100% of you incels on /pol missed the boat at around age 13 when women were chasing boys

100% of you incels on /pol missed the boat at around age 13 when women were chasing boys.

If you never experienced, before the age of 22 or so, women being sexually aggressive, you never will.

Before a certain age women are very aggressive to men they find attractive, then after that, start to pick me based on their ability to provide financial security, rather than actual physical lust. Most men know this and live in denial of it - that they can "buy" a woman's attraction, either through money or through manipulation (like Yas Forums's obsesson with white male power).

So as a result you channel your anger at this into racialized politics in able to form a masculinized hierarchy at which you are at the top for being white, despite knowing that in your prime years you were unwanted by women.

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so is this also the cause of Jewish nationalism? and Tibetan nationalism? this slur is only used against white people. left wing people are sexually obsessed

no. i lost my virgininty at 13 and im in my 40s. women my age and older are still chasing hot bad boys. it never stops fags.

women become most horny at the age of 34+

Is that supposed to be a molymeme quote?

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This guy unironically advocated for being a beta male provider as an alternative to lay down and rot. What a fucking clown

as OP said:
>Before a certain age women are very aggressive to men they find attractive, then after that /--/

but it's not the age of the man, if you want to experience the "aggression" as he puts it, take care of yourself and socialize with women who are younger ("than the age of 22 or so" as OP puts it to be on the safe side)

Nigger I was a KHV until age 24 because of severe social and poverty issues (relatively speaking). I had to get my shit together first, but I'm fine now. Married w/ 2 children. Have sex, incel.

the american political spectrum is the most insane pseudo-science in the world. how can it just be a proxy for whites and jews with everything about sex? it's like if freud drew up some charts on politics and we're all supposed to believe the sex and wing theory of political philosophy. the fact that americans don't just say "this is all BS" actually discgusts me desu.

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i know this is just a bait post, but i want to repeat: whoever writes the book that ends the ideology of wing theory - will be remembered through the ages. it is pseudoscience and everybody knows it but for some reason nobody provides an alternative.

can you imagine telling israelis that voted likud that they voted that way because they can't get laid?

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So u say I should bang some 13yo? Sweet

Stefan is married too and I sincerely doubt he's had sexual contact with his wife in the last 20 years

Diversity for thee but not for me goy

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I've been lurking here since I was 11.
Explain that.

all girls found/find me attractive. I had my first kiss at around 8 years old from a fucking 5 year old who pinned me down on the floor of the school bus. I got naked with the first girl of my life around 10. Ages are a blur from childhood. She let me "experiment" on her body like a doctor. After puberty at 13/14 the best looking girls in my 8th grade class all had crushes on me. High school I got nudes from any girl I pursued. Best looking sluts from my area and nearby towns followed me on twitter. Girls started comparing me to the same handful of actors over and over again since I was about 15. College my friends moms literally "jokingly" asked if "he liked older women." Girls would flash me and bite their lips just from seeing my side profile. 2 girls stopped me on the sidewalk and asked to have sex with me once when I was 21.

Only 22 now. Too bad I'm psychologically fucked and stuck with you losers.

it's time for your meds user.

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Ah yes even married men with daughters are incels now

We will put all cunts back into kitchen where they belong
And kill everyone who dares to oppose us
Death to everything i dont like

Did you fuck em?

who cares about some dumb thot
I'm concerned with political discussion and women are a very small topic here

>everything is about sex
This is your mind on NPC

Really reflecting on my life now. I remember walking on the school bus one time in 7th grade and two of the 1st graders in the front seat tried pulling my pants down and would ask me to sit with them.


Nah I'm socially awkward but kinda on purpose and just walked away

The fact that this will go to 300 replies proves your point

>ha ha look at you you're miserable
Yes, I know this, what's your point?

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tfw you had buses full of girls cat calling you in HS.
and STILL have older women and even High school age girls try to flirt with me in public when I am 30. It is exhausting, really.

99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior fo those women. All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

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>apply females arent still sexually aggressive

just few weeks ago i had my sisters friend trying to get us all to drink. shes always joking around wanting to me to touch her ass ect. btw she has a boyfriend. but ehh im in california. shes like a 6/10, i have no interest. maybe if she was a 8.5/10, but yes

The worst part about it... If it were say at a local mall and some girls come up to talk to me it gets looks immediately from older jealous women hoping to fuck me over if something "looks wrong".

I hope my looks hold up by the time I'm 30. I figured 40 is when things start to go downward noticeably, and even then some people just never look bad no matter the age.

that's probably correct, as true sexual contact in its purest form violates the non-aggression principle xD

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real talk. All you have to do is not be overweight. The rest takes care of itself for men. I had a woman describe it to me as "it's just the way you carry yourself".

