Hordes of starving monkeys seen storming empty streets in Thailand as tourists stay away


Hundreds of starving monkeys fought over a single banana that was left in the street, as tourists who regularly feed them shun Thailand.

>The normally well-fed primates swarmed across a street in Lopubri, central Thailand, after they spotted a fellow monkey holding a banana.

>A clip showed the primates giving chase to the unlucky monkey, who was doing his best to stay ahead of the pack.

>But, it took a sinister turn as they started to shriek and fight over the measly fruit.

>The monkeys are then seen jumping over one another and ferociously grabbing at each other as the battle for the banana escalated.


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This is what will happen in 'murica

Substitute word monkey with nigger
Substitute word banana with sneakers
Substitute word Thailand with Brooklyn

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They've spent so long reliant on western tourists that when left only with their local humans (who are third worlders who lack compassion for other living creatures) they instantly implode and slaughter eachother.

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'mirin those quads and glutes


My god. There have been money sightings in my town too?

Rise of the planet of the apes soon?

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Not your town.

You're not Japanese.
It's their town.

When foreign aid stops

Time to grab a .22 and head over to Thailand.

you know it

I pay property tax. It's my fucking town.

i heard that hunter is now a popluar job in japan for pig and monkey even peacock

Kek, I thought the thumbnail was from the us mexico border until I looked closer.

>money sightings in my town
jews are going to come running

I bet the tourists were told not to feed the monkeys


Just like tourists to Australia are told to FUCK OFF by virtually every living being on the continent.

Hey.... what??? Hey????

God damnit he has a flat ass just like asian women. Make it stop.

Ok corona chan, you can carry on purging humans, but it’s not funny to starve the monkeys. They are fun little filthy buddies that just wanna have a good time and throw some poop around once in a while. Don’t be a cunt to the monkeys corona chan

Used to be able to buy guns as a foreigner in Thailand.


True true. Guns aren't hard to get but you need the proper paperwork. And can only hunt in your local area.

Deer and boar are the main animals people hunt but sometimes a bear is sighted a bit too close to the town so it finds its way onto the menu.
Where I live now there aren't really any hunting spots but I used to live in the mountains and you could basically do drive bys on deer there were so many (highly illegal though).

Hundreds of naked niggers fought over a single pair of sneakers that was left in the street, as tourists who regularly dress them shun Brooklyn.

>The normally well-dressed primates swarmed across a street in Kensington, central Brooklyn, after they spotted a fellow nigger holding sneakers.

>A clip showed the primates giving chase to the unlucky nigger, who was doing his best to stay ahead of the pack.

>But, it took a sinister turn as they started to shriek and fight over the measly shoes.

>The niggers are then seen jumping over one another and ferociously grabbing at each other as the battle for the sneakers escalated.

in related news:

Troops of monkeys have raided the offices of India's top cabinet ministers and taken over, leaving ministers too scared to make eye-contact with the animals

>virus turns chinese into cockhunters
i knew it. virus turns you gay!

that's a great filename

god it would be so hot if a big nigger with a massive bbc bootyclapped that gorilla ass

Did a cop get acquitted?

fucking gaijin


I was thinking that link said worldstar of all things


I though that was how aussies said hello.

So US cities if China takes over.

Already happening in the toilet paper isle..

and then their president cancelled all travel from europe!

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woah it just goes to show.

This what America would look like without food stamps

Russki talking like he wouldn't club his babushka for a vodka bottle

Kek. You're alright.

just posted this in another thread, seems more relevant here.

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Imagine a world without whites.


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So basically coon town when the white mans money drys up

literally what niggers do eveyrday

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Signs are up everywhere

>who lack compassion for other living creatures
Feeding wildlife is not compassionate, subhuman. The retarded tourists feeding these monkeys caused the problem.


Its apening, they are taking over...

I say the same when every summer we get aussie cunts coming over here with their ancestry visas looking for work, just fuck off cunt

Do niglets pass the mirror test?

I am starting to think the only thing h*mans understand is the crack of a whip or a rifle.

Feeding wild animals is sick and it helps their population grow too much. I wouldn't feel myself safe if I had to live in a country where I have to pay protection food to a gang of monkeys.

Niggers fighting over a KFC double down burger.

Underrated. Fpbp as always.

Can we actually see a fucking video or is this some sensationalist media fake news clickbait bullshit?

Those monkeys are the only nonwhites we chose to not conquer, respect your betters, groid.

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No worries, they can always make sopa de macaco out of them.

i gotchu


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what about the Emu's

LOL it is literally the Apocalypse for them.

Fake bullshit. Gotcha.


Call me a vodkanigger all you want, but babushka is sacred you fucking savage.

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