Would Yas Forums consider this white?

would Yas Forums consider this white?

Attached: eth.png (480x357, 15.78K)

you can drink tea with me

I wouldn't call any Anglo White, but that's just me.


This was mine.

Attached: Screenshot_20191118-180152_Chrome.jpg (1080x792, 209.12K)

Mine is considered non-White by Yas Forums lol

Attached: myheritage.png (338x362, 86.72K)

This is what a White man looks like.

Attached: E2nrxb2N.png (421x423, 27.05K)

how come yours doesn't trace it to an exact region of like mine does?

Bantus are based niggers, your disntant ancestor rape some of his cotton pickers

Those ethnicity tests are bs, they dont use enough markers to be accurate , margin of error is like +/-10%

Iuuugh imagine being a a nordcuck brainlet, literally mudhut whiteniggers

>you have Derbyshire genes!
pseudoscience for dumb colonists.

Can confirm. I sent the exact same sample to three different databases and got very different results (within expected deviation, though).

Yes. It's easy.
>Ethnic European = White
>ANYTHING ELSE = Non-white

you are literally mutt

If your ancestors didn't own niggers you're not white.

but YOUR ancestors ARE literally niggers?

>If your ancestors didn't import shit-skins into your nation, you're not White
Nah, bro.. Like said - you're a mutt nation because your ancestors ARE niggers.

so are Poles
like half of you were jews before ww2 kek

Source? I can't find any evidence that backs up that claim. Best I could find was sources during WW2 that said that Poland was divided between Germany and Russia, and that "muh millions" of Jews supposedly died during that time.

However, if we account for language (Yiddish and Hebrew) then _at most_ Poland had 3 million Jews in the country at the time they were occupied, which would strongly contradict your claim that half of the population were Jews (with a total population of 22 million at the time).

So I ask again - what are your sources?

they are, right?

pick one

Am I white?

Attached: dna result trk.jpg (523x257, 23.89K)

This those islandniggers who destroyed Europe are closer to the jews.

According to Yas Forums the only person everyone agrees is white is Shaun King.

You're a cockroach.

Litteraly a nigger.

Attached: europe pol.jpg (1200x1142, 624.42K)

Would you look at this mud hut.

Attached: nidaros-cathedral-trondheim.jpg (550x412, 55.87K)

Good thing corona-chan will get the repulsive fuckers like you soon.

Unlikely, I never leave the house :D

Sorry, better luck next time

Yes. Convert to orthodoxism like your Byzantium ancestors.

0 cases in turkey. It seems transmission from humans to cockroaches cannot occur yet. Maybe you need to be a mammal?

Gernan, polish, Turkish, Sicilian?

The only difference between britain n ireland is that britain has more french n german rape dna in it

1 case in Turkey already, gook monkey.

>what Yas Forums thinks
hide yer foolishness, child, as public masturbation is rarely ever considered intelligent

Maybe the virus doesn't transfer until it can fully attach itself to the goats you fuck, you filthy cockroach?

bix nood, my brother

Attached: ancestry-dna-2.png (1200x955, 94.48K)

That's an improvement for those islandniggers.

wasn't this site caught for throwing in stuff to stop racism?

>using the tired memes over and over again
You are being a virgin neet loser is not my problem lad. Go be angry at your mom.

that was 23andme
ancestrydna most likely does the same thing, but nobody has leaked anything about it yet
my ancestrydna test used to say

Attached: living-dna.png (1422x1060, 193.55K)

You might call them tired memes, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Maybe if you stopped fucking goats and acting like cockroaches infesting every nation you enter, then you would be treated better.
Your piece of shit country has opened the floodgates with shitskins, such as yourself, into Europe. You've categorically abused every institution you've been a part of, including NATO.

In short, there is nothing you can do to redeem yourself at this point. Every Turk is an enemy of White people everywhere, and you will die with the rest of your pest infestation.

>those anglo genes
sorry for your loss fren

Attached: 1561795636776.png (1200x1281, 255.94K)

go to such a site like a mutt showes your insecurity and makes you unwhite.

You've got Mongol genes, so I guess it's not that different :D

>swiss calling other people mutts

>Turkey: give more money for the rapefugees
>EU: lol, no
>Turkey: *opens borders*
shut the fuck up faggot, you get what you deserve.

It's a false positive come on now

Attached: 1562803389245.png (656x526, 15.11K)

Attached: 87f.jpg (647x659, 40.42K)

You beg for money lol.. Pitiful. You only risk putting yourself at war with all of Europe. That works out just fine for me. I can't wait to tag me some cockroaches.

Aye, I'll see if I can post the different results I got as well. One moment.

>Europe will declare war over some refugees
You are delusional.

A lot of variation, as you can see. What's more interesting is that I have my full family tree (on both sides) dating back to the year ~1750 and it's not remotely related to Great Britain in any way.

Best I can guess is that they give some false positives, because I have family on the Western parts of Norway.

Attached: wtf1.png (1365x987, 282.13K)

Attached: wtf2.png (425x512, 35.69K)

We all know that shitskins are more destructive than an atom bomb. You already have Greeks firing upon the literal stream of piss and shit you push across the border. It's just a matter of time.

Can't wait to murder your kin :)

God damn user you are diverse

seething swissoid

based shut-in

>would Yas Forums consider this white?
No. I was told it's the Irish that makes you non-white, but I get double non-white points for also being American, so maybe Yas Forums will take it easy on you for not being American.

Attached: dna.png (1342x478, 76.03K)

Do you know how long how Living DNA takes to process DNA data uploads?

I just uploaded my AncestryDNA which was 78% Ireland/Scotland 22% England which I think is bullshit and their system is struggling to distinguish different genes from the British Isles.

Even if theoretically my father wasn't actually my father, which I don't think is the case, my mothers ancestors are almost entirely from either South England (Kent mostly) and Wales.

I expected maybe 80% England 20% Ireland but AncestryDNA was the opposite. Ancestors almost entirely from England on both sides of family tree. A couple from Wales and Ireland.