What does "Blessed are the meek" mean?

What does "Blessed are the meek" mean?

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Immune to Corana we shall inherit the earth

it means that the bastards will kill each other eventually

It means the Chinese will inherit the ruins of the post Corona apocalyptic world after all the boomers in the west die.

That Cucktianity literally praises you for being a pusharound

Idk. I'm not a christcuck.

The only thing theyll inherit will be scraps

The meek shall inherit nothing.

one word: nematodes

it means those who are submissive to God, not those who are submissive to other humans, most people miss understand this and think it means the weak. but it means those who submit to the confession that Christ is lord

Its supposedly (((mistranslated))), and it originally meant something like, "Those who carry swords, but refrain from using them, shall inherit the earth." I understand it as the strong who wisely strive for peace shall inherit the earth, and not the weak.

Lord God I come befor your mighty throne in your court thanking you for your forgivness,
accepting the legal work done by Jesus, who was born of a virgin, died on the cross as a
sacrifice for all of my sins and the sins of all the world, and was reserected on the third day.
I rejoice in knowing that with christs blood the evil one has no right over me, and that with
Jesus as my personal saviour all of your blessings are free to decend apon me and my family.
Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for all the lies I have ever told,
I thank you for forgiving me for all the times I have ever stolen,
I thank you for forgiving me for all the sexual perversity I have comitted,
Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I disrespected my parents
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I coverted other peoples belongings
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I broke a contract
Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I commited or enabled murder
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I have blasphemed or used your name in vain
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I put other gods befor you
Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I worshiped an idol
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I have looked with lust
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I was intoxicated

you’re a real idiot user, and that’s ok. Not everyone was born like you. You’re special. :)

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Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I have blackmailed people
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I ever gambled
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I ever gossiped
Lord God
I thank you for forgiving me for every time I ever verbally abussed people
I thank you for forgiving all the curses that the sins of my ancestors created
I thank you for enabling me to forgive every person that ever sinned against me
Lord God
I thank you for blessing me with my daily needs
I thank you for healing and strengthening my mind body and soul
I thank you for allowing me to hear your voice when you are guiding me
Lord God
I thank you for your saving grace that has given me eternal life and entrance into heaven,
I thank you as by my self I was incapable and bound by my flesh, but with you Lord you deliver me
from the evil that is in me and around me and that comes against me and in the name of Jesus Christ
I command it to come out of me, and to get behind me, and to go to the pit never to return.
Lord God I confess all these things in your court befor your mighty throne in Jesus name and through
the power of the holy spirit. Thank you for blessing all the areas of my life.

You only say this because you're prideful though, self respect is one thing, killing someone because they smacked you is another.

Basically saying let aliens rape your ass or anyone for that matter.

meek? I thought he said " Blessed are the greeks"

It means don;t resist and you get to be part of the kike's One World Order.

I thought they got the kingdom of heaven. do they get both? that's greedy.
so "coolheaded"?

Religious topic belong to /x/

its talking about people with down syndrome

on earth as it is in heaven.....we get both

It means Christianity is trying to brainwash you into thinking the highest goal is to let people walk all over you and thank them for it.

and what about "Blessed are the cheese-makers"

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


It's a complete mistranslation, likely to justify the reign of the British monarch over plebs.
Even Jordan Peterson took it to question.


Jewish emasculation propaganda.

What does "what does this mean" mean?

exactly what it says

no, fags let others walk all over them, the righteous stand against evil, and will defend it with violence when necessary

Op is a christcuck 1 post

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That‘s probably a cope because christians know that‘s a huge load of bullshit. I would believe this if it was the only time christianity praised servility. But it isn‘t. It is all over the bible. For example matthew 5:39 “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

'those who know when to sheithe their sword will inherit the world'

Exactly. This is why christians are all fags because their religion explicitly promotes meek behavior. Ofc you can be a christian who has some dignity left, but then you wouldn‘t be a good christian by definition because you do not live the way god taught you. Then why even be christian?

Cucks and incels will win because they wont get super aids from stacy

It's us you stupid faggot. CoronaChan is on our side.

Christianity is dying among whites anyways.

Not realizing that Jews rejected Christianity and Jesus for the same reason.

It should have died long ago. It should have never existed.

