Nationalism is identety politics.
Nationalism is identety politics
Nationalism is 19 century psyop
Who's the tranny?
What is your point retard?
Nationalism is the state's brand loyalty
Hail Nationalism!
Whole is that countries should be divided on ethnic/landuage basis into nation states instead of making project states. This is hunter gatherer stone age tribalist mindset that got back into politics when all bydlo became literate and into politics.
No thats patriotism
Yes I guess.
>puting interests of your group above other groups is bad
>puting your own interests above everything else is good
Individualists are fucking retarded.
Nationalism is compassion and appreciation to your nation a la people. Nation doesn't mean a state, a nation state just has blurred the definition.
with a running start, imagine just booting her right in the cunt with your foot as hard as you can
yes lets support white globalism, and remove all non-whites and keep our population under 500 million.
so? humans are social animals, individualism is a meme
that's nice but I would rather want to put my babies in there
Nothing wrong with nationalism
So what?
a real cutie
Not exactly, Nationalism is compassion and appreciation to your people USED as pretext for statebuilding. Which is ultimately retarded and only brings conflicts and misery.
I like this place
Fuuuuuuck she is so perfect
patriotism is love for your country
nationalism is thinking your country can do no wrong
there is a lot of photoshop there for sure though
i find this ginger bitch sexually attractive
More like 17th
This. Tribalism is natures law.
Yeah, its better to care about shitskins instead of your own people. Youre a cuck and a traitor.
Oh yeah, absolutely my man. Still, I am enamored lol
Yes. So?
>statebuilding, Which is ultimately retarded and only brings conflicts and misery
What sources do you have for this claim? i am open to having my mind changed but i find that hard to believe.
false lefty claim
ok, so what?
So? I just like my identity politics to be factual.
Why nation states import shitskins?
Kek! As you have to lose a shoe because it got stuck in her twat.
You country isn't a nation. USA is a project state.
Can you tell me the difference?
I think he's just trying to start a conversation, why i do not know
so is being a faggot
Can anyone identify the girl? For science?
Hello newfag.
Shirogane-sama (thats what image searching got me)
Nationalism Defination - identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
Patriotism Definition - the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.
Can you please address my wife with a bit more respect than that?
Why define it like that?
To me nationalism is just supporting the notion of sovereign nation-states.
Nationalism doesn't have to mean anything all that extreme when in the face of globalist tendencies which have become very extreme.
When the nation is too weak, its people are disenfranchised and democracy becomes meaningless.
Lots of so-called "patriots" seem to be hardcore globalists.
The term you are looking for when you say "nationalism" is actually "National Chauvinism"
because Conversation allows one to figure out if the statement of the person was misguided.. or if the person is a ignorant fool trying to sound smarter then they are. It shows quickly in conversation.
da, tovarisch
problems? i dont give fuck, suuka blyeat
ok I want to make missionary face to face sexual relations with the pretty orange haired woman
Identity, culture, diplomacy, and ability to make war are the only things that really matter as far as the long term health of a nation, ethnic group, religion or whatever
That makes sense. I understand the difference between nation and country.
But doesn't this come under nationalism too? -
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of minorities and groups you don't identify with in your own country
I can agree with that. Theyve corrupted the word Nationalism.
>To me nationalism is just supporting the notion of sovereign nation-states.
How is that not patriotism?
You forgot to say for the purpose of procreation.
Good morning.
Mutts rewrote all definitions as always.
Patriotism is loyalty to your state.
Nationalism is will of building a state based on nationality. It is solely for your ethnicity and encompasses all territories populated by your ethnicity and "lost" territories too.
Nations exist in material reality due to their majority demographic having common genetics, and also the nation's tax system and the nation's expenses on public projects.
You can therefore call those who are outside the nation "foreigners" using only hard material reasoning; and it is by extension in the civilians' interests to keep foreigners out because they compete for resources and political power within the nation.
-.- Ahhh a shill got it. Thanks for wasting my time.
You don't get to redefine terms. your failing to use the words in their intended meaning. AKA your lying and shilling.
This is a guy
Fuck off cunt
What is a nation?
Hey man, we agreed you get misato-chan, I get asuka, and the rest of the soldiers cast lots for rei. If you wish to escalate this, I know some high ranking officers from the UN that shoot first, then ask for an interpreter later.
i don't want her to get pregnant because it possibly could make her fat and ruin her vagina
Nationalism and Chauvinism (/National Chauvinism) are not one and the same. A nationalist can also be a belligerent chauvinist, but he doesn't have to be. Nationalism has 3 common definitions which are usually some variation of:
1. a synonym for Patriotism
2. the desire for a nation state to be established / or for an existing one to be upheld/it's interests promoted
3. excessive or unreasoned Patriotism (Chauvinism)
^Leftists have spent the decades since 1945 telling everyone that the 3rd one is the ONLY one. Much of the public have fallen for it.
The desire to see an existing nation continue to be a nation is Nationalism. This is the real reason much of the Left despises Nationalism. They hate the idea of the world being separated into nation states and hope to do away with them.
Yes, but it isn't fucking gay.
People who are against all identity politics are kike shills
Yes father. Nuther drink?
You are no better than attention-whoring tumblerites
Jews ate only pawns
who is this cutie
Fucking based
>You are no better than attention-whoring tumblerites
Did you think of this argument yourself? It was old a few years ago when Sargon and Peterson fanboys were saying it.
Literally nobody is against idpol.
Neocons who claim to oppose idpol support Zionism, Jewish oligarchy, and Christian theocracy.
Marxists who claim to oppose idpol intentionally support shitskin nationalism.
How do I fire (((Michael Bloomberg))) so he doesn't spend billions of dollars on opening the borders and banning guns?
I wasn't aware white nationalists had any authority.
the suit is supposed to be functional, not a swimsuit. Shitty cosplay.
ben kikepiro, fuck off i bet he cares about the browning of israel
Hot take famalam.
What is the difference between a nation and a country?
Exactly. Ask many Leftists if they think Palestinians, Kurds (etc) should have a state, and suddenly they become Nationalists.
Ask the "we're above identity politics" Neo-conservatives if the Jews should have a state of their own, and they all say yes.
All politics are identity politics. You are a retard. Lurk more
the word nation literally means ethnic group.
They also support things like BLM, La Raza, and CAIR inside white nations - or at the very least don't do anything to ever chastise them.
Marxism in the current year is literally just a shitskin powergrab attempt aimed at white nations.