Hey pol/, my son is going to be born in a few hours, what kind of fucked up future will he be in for...

Hey pol/, my son is going to be born in a few hours, what kind of fucked up future will he be in for? Any other new father's on here or with young children having similar thoughts? I need some whitepills, future is looking bleak

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First of all bigot, you don't know his or her gender, or could very well be your daughter. Secondly, have sex incel.

it's over before he's eve begun

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If I were your son, knowing how shit it will be, I d ask you
>Pappy, could you please smother me to death

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best time in history to be born...

...except for the early 1960's, so you could come of age in the 1970's: peak everything - best music, no 24/7 surveillance, no tracking, GPS, world politics were wild, visiting different countries meant seeing people who were different than in your country, you could be alone with no drone or device or cctv watching you, no selfie culture, etc.

but today is pretty based, great science and prior to AI taking over.

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all I know is that you should name him Turbonigger, in hommage to your genes.

What future?

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Tough times birth tough men. Now lets hope he has parents that aren‘t complete morons.
Also, how do you know he‘s being born in a few hours?

Kill conservative politicians, supporters, and major oil/coal/lumber companies right now or your kid is going to live with hundreds of millions of climate refugees, no animals except on old internet videos, and as an endless slave wage for mega corps.

Either she's in labour, or Caesarean, obviously.

Simmer down, Greta.

Your kid, not mine.

A very tumultous one. I recently read my old Uni books about the spanish flu and boy, you're in for trouble. Prepare for widespread poverty to hit the world and the next ten years will be full of hardship. Stick to your close family/friends and neighbours you trust. Cities will return back to the rather violent pre 20ies times when everybody knew if you stepped outside when it gets dark, you could get killed.
after that, expect an economic boom, at least for the west.
No idea how bad the hotter climate and pollution will fuck us over, but these are just my predictions if Corona is the only thing that will shake up the world. If some country like China starts a major war, expect even more hardship. How things are currently and how society/economy worked in the last decades is definitely going to change. Just a reminder what the end of WW1 and the three devastating waves of the spanish flu did to europe:
>Gave rise to a very short economic boost that immideatly crashed fucked everything up even more.
>Germany was nearly taken over by commies, luckily they were swiftly crushed by WW1 veterans.
>France was a clusterfuck after the war. Low birthrates, the constant fear of another war with germany and one shitty government after another basically enabled all the factors that got the best army on the continet defeated in a few weeks.
>UKs downward spiral escalated and basically US took over. WW2 was just putting a seal on it.
>Suffragete, worker emancipation movements as well as facism became widespread due to poverty, bad future prospects and so on. Commies also had a lot of sympathizers but when Staling started to purge everybody people quickly started to favour reactionary things over commies.
>Minorities like Jews became targets of constant harassment even before the Nazis took over. It was basically a sign of culture to be an antisemite.
Prepare for a wild ride. I think all the muzzies in Europe are in for a rude reception.

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The best future

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I hope he isn't being born in a hospital, kek.

coronavirus ended civilization, so the final year of anno Domini

>my wife's son*


It's always like that. Your kid will feel the same way when he gets to be a father. The world is horrible.

How could you fall for the boomer propoganda about having children? Were your lives so shallow you needed a mini-me to feel complete? Were you so intoxicated by your tiny inner world that you marveled at the first thing that made you consider others?
Is 8 billion people not enough? Do you think the world so desperately needs whatever poorly reared spawn you can muster? The argument that having a child is the most fulfilling thing someone can do is selfish and pathetic. The profound shallowness that this sentiment speaks to is staggering. Women are allowed to feel this way, evolution made the majority of them want to have people at varying stages of life slide in and out of them. And it kind of makes sense that the insecurity /incompleteness that comes from this drive makes women the most gullible target audience that will buy anything that claims to fill the void they feel from this dive being unfulfilled. What is the excuse of men who claim to want children? Are they dumb? Brainwashed? Lying?

>Hey pol/, my son is going to be born in a few hours, what kind of fucked up future will he be in for? Any other new father's on here or with young children having similar thoughts? I need some whitepills, future is looking bleak
Pic related. (S)he will become a degenerate, cockhungry sissy faggot by age 12.

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They induce vaginal birth often also now.
I honestly think its because doctors are fucking lazy and want to schedule it instead of being called in the middle of the night when it naturally happens.
I personally think its bullshit and would tell the doc to fuck off.
Actually, I never would have had that doctor in the first place.

