal. That's proof they aren't taking it seriously.

Tomorrow is friday and there will be just as many people downtown getting wasted as any other friday night. And as a result some will catch corona and keep this whole thing going.

Ebola didn’t make in into every almost country in the world in a matter of 3 month.

This is has far consciences which is why the rest of the world is worrying and your thinking about new troll farms to attack someone that doesn’t effect me in the slightest.

Have your morning cup of maple and wake the fuck up.

Contrast this, testing to ANYONE with flu symptoms - compared to what OZ, UK, US is doing - only testing to those with a direct connection with infected or recently traveled back from another country.
Saw a guy on news leaving Oz screening clinic. He was pissed, real angry, ripped the mask from his face and threw it on the ground while leaving the testing place.
Probably lined up for hours, sick as a dog, only to be turned away.

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Isn't that italy now? Something like 800+ dead with 12k infected?

>dude i went to the bar last night *cough* got pissed drunk and made out *cough* with that hot chick. you're such a loser dude
>sneezes in your direction
wat do?

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all i said was that ebola is scarier
a higher fatality rating and it melts the flesh off your fucking body. so yeah, ebola is scarier. coronavirus spreads faster but this is just yet another pandemic we have one basically every year. how short is your memory? wash your hands and cross the road when you see a chink, you'll be fine



It's a nothing burger you drama queen

Ok Chang