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And? Just because they are jews doesn‘t mean everything they do is unreasonable. If they were merely stupid, they wouldn‘t have that much power and money in this world. The problem with jews isn‘t that they can‘t think logical. The issue is that they lack the human aspect. There is a middle ground between being a greedy monster and a submissive bootlicker but very few manage to find it.

it was a part of the bible that was put in there after the Romans co-opted the religion during the ecumenical councils, basically writing in subservience to the state as the word of God.

Early Christians=Bolsheviks in 1917
Nero did nothing wrong.

It's Jewish bullshit designed to make you weak and impotent. A man who believes inaction is the key to his survival will not act.

Didn't expect anything lesser from the MountainJew.

You can cherrypick but the fact remains that all organized religion has done more harm than good for humanity. Christianity is up there in the „who is responsible for the downfall of mankind“ parade.

You should really work on your reading comprehension.


NEETS, who's more meek than a NEET?

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the lesson jesus was giving with the slap, coat, and carrying a roman's pack require cultural context from back then for you to understand, they were all smart ways of resisting oppression or violence without escalating the situation, for example the carrying bag two miles instead of one was based on roman soldiers being able to requesition you to carry his bag for a mile, but if you carried it longer he'd have to beg you to stop so that he doesnt get in trouble with his superiors for breaking regulations, imagine a column of soldiers passing you on the road and forcing you to turn around and follow them with their bags, chances are if you obeyed theyd just take turns making you carry each of their bags one mile but if you carried the first soldiers bag 2 and embarrass him in front of the others youre more likely to be let go to be on your way.

You are just like the Jew who rejected Jesus

>What does "Blessed are the meek" mean?
It means that Jews think they're the meek while they subsequently run every government and own all the money as they stab everyone in the back, accusing those they stab as the perpetrator while they do it

I am aware of the context. The bible itself isn‘t the issue. The issue is how christianfags interpret it. They bought into the „the author is dead“ idea, which wouldn‘t be an issue if they did not use it to destroy humanity. If the issue was merely annoying or idiotic, one could just brush it off as some people being morons. But this is not one of those situations.

It means they are blessed to fade away into obscurity and utter meaningless for being the most worthless forms of life Mother Nature could have fathomably created

you are god damned right I am prideful you filthy fucking jew
I am proud of being a superior human being to you; I am proud of my physical prowess and the FACT that I KNOW I could kill you with my bare hands; my body is a well crafted fine piece of machinery, nor with a single debilitation nor ailment, I am the peak human form in the prime of my life and I could gloriously kill numerous people with an axe before breaking a sweat, then numerous more before I am finally subdued.
Physically I am glorious, mentally I am glorious, not mentally cucked like you or the toilet paper buying masses are. No greater glory could befall me other than dying fighting in battle against my sub-human enemies, for killing them would do my modest and humble part in forging a better world for my white descendants and kin.
I am proud that I am not a fat fuck, I am proud that I am not a doped up s oy-estrogen-pharmaceutical fast food sub-human retard, I am proud I am fit, I am proud of my ancestors, I am proud of my children, I am proud of my tribe and I am ultimately proud that I am not mentally cucked for life like a christian. fuck off jew

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It means, don't revolt against your "betters".

Too bad this this phrase also doesn't mean "be a huge pushover" either.

To slap someone on the right cheek was considered the more "noble" way of striking someone, since you would be using your left hand (which in Jewish culture has always been considered "more unclean"). By returning a slap across the right cheek with an offering of the left cheek, you put the offender in a bit of a awkward position. If they slap you on your left cheek they either have to either back hand you or smack with their right, both of which would be socially unacceptable. In a way, it forced the aggressor to either publicly humiliate himself by broadcasting his arrogance against social norms, or to acknowledge that the person who was slapped was more morally righteous than him.

Same goes with a lot of the stuff in the Sermon of the Mount


Correct. Good on you, user. I didn't have to post it after all.

It means there is cyclical patterns of destruction that destroy civilization on earth and that only the "meek" primitive hunter gatherer/tribal cultures that are self sufficient will survive these cataclysms as the larger more complex/sophisticated the culture the more vulnerable they are to these disasters

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hahah your a moron, and you live under Chinese rule. hahahah faggot all that talk and what have you done? name something you have actually done that your proud of, instead of a bunch of what you think you could do. what have you done shit bag? im guessing nothing, you dont love your race, your a loser

living on earth is legit hellish so it does not matter.