They are inducing birth due to his size. Been at the hospital for a few awhile now waiting for the contractions to kick in

well first and foremost if you get him circumcised it'll be over before it even started.

What race is it?

White don't worry

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He will be born into an era of hardship. Raise him well.

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Fuck you for having sex

Congrats dad. Sorry but I have no experience so no advice to offer.

50% from wife
50% from wife's boyfriend

OP is a söyboy faggot cuck
and his daughter(male) is a cocksucking sissy MUTT

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Keep him safe from kikes and his future will be brighter than most

Call him Geralt fucking ay
Also train him to be a real bean
Is it the words I say I am a responsible man

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Neck yourself, leaf

June told me you were having a baby. Wyatt’s pumped.

i dont give a shit about future neither the less about your mutt shit kid

Life threw a curve ball at me. I was actually content with my life and not having kids. Like that another user said, the world is a horrible place and I had my doubts about bringing a child into it. My mission in life now is to keep him from being corrupted like my parents did.

Have you burdened your offspring with being a sissy-white? Or did you honourably choose to breed Asian/Latina instead?

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fuck off kike.

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>My mission in life now is to keep him from being corrupted like my parents did.
You've already failed her. You're a terrible parent for not recognizing your daughter's true gender and sexual identity. Pathetic

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Imagine actually being this American

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Imagine sitting on pol while your son is about to be born, go be with your wife you faggot.

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I have 4 kids to different Eastern European women. I'd suggest playing roulette, winning and surprising your favourite kid. Spend as much time at pub as possible.

Don't have them cut his penis off.

it won't be easy to be a brown person in the US, but it's getting better.

America is poised for another 100+ years of dominance because of it has become the #1 oil exporter in the world. Trump is cutting huge and very lucrative trade deals. They can more or less cure AIDS now. As long as your son is educated and stays off drugs and you help him get established in life he will be set up for a pretty good life. Things are changing now and going back to the way they were in the 19th century. We are going to have a lot of poor people working for a much smaller number of rich ones. Make sure your son is one of the rich ones. That's my plan. I have three (white) sons, and all three are Lifetime Members of the NRA, have stock market accounts (Schwab custodial account), and will be expected to either start businesses or go to grad/law/medical school.

>what kind of fucked up future will he be in for?

The best possible I'd say.

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My child is due on the 13th, I apologise if I've caused this and it turns out to be Pestilence which my wife gives birth to.

Having said that, our children have a great future ahead of them, with the prospect of being the ones to finally cull the Nogletts / Muzzies with the peak of the cornered rat effect fast approaching. Beyond that, they're just in time for living well over 1000 years due to anti-ageing breakthroughs and eventually venturing in to space with AI companions

Also, suggest pol approved names please

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God I fuckin' hate leafs.


>I have 4 kids to different Eastern European women

How did you manage that?

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Uncle user will always love you, Pestilence!

based and roopilled

At the very best case scenario, he can look forward to being raised fatherless.

Hanging around schoolgates poaching milfs, I'm a fireman so it's too easy really.

Had my share of stds though which I think made my last kid "Jonas" abit fucky. His mums fucked off to Lithuania now though so I'll expect a Facebook message from him in a few years.

My baby daughter was born last week. We named her Flounder after the variety of fish we are going to be using to sexually assault her with as a teenager. Flounder Phillips.

She's beautiful.

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hey dude
Just had my first son last week.
I'm not worried, everything is gonna be allright. Humanity is always exposed to challenges since the very beginning, it's all good. Have faith, it's essential, otherwise you fall in the NPC panic/victim culture.

Now that I have a kid I really have "skin in the game", it feels fucking great Im really proud to be a father. Hope lots of anons will experience it as well.

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PS: It's been a few years since I've turned back to Christianity. I feel like I will need it to go through some future potential tough times, and so will my children. Without any religion or any transcendental horizon, the modern world gets you too disoriented. I predict a huge return to faith for the coming decades.

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He'll be immune to the corona chan at least.

Do not get him circumcised, its the evilist thing you can do, they will try to con you or your wife, steal him to do it, try to do it without your permission, theyre sneaks in general about it, do mot take your eyes off him for even a single second if you want him to leave the hospital in one piece

Sorry to say bro, but your child is inheriting an already sinking ship. The world is entering the final phase of the magnetic pole shift. An extinction level event.