@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on Corona-chan 3/11/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Big Bank CEOs 3/11/20
>VP Pence Interview w/C-SPAN 3/11/20
>Don Jr on HardFactorNews 3/11/20
>SoS Pompeo meets w/huehue FM Araújo 3/11/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin comments to reporters 3/11/20
>HHSSec Azar on F&F 3/11/20
>CMSAdm Verma on JohnFredericksShow 3/11/20
>Don Jr on HughHewittShow 3/11/20
>Eric Trump on F&F 3/11/20
>ThiccSarah on F&F 3/11/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on FBN 3/11/20
>Trump2020PrinDepCommsDir Perrine on FoxNews 3/11/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/AsstSoS4DRL Destro) 3/11/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (SOUTHCOM Comdr USNAdm Faller) 3/11/20
>BeBestVideo: FLotUS Melania @DOJ Natl Opioid Summit 3/11/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck captchas and fuck the new baker
but new baker is needed

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i got it


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The fucking fix is in lmao
Biden will cancel the debate

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we did it reddit

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based and endofthreadpilled


AWOO and drink wadur

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their latest releases have not been to my liking at all, although i admit there are some gems on them, but overall i dislike them

There will be no public events next week. Unless you are a fucking sub 60 IQ mongoloid. Even the niggers are starting to worry about Coronavirus

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I thought chinks were supposed to be smart. Why is China so retarded?

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Behold, my favorite Awoo

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chinese society is like a massively parallel system

post smiling Trump

The only chinks who make it to the West are the smart and the rich(and corrupt). You have a sample size of a few million compared to a population of over a billion. Half of China's stock traders never even went to high school, much less college for example.

>and i'm in a spooky mood


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will a cheeky grin do?

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Where did you hear this meme? The only reason they have good test scores is because they cheat at literally everything

Are all species of nogs like this or just the Burger sub-specie?


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what's your favorite SCP?

Considering how many chinks get caught cheating in US universities it is plausible they cheat on IQ tests in China as well. Fuck, the USSR dedicated 1% of their GDP to the Olympics just for the propaganda that commies are good at sports. Why wouldn't commie chinks lie about how smart they are?

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I'm not familiar with that.

If they are cancelling the debate with only 2 ppl needing to show up & a few production staff then primary elections will certainly be cancelled

Tfw no gf to copulate with during the self quarantine period. Well at least its everyday self quarantine for me

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>europeans seething over trump banning them from the us
Good. 90% of europeans are subhumans who deserve to die tbqhwyf.

Creepy creatures, they were a fixture on Yas Forums about 10 years ago or so. The "random" function doesn't seem to work so try by series.
also goodnight buddy.

they are still writing fan fiction

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Italian people effected more by batsoup virus because Italiansmare weaker.

Gibbin shabbi dooo doo



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Ah. Pleasant dreams, my friend.

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italy has a shit ton of chinese immigrants but they'll never say how many are chinks

On Earth 2, the #metoo movement has climaxed with the hangings of Bill Clinton as the most powerful rapist the country ever experienced and the drawing and quartering of Hillary Clinton as both an enabler of rape and a Gender Traitor.

Earth 2 sounds like a fun place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

so no mention of the wars the US would be fighting?

>everyone leaves
it's a dumb idea, but it would be sort of nice to have like an "hours of operation" for /ptg/ where throughout the night the thread ends and there'd be a volunteer baker to bake at like 5/6am est

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Earth two was already nearly conquered by China

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/ptg/ is hooked up to the nuclear button. If we don't have a /ptg/ for any given hour, the nukes will go live

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Such a cuck

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Yas Forumsbro here with a friendly reminder that Boeing will likely file for bankruptcy by mid 2021. When they do, buy immediately because the US government WILL bail them out. Sell when that happens. Boeing is a financial engineering firm now, not an aviation one. But they are also the nationalized aerospace industry for the department of defense.

he sounds agitated

Will this be the world first Skyped democratic debate?

What is that crazy jap up to these days?

He had a stroke so he will be one of the 1st on the gurney if he gets it in his area. Good riddance

She's pretty moderate. Wants peace between the races or something like that. My Japanese is not that good so I only get a vague sense of what she's talking about.

he took the laziest, cliche route of attack. its like he's given up on the inside

premium stuff

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Leaving the EU made it harder for him to rape kids in Spain.

>Melania wearing her coat Yugi-style

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JEJ, just leave the morning shift for euros or aussies user. Also
> Trump banning euros from the US
T-That doesn’t include from this thread too, does it?

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Trump misspelled a word and I noticed it.
I just wanted everyone to know that.

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Trump did well, even Portugal put a travel ban in Italy. Should have done much earlier, all our cases came from Italy except for one that came from Spain.

Trump should have placed a travel ban in Mexico and Central America as well.

I am so screwed, cuck country sandwiched between other cuck countries that are all exploding in cases. It will be hard to buy tp when shit hits the fan

>euros or aussies
aussies haven't made this general in ages and you're the only other euro that bakes

People still didn’t explain me why the fuck they buy TP. This disease doesn’t give diarrhea, European homes have bidets, what the fuck are they panic buying it for?
> just wash your butt bro

Nah, some German flag took baking recently. People will figure out, no need to stay awake if you would prefer to sleep user

>He doesn't know about The Crappening

Attached: Doesn'tKnow.gif (600x293, 2.14M)

Still going to vote for Trump.


I assume they all just fell for a meme, see other people buying tp, oh shit BUY BUY BUY, that's how the crappening happens

either this (most likely) or costco has really great deals on toilet paper

Ahh fuck.

TP is going to be worth more than gold and bullets.
You can't wipe your ass with either.


Looks more like a delivery for Joepedo.

Damn I miss having a woman. Fuck the ex wife. Cheating whore. But anons on /ptg/ just aren’t cutting it for my only company these days. You guys are alright though. No homo

>tfw black market tp

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Started with people seeing Chinese buying it to sell back in china where they actually ran out

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