This is the dumbest OP I've ever read, and it's clear indicator that whatever jackass wrote this has no experience with women. I have had success with women to the point that I am almost surely in the top .1% in terms of partners, and the most sexually aggressive I have experienced is older attractive cougar types toward myself when I was in my mid 20s. Teenage girls were easy when I was younger, but they were never sexually aggressive in general like the mid 30s to early 40s attractive women who still want to be sexually competitive with the younger women who don't have to try as hard.

Ok boomer
t. 28yo autist with 16 yo gf.

Rape is always an option. There will be plenty of booty to go around when the warring starts if you know what I mean.

You’re clinically insane and have typos riddled through this post. Stop projecting.

Trying to hang out with my buddy at a bar and have a few drink. Older woman walks over and offers to buy me a drink, think sure why not. By the end of the first drink she orders another right away and starts pawing at my junk. This woman was obviously mid 40s.

>100% of you incels on /pol missed the boat at around age 13 when women were chasing boys.
I didn't miss the chance. I hit them back then because I thought they were mocking me.

Yeah I'm sure you do

Because you're the first man in history to brag about sex he's not getting

you have no idea how damn aggressive women can be. It just gets boring and just out right tiring after a while. Sometimes you just want to be left the fuck alone.

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its not boring at all. its exhilirating and feels amazing when you have a group of women who you know are into you

>through manipulation (like Yas Forums's obsesson with white male power).
Stopped reading there.
OP is obviously jewish or female and psychotic.

Another simp slide thread

Yeah, it feels amazing until your early to mid 20s. You feel like a fucking God. But it does get old, especially when you have goals outside of fucking everything that presents itself to you. After about 100 or so times the novelty is completely gone.

When I was around 9 or so a woman who looking back must had been late 30s came up to me while I was sitting alone at a table by the pool of a Disney hotel resort. She struck a conversation up with me for 15 minutes, can't remember about what. My family said they watched it happen from behind glass walls inside the hotel and were really creeped out. She had long red hair is all I can really remember. I thought nothing of it.

This. Take your meds user. You'r just reflecting yourself here.

nope. it's thrilling whenever it happens. if you truly love and appreciate women, having them interested in you make you blush.

Seems like all women hate men and their vaginas are as dry as the Sahara and despise the idea of sex. Why can't women just be as horny as men? Literally everything would be solved.

Oh wow youre such a gigachad. Is that what you wanted me to say? Happy?

nice cope, but it's been scientifically proven that women have it easier until 35 and then men have it easier thereafter. ironically, right-wing politics would benefit the women's situation much more than the men's.

Fuck you queer

lol after 35 you get beta bucks

beta bucks can and never will compensate for genuinely physical attraction

you have no clue what you are talking about.

cope harder and keep denying science, I'm sure eventually your eggs will come back if you just smash the patriarchy hard enough or something

Same kind of shit happened with me. Stuff like that just seems "normal" because it always happened to you, and it isn't until you come to places like Yas Forums and see that it doesn't happen like that for everyone.

Ive never heard greater cope; women want to fuck sexually attractive chad regardless of what age they're at.

Look fellas, I'm gonna be perfectly honest.

It's virtually impossible to argue with men on /pol, because whenever something truthful gets said, you instantly go into denial.

Yes, truth is hurtful, and yes, your brain has built in pain-responses to negative hurtful truths, but if I'm coming here and saying things that are truthful for me, but not for you, on what basis are you able to disagree other than from a position of anger and pain?

Alright last story and this is a good one. Last year I had the worst testicle pain of my life that came on after intermittent bouts of shooting pain for a month or two. This shit hurt so badly I legit asked my friend to drive to my apartment and drive me to the nearby hospital because I was afraid to walk. I got there and they suspected it was a testicular torsion (look it up) from running.

I had to sit in the waiting area scared out of my fucking mind for an hour and a half thinking I was going to lose a testicle, waiting for a technician to come and scan my balls with some device. I forget what it was called. It was like a mini xray thing. The person who shows up is a 30 something year old young and attractive woman you'd expect to see from somewhere on pornhub, but not at all disgusting or bimbo looking. She had me take of my pants and put a towel over my dick while I laid down and she began rubbing this hot gel all over my nuts. I cannot begin to express how surprised I was at how good it felt especially when she started scanning them for what must had been 10-15 minutes. It was literally impossible not to get a medium chub during this with precum and trust me I tried imaging the most disturbing and sad things in my mind to NOT get a boner in front of this lady. I even ate like 3000 cals of food with my friends (it was a Friday) before this and my stomach must had been bulging out.

Anyway I got hard and she had to ask me, "can you uhm" and I was confused and she signaled and said "can you move it" or something but she wasn't talking about my cock, but my left nut iirc so she could better scan. I legit moved my dick under the towel and pointed it toward my belly button LMFAO (